~chapter 2~

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The next morning. Sua's birthday. Minho woke up as cheerful as a person could possibly be, thinking about his baby girl. He reached his arms out to Han, opening his eyes when he didn't feel him next to him. "Hannie," he softly called as he pulled his body up. "HANNIE," he called louder, hearing him in the bathroom. Jumping out of bed and running over to the bathroom in their room. His heart broke when he saw him leaning over the toilet, shaking. "Are you okay??" he quickly rushed over to him, kissing the back of his head before leaning down beside him and softly rubbing circles on his back.

"I'm fine," Han hiccupped, smiling as he turned to look at him. "I'm fine," he repeated as he tried to stand up.

"Slow down," Minho said as he flushed the toilet and closed the lid, helping Han sit on it. Then, he turned to grab a washcloth from the counter.

"But it's Sua's birthday..." Han started to say before Minho returned to him with the damped cloth.

"At me," Minho said, lifting his head so he would look at him.

"She's probably already awake, waiting for us," Han whined as Minho gently wiped his face.

"We're going right now," he said as he finished cleaning off his face. "Are you sure you're okay??" he asked again, surely it won't be his last.

"Mmhm," Han nodded his head before standing up. He moved behind Minho to the sink, running the water as he scooped some in his mouth, swirling it before spitting it out. He turned off the water, smiling as he turned back to Minho. He fully kissed him before leaving the bathroom.

"Jisung," he signed as Han started to run away, giggling. "Don't run!!" he yelled at him, setting the rag down and quickly washing his hands before following him.

Downstairs in the kitchen, Han sat by the sink, filling himself a glass of water. Minho joined him a little right after. Roughly smacking his ass as he walked passed him. Making him jolt forward into the counter, still laughing despite his aggression towards him. Minho walked to the other counter, grabbing the cupcake box Han had left out the previous night. Opening the box, putting it on a small plate, and sticking a small candle through the top.

"You ready??" he asked as he lit the candle, picked up the plate, and turned to Han. He finished off the glass, setting it in the sink before running over to Sua's room across the living room. The two quietly entered the room, Minho careful not to blow out the candle. Just like Han said, she was awake, sitting on her bed, playing with her stuffy, waiting for them. Her face lit up as she saw them.

"Happy birthday, baby girl," Minho said, sitting on the edge of the bed while Han kneeled beside her. He was already giving her multiple little kisses. "Okay, 1 2 3," he said as the two started to sing happy birthday to her. Her eyes softly switched between the two as she rocked her body to the tune.

"Make a wish," Han said after they finished. Sua shut her eyes tight, then blew out the candle. They all clapped as the smoke circled above them. 

"We'll eat this later," Minho laughed as she eyed the sweet, setting it down on the opposite side of him. "What do you want for breakfast??" he asked her.

"Um, pantakes," she excitedly said.

"Okay," he smiled, brushing his hand through her hair.

They both looked over to Han, whose phone started ringing in his pocket. "Oh, it's Hyunjin," he said as he pulled out his phone, answering and standing from the floor. Grabbing the cupcake as he left the room.

"Untle hunjin," Sua said, watching him leave the room. "He call my birtday," she continued, almost jumping out of bed.

Minho rolled his eyes. "I swear you love him more than us," he laughed as he pulled her into his lap. "He did call for you. You'll see him later." he softly said, pushing the hair out of her face. She squealed, restlessly moving with excitement, happy to see her uncle. "First, you need an outfit. Since you're so big, how about you pick out your own outfit??" he smiled at her.

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