Chapter 14

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"Just a last question. Do you have any discomfort in your breast." Ashton asked right away. This question clearly put me in shock, as well as Luke.

Anna - No, it's ok.

Ashton - then it's ok, let's get you this injection then.

Me and Luke are still in shock the way he out of no where asked me this. We are still processing it. Woah!

Let's end this day. It can't get any more weird.

Tomorrow I'll start new journey.
Morning.6.48 am
Good time to wake up.
I have to reach school by 9.00 am
I have plenty of time. I packed all the necessary things. And now time for breakfast.
Luke made oats meal and orange juice. He gave me ride to the school.
It's a nice environment.
I entered a large hall. We were addressed by our Dean about the curriculum. Now we will be having our classes for we went to a different room. It's a lecture hall. I sat next to a girl. She introduced herself "hello! My name is Stacy, nice to meet u". I smiled back and introduced myself. I was with her the whole day. I came to know that she is living here only and she lives with her parents. Eventful day . Nothing hectic.
Better than I expected.
A month passed by. I'm doing overall well in studies as well as health. My relation with Lily were also good now.
I'm just stressed about the test I'm having tomorrow. I can't study. Like I want to but I can't do that. Nothing is going in my head. I tried whatever I could do but something felt very wrong.

Test day came.
"Everyone seat on your assigned seats and start writing the test" the professor said.
I opened the paper. I knew the answer but I had little to no energy to write. I felt like sleeping. And snap. I woke up. "Miss Anna, give me your paper" professor Linsey said to me.

"Can you pls give me some time, pls, idk what happened" I said.

"Enough of your excuses young lady, give me that damn paper " Linsey said.

"No pls let me write" i kept on defending myself

"Stop making a scene, and be at my office at 4.30 pm today" Linsey said

"Ok maam " this was the only thing I could say.

Luke's POV

Anna is doing very good rn. We are very happy that she lives with us. Today she is having her test. I hope she does good.

I have my next appointment at 2 pm which is the last one of today then I'll relax.

Suddenly my phone started ringing.

"Hello, who's speaking " I asked

"Hello, good afternoon, am I talking to Dr Luke Hemmings " she asked back.

"Yes you are, may I know you are?"

"It's Dr Linsey Magven here, Anna's prof. , I called you regarding her behaviour "

Luke - what happened? She did something?

Linsey - oh yes, first she never studied for the test and then she slept the whole time during her test.

Luke - my apologies ma'am for her behaviour, there must be some reason for that

Linsey - there is no reason to be lazy, anyways we both should talk to her face to face today itself. Pls come to school by 4.30 pm

Luke - ok I'll be there.

Hmm..very strange.

Anna's POV

It's almost 4.30 pm. I opened Mrs Linsey's cabin door.
I saw Luke sitting over there.
Linsey - have a seat here.
I took a seat beside Luke. I held my head down the whole time. I don't feel good now.

Linsey - So Miss Anna anything to defend yourself for what you did today.

I said nothing. Cuz I felt bad. I am feeling sick.

Anna - I don't feel good.

Linsey - who do you think you are fooling over here, I know all students lie like this

Anna -....

Luke - Anna I never expected this from you. Your need to apologise to her for behaving like that

Anna - I'm so sorry I won't do this again.

Linsey - you may leave now, and don't do such activities again.

Luke got up from his seat and went ahead. I went behind him. I not even looked at me.
Now we are seating in the car.

Luke - see Anna, I'm not mad at you, but you shouldn't be doing such things, it's very disrespect to do such things and then make excuses.

Anna - but...

Luke - no buts Anna, just accept it.

I said nothing and for the whole ride I kept my mouth shut.

As soon as I went I'm my room. I crashed on my bed. And slept right away. Maybe it's 5.30 pm but who cares I'm going to sleep.

I woke up feeling very cold. I was shivering like hell. I could get up. I could not even lift my head or hand.
And at that moment Luke called me.
"Anna, can I come in? We need to talk about today"
No words formed in my head. I was just shivering. And I was feeling breathless.

The door opened. I saw a very disturbed Luke face. He rushingly came towards me.
"Anna look at me, oh my god, are you okk???!, say something Anna, on no she is shivering very badly."

He kept on saying things and things.

Luke's POV

Since we both came back, Anna never came out of her room. Something felt off. I knocked on her door. No reply.
I entered her room.
She is just lying on bed. Wait..she is not ok. I rushingly went to her. And tried to pick her up. "You ok Anna, what happened? Pls speak Anna, oh no she is shivering very bad"

Her body is very warm. She isn't responding. She is very clamy. Her pulse is throught the roof. Shit.

Calum came rushing to the room.
Calum - Oh god, what happened to her.

Luke - Idk, get fever reducer asap I'll call Ashton in mean time.

I kept on rubbing Anna's hand and back in order so sooth her and make her feel warm. She started coughing and tears started forming in her eyes. Idk what is happening to her. I picked up my phone and dialed Ashton.
"Ashton come at home asap, Anna's not feeling well,  idk what to do" as I talked with him he could hear Anna's cough in the background.

"I'm on my way will be there soon" saying this Ashton hanged up on the call.

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