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Thanti:Enkosi s'thandwa sam (Thank you my love)
Lihle:Ayabonga uSindiswa ucela ukuk'bona ,wena wedwa (Ayabonga Sindiswa wants to see you ,just you)
He then went to his mother ,very anxious but excited to see his sister or his brother ,when he got there ,he found his mother breastfeeding the baby ,covered with blood and and tired and he sat beside them and gazed at the newborn baby ,who looked exactly like Tau.
Aya:Mama ,kuthiwe uyandibiza(Mom ,they told me that you asked for me)
Sindi:(Yawned)Yebo(yes)meet your sister(Handing him the baby)
He took her and held her so tight ,looked at her cute baby face and said to his heart ”I'll always protect you and show you love ,I won't be just your brother but I'll be your knight ,I'll be your servant as I vow to protect you and your heart ,I'll be your angel on earth ,I love you already and already you come first in my life ,despite everything ,I'm your first boyfriend till I pass you to your next male version ,I love you” and then he kissed her forehead and played with her baby fingers
Aya:Mhle mama ,wenze umsebenzi omhle apha(She's beautiful ,you did an amazing job on her)
Sindi:(Smiled)Ngiyabonga mfana wam(Thank you my boy)
Aya:Ngubani igama lakhe?(What's her name?)
Sindi:I was hoping you and Tau to give her a name son ,ucabanga liphi wena?(,which name suits best?)
Aya:Owam ,uzaba nguOwam(Owam ,she's going to be Owam)
Sindi:(Smiled)That's a nice name ,any reason behind that name?
Aya:Plenty of reasons ,she's mine that's what the name means ,and I'm hers ,forever and always ,I'll always be her pillar of strength and I'll always be by her side and protect her because she's mine(Smiled and kissed her forehead again)
Sindi:That's cute son
Ayabonga just smiled and handed the child to Sindiswa ,Lihle came with water so that the two could bath , Owam and Sindi.
Sindi:Ngaphambi kokuthi ngigeze sinengane ,ngicela ungibizele uDumile Aya nawe Lihle(Before me and the baby could bath ,please call Dumile for me Aya and Lihle)
They just nodded and did so then Dumile joined Sindiswa and sat beside her and brushed her forehead
Dumile:Uziva unjani?(How are you feeling?)
Sindi:Ngikahle wukuthi nje ngikhathele ,wena uzizwa unjani?(I'm fine it's just that I'm tired ,how are you feeling?)
Dumile:I'm okay ,not complaining at all ,can I hold the baby?
Sindi:Sure(Handing him the baby)
Dumile:Uyafana notata wakhe kodwa mhle yena ,ngubani igama lakhe?(She looks a lot like her father but she's pretty ,what's her name?)
Dumile:Ndiyakholwa uliphwe nguAyabonga eligama(Surely Ayabonga is the one that have her that name)
Sindiswa just giggled
Sindi:Wuye vele ,ngiyalithanda le gama(It's him ,I love this name)
Dumile:Kodwa ayo ngowakho kuphela ,ngowethu sonke ,ngowam futhi ,ngumntwana wethu sonke nje lo kwaye ndiyohlala ndingutata wakhe nam(But she's not yours only ,she's ours too ,she's mine also ,she's our baby and I'll always be her father)
Sindi:(Smiled)Dumile angikubizelanga loko ukuthi uzobona ingane ,kunento engihleli Kabi esifubeni futhi ukuyikhipha kuzongikhulula ,Dumile ngisakuthanda mina ,angeke ngiyeke ukukuthanda manje ,ngiyohlezi ngikuthanda ,ngiyakukhumbula kuningi nje ,benginaso isifiso sokuthi sikhulise uAyabonga sobabili kepha isimo asivumi(Dumile I didn't call you here to see the baby , there's something that is bothering me and I want to say it to you in order for me to feel relieved ,Dumile I still love you ,I can't stop loving you and I'll never stop ,I'll always love you ,I miss you a lot ,I had a wish for us to just raise Ayabonga just the two of us but our situation doesn't allow us to)
Dumile:Enyanisweni nam kungokunjalo ,ndiyak'thanda Sindiswa kwaye ndizohlala ndikuthanda kodwa inxeba owandishiya nalo alizuphola ,Sindiswa andisakufuni ebomini bam njengomntu wam okanye umntu endifuna ukwakha ikamva naye ,ungandivi kakubi Sindi ,undibona nje ndiqhubekeka ngobomi emva kweminyaka emingaka ndibuhlungu ,hayi ukuba ndiyakutyhola ngokuba intliziyo yam ibe buhlungu ixesha elide kodwa ngoku ndisafunda ukuthanda omnye umntu endithemba naye wenza njalo kum ,nguye umntu endibona kakuhle ukuba uyavelana nam(To be honest with you ,I feel the same way too ,I love you Sindiswa and I'll always love you but the would you left me with will never heal ,Sindiswa I no longer want you in my life as a lover and partner or someone I want to build my future with ,don't get me wrong Sindi ,I've finally started the healing process after so many years of being hurt ,it's not like I'm saying that it is your fault but my heart was bleeding in so many years but now I've found someone I want to learn to love and she does too ,she is the only person that understands me )
Sindi:Ukhuluma ngoThantaswa angisho?(You're talking about Thantaswa right?)
