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The Ndlovu place

MaNdlovu woke up and shook his husband ,waking him up and he did just that
Gatsheni:Hawu s'thandwa sam ,kwenze njani wangivusa?(Geez my love ,why did you wake me up?)
Ma:Iphi ingane Ndlovu?nakhona kwenzekeni ngoSgaxa?(Where's my child Ndlovu?and besides what happened to Sgaxa?)
Gatsheni:(Popped his eyes out and cleared his throat)Ngicela singakhulumi ngaloku Lindiwe ,ngiyak'cela nje(May we please not talk about this Lindiwe ,please)
Ma:Angihleki nawe Gatsheni ,khuluma!(I'm not joking with you Gatsheni ,talk!)
Gatsheni:Ungangikhuphuleli izwi mina ,naku uyabona ayikho ingane Lindiwe ,noma awuboni?yeee?uma ngilana nawe ingekho ingane kushukuthi ayikho ,uMbali akekho ,enye into ungangibuzi ngoSgaxa mina ,umbonile ukuthi ufile izolo nje ,manje yini le ongibuza yona!!(Don't raise your voice at me ,you see the child is not here Lindiwe ,or can't you see?huh?if I'm here with you and you don't see the child it means she's not here right ,Mbali is not here ,and another thing don't ask me about Sgaxa ,you saw that he's dead ,so what are you asking me?!!)
Ma:(Stood up)Uhambe uyofuna ingane wena!!(Go search for our child)
Then she left Gatsheni there all alone
Gatsheni:(Brushed his head and sat up straight)Yinto engizoyithini le?(What am I going to do?)
Stood up and bathed ,so did MaNdlovu but in Gog'Gatsheni's hut and and afterwards she made breakfast

Lihle woke up and she thought she'll check up on Mbali later on ,she then prepared a bath for herself and bathed ,went to the kitchen hut but on her way she saw Mpiyakhe alone and she greeted him ,she saw that he wasn't okay and she sat next to him
Mpiyakhe:Hawu Lihle angik'boni ,ubekwa yini lana?(Geez Lihle I didn't see you there ,what brings you here?)
Lihle:Ngimangazwa wukuthi uhleli wedwa mina ,phela uhlezi uhleli noSgaxa nihleka ,nakhona awubukeki uright nje ,yingakho ngilana(I'm shocked by a fact that you are sitting by yourself alone I mean you always sit with Sgaxa and joke around together ,and besides you don't seem okay ,that's why I'm here)
Mpiyakhe:(Looked down and sighed)Cha ngiright mina wukuthi nje izolo zange ngilale kahle(No I'm okay it's just that I didn't sleep well yesterday)
Lihle:Ohhh ngiyakuzwa bhuti ,ukuphi uSgaxa vele?(Ohhh I hear you bro ,where's Sgaxa by the way)
Mpiyakhe:Angimazi(Stood up)Awuthi ngiyohlala nabanye oonogada(I don't know*let me join the other guards)
Before Lihle could respond ,he left her there ,heart broken and down ,he joined the others.While Lihle on the other hand felt that something was off about Mpiyakhe's response even though she knew that Mpiyakhe is a shy person but today ,that was different ,this wasn't shyness but sadness.She then stood up and went to the house for breakfast and joined her mother who was sitting by herself ,eating.
Lihle:Wonke umuntu nje uhleli yedwa ,kwenzakalani ma?ukuphi ubaba?(Everyone is sitting by themselves ,what's going on mom?where's dad?)
Ma:(Stole a glance at her with a straight face on)Angimazi uyihlo ukuthi ukephi(I don't know where your father is)
Lihle:Okay that's strange ,you don't address dad by that name(Ate)
Ma:Izinto ziyajika Nolihle ,ngicela sidle ngokuthula(Things change Nolihle ,may we please eat in peace)
Lihle just nodded ,she knew that something was wrong about this day but she needed to find out what it was

Gatsheni came out of his hut and called Zikhali
Zikhali:(Bowed his head)Ngingayinceda ngani inkosi?(How can I assist my king?)
Gatsheni:Ngifuna ningibonise la ileli khona indodakazi yam(I want you to show me where my daughter is)
Zikhali:Angiboni ukuthi wumqondo omuhle loyo Nkosi(I don't think that's a good idea my king)
Gatsheni:Zikhali!Biza noMpiyakhe sambeni ,wazini ngemiqondo ephusile wena , asambeni!(Zikhali!Call Mpiyakhe too so that we can go ,what do you know about good ideas ,let's go!)
Zikhali did what the king asked and they went to that place that they think Mbali died in ,When they followed the traces of the spears they saw a cheetah ,lied dead on the earth surface ,with the spear cut deep into its stomach ,so much blood on the ground ,grass so red that it forgot it's colour ,flies got a chance to disrespect the one of the greatest animals there ever lived ,no sign of hope but sign of joy in the king's eyes
Gatsheni:(Kneeled before the cheetah)Hawu yiyo indodakazi yam le?(Ohhh this is my daughter?)
Zikhali and Mpiyakhe looked at each other
Zikhali:USgaxa ufele into engekho!(Sgaxa died for nothing!)
Mpiyakhe:Kepha lela lizwi boku elika Mbali Nkosi ngiyafunga(But that was Mbali's voice king I swear)
Gatsheni:(Stood up and turned to Zikhali)Bekezofa vele ,iskhathi sakhe besifikile nakhona asiphili unaphakade(Turned to Mpiyakhe) Shukuthi mhlampe nimlimaze kancane noma uthuswe yilesilwane ,kepha kungobani engabuyanga ekhaya?ukuphi uma engekho lana?(He was going to die anyway ,his time had come and besides we don't live forever*that means maybe you guys did hurt her a little bit or she was frightened by this animal ,but why didn't she come back home?where is she if she's not here?)
Zikhali:Hayi ukuthi ngiyayidelela inkosi kepha awukwazi ukuthi usho into efana naleyo Gatsheni ,angeke ubulale umuntu bese ukhuluma kanjalo ekubeni loyomuntu ufele amanga ,into nje engekho ,kwamuntu loyo ubulewe wubhuti wakhe ,ucabanga ukuthi unjani uSgidi la akhona ekubeni ucabanga ukuthi ubulele ubhuti wakhe ,umuntu owamshiyela ibele ,uSgaxa ukuncengile ekucela ukuthi ungambulali kepha Wena wambulala ,Nkosi yam siyabonga ukuthi indodakazi yakho isaphila kepha uSgaxa yena?(Not that I'm disrespecting the king but you can't say something like that Gatsheni ,you can't kill someone and talk like that meanwhile this person died over stupid lied ,a lie ,and that person was killed by his very own brother ,how do you think Sgidi is wherever he is ,that he killed his brother ,his biological brother ,Sgaxa begged you ,asked you to not kill him but you did so ,my king we are grateful for your daughter's existence but what about Sgaxa?)
Gatsheni:(Gave him a straight face)Uzotshelwa wubani uSgidi ukuthi uSgaxa ufele into engekho?(Who will tell Sgidi that Sgaxa died over lies?)
Zikhali:Noma kunjalo Nkosi kepha thina siyazi(Even so King we know the truth)
Gatsheni:Ngicela uphendule into engikubuze yona Zikhali!(Please answer what I've asked you Zikhali)
Zikhali: Akekho Gatsheni (No one Gatsheni)
Gatsheni:Pho udliwa yini?(Then what's bothering you?)
Zikhali:Ngiyaxolisa Nkosi(I'm sorry king)
Mpiyakhe:Lithini icebo lakho manje Gatsheni?(What's your plan now Gatsheni?)
Gatsheni:Nazo Mpi ,into esizoyenza sizoyofuna uMbali emaXhoseni , namhlanje hayi kusasa(There you go Mpi ,what we are going to do is that we are going to search for Mbali in the Xhosa kingdom ,today not tomorrow)
Zikhali:Woah!uyazi ukuthi loko kufuna sikuhlele Nduna ,angeke sivele sifike lapha singabuya siyizidumbu ,nakhona yini into eyobe isibeka lapha?(Woah!you know that needs us to have a great plan King ,we can't just arrive there ,we'd even die ,and what will be bringing us there?)
Gatsheni:Shiya yonke into kumina Zikhali ,nginalo icebo nje ,nina into ekwamele niyenze wukuthi ningibizele izinkabi eziyilishumi nje kuphela ngaphandle koSgidi ,sihlomeni siyohlasela ,loku kokuthi siyofunani le ,siyofuna uMbali ,ungang'buzi ukuthi uMbali uyobe abekwa yini le(Leave everything to me Zikhali ,I have a plan ,what you guys need to do is that ,organise 10 huntsman only excluding Shidi ,then we prepare and attack ,don't ask me plenty of questions ,we are going there to find Mbali ,don't ask me what brings Mbali there)
After saying that ,they just nodded and went back home ,when he got home he ate his food
Gatsheni: MaNdlovu ,bawuhambisile umzimba kaSgaxa?(MaNdlovu ,did they take Sgaxa's body to his home)
Ma:Yebo ,kepha umndeni kaSgaxa uyayidinga incazelo Ndlovu ,nam kunjalo(Yes ,but Sgaxa's family needs some explanation Ndlovu ,I do so too)
Gatsheni:Uwumndeni kaSgaxa wena njengoba sowufuna incazelo?(Are you a part of Sgaxa's family since you also are looking for an explanation?)
Ma:Ngifuna ukwazi Gatsheni ,angeke umuntu afele kwam bese ufuna ngivele ngithule(I want to know Gatsheni ,someone can't just die in my house and expect me to keep quiet about it)
Gatsheni:Ehhh Lindiwe
Ma:Ungathi ehhh ,ngifuna ukwazi ,futhi ngiyasola ukuthi unesandla kulento(Don't say ehhh ,I want to know ,and I suspect that you have a hand in this)
Gatsheni:Yhoo(Stood up and left)
Mpiyakhe:Sesilungile Nkosi(Everything is organised king)
Gatsheni:Nikuphi?(Where are you?)
Mpiyakhe:La silala khona Nkosi yam(Where we spend our nights my King)
Gatsheni nodded and followed Mpiyakhe to their hut and greeted the guards
Gatsheni:Ngiyathemba uZikhali noMpiyakhe banitshelile ngohlelo lwethu lwanamhlanje(I hope Zikhali and Mpiyakhe briefed our today's mission)
All:Yebo Nkosi(Yes king)
Gatsheni:Kuhle ,nikulungele?(That's good ,are you ready?)
All:Yebo Nkosi(Yes King)
Gatsheni:Isitha asenze njani?(What must an enemy do?)
Gatsheni:Siyahloma siphinde si....?(We prepare and .........?)
Gatsheni:Kuhle madoda!(That's good dudes!)
Zikhali:Lithini icebo Nkosi?(What is the plan king?)
Gatsheni:Lithi icebo ,siyaya le siyolanda indodakazi yam ,asihlaseli ingekahlaseli(My plan says we fetch my daughter ,we don't attack if they don't attack)
Zikhali:Nkosi yam inobungozi lento yakho ,singafa nokufa(This is dangerous my king ,we can even die)
Gatsheni:You won't die if you're smart ,I taught you better son!
Zikhali just bowed and nodded ,MaNdlovu prepared some lunch for them and they ate the lunch and headed to the Xhosa kingdom ,with no rush ,no fast pace ,relaxed and calm.
Zikhali:Sesifikile madoda ,kodwa ke ngisacela ukubuza inkosi ,ingabe siya ngakuphi Nduna?(We have reached out destination dudes ,but then I'd like to ask the king a question ,where are we going my king?)
Gatsheni:Ngiyazi loku kungeza nokusaba nokuba yivaka kodwa indoda kwamele iqine namuhla ,zinkabi zakwa Ndlovu ,ooGatsheni ,ooboya benyathi ,siya kwaRadebe namuhla ,ingane yam ,indlovukazi yenu ezayo ilapha ,uMbali uphucwe yibo bona laba ooMthimkhulu(I know this might come with some fear and you'd become a coward but a man must stand his ground today ,as the Ndlovu huntsman ,the Gatshenis ,boya Benyathi ,we are going to the Radebes today ,my child ,your future queen is there ,Mbali is abducted by the Mthimkhulus)
Mpiyakhe:Nkosi yam ,loku kunobungozi kakhulu(My king ,this is dangerous)
All:Yebo Nkosi(Yes my king)
Gatsheni:Yini enobungozi lana Mpiyakhe?,asiyanga ngokulwa kepha mabalwa nathi siyahlasela phela nathi!(What's dangerous here Mpiyakhe?we aren't going there with an aim of fighting but if they fight us then we fight them too then!)
Mpiyakhe:Izwakele inkosi ,asambeni madoda!(The king is understood ,let's go bros)
Then they continued with their journey.

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