Dumile:Ewe Sindi(Sighed)ikhona enye into bowufuna ukuyithetha mhlawumbi?(Yes Sindi*is there anything else you want to add?)
Sindi:Cha ,yiloku kuphela kodwa ngisacela nje  ukuthi nje ungixolele engathi angakuphatha kahle uThantaswa Dumile ,ubuyele ube wulo Dumile ubuwuye(No that's all but please forgive me and I wish Thanti could treat you good Dumile and go back to the Dumile we know)
Dumile:Ndikuxolele Sindi kodwa andiboni ukuba ndizakuphinde ndibe ngula Dumile othanda ukuhleka nokudlala nje ,engena ndaba ,intlungu iyamguqula umntu kodwa mna indiguqule ndaba ngumntu othanda ukunceda abantu nongahluleli nje ngoba kukho ababulali bebulalela uthando nabanye ke abakhohlakalayo ngenxa yalontlungu(I forgave you Sindi but I don't think I'll be that Dumile again who loves laughing and playing around ,who didn't care ,pain changes a person but pain changed me to a better version of myself because now I love helping people and I don't judge them as there are people who kill because of love and others become heartless all because of pain)
Sindi:Iqinisile ,ngiyabonga ngeskhathi sakho nangeqiniso lakho(You're right ,thank you for your time and your honesty)
He just nodded and kissed Sindiswa's forehead and the baby too and then he left them there then Lihle joined them so that they could bath
Lihle:Manje uzothi utetelephi?(Where would you say you gave birth?)
Sindi:Icebo lizozakha Lihle ,asenze sihambe(A plan will come up along the way ,let's go)
Lihle:Geeez fine!what's her name?
Sindi:Owam .
Lihle:(Smiled)Nice name
They finished bathing and went to join the others
Dumile:Senigqibile ,noZingisa ugqiba ukuhamba ngoku(You guys are done ,Zingisa just left now)
Sindi:I wanted to talk to him eyy(Sits down)
Thanti:Yhoo awudinwa kukuthuka uZingisa sisi ,ndicela ukumphatha(Yhoo you don't get tired at swearing at Zingisa lady ,may I please hold her)
Sindiswa gave Thanti a death stare and handed the baby to her
Sindi:I didn't want to act mean towards him ,I wanted to apologise that's it
Dumile:Ngoba kutheni?(Why?)
Sindi:Ngimohlulele ngingekamazi kahle ,angisazi isizathu sakhe sokuthi abulale uMangi futhi ayilungule indlela bengimphethe ngayo(I judged him too soon ,I dont even know his reason behind Mangi's death and i didn't him well)
Dumile:Ndiyavuya xa kunjalo(Glad)
Aya:Nithi uZingisa ubulele bani?(Zingisa killed who?)
Dumile:Ziindaba zabantu abadala ezi Aya ,ziyeke(turned to Sindi)liyatshona ilanga ,masambeni(It's none of your business you're still young Aya*the sun is setting ,let's go)
Lihle:No need
Sindi:She's right
Aya:Hayibo mama ngoba kutheni?akukhuselekanga apha phandle ,uOwam akakhuselekanga (Geez mom why?it's not safe out there especially for Owam)
Dumile:Unyanisile uBonga(Bonga is telling the truth)
Sindi:Just trust us on this one ,please ,you guys might mess things up so please stop
Aya:Ndifuna nje ukwazi ukuba kutheni ufuna ukubuyela kwakho wedwa?(I just wanna know why do you want to walk alone)
Sindi:Ngizobe ngingekho ngedwa nje ,ngihamba noLihle ,ngicela ningithembe ngalokhu ,angifuni ukuxabana noTau nje ,angifuni acabange ukuthi ngitetele emzini womunye indoda mina ,angifuni izinkinga(I won't be walking alone I will be walking with Lihle ,please trust me on this one please ,I don't want to argue with Tau because he'll assume that I gave birth in another man's house and I don't want troubles)
Dumile:Siyavakala isizathu sakho Sindi ,nihambe kakuhle(You have valid reason Sindi ,safe travels)
Sindi:(Looked at Thanti and then looked at Dumile with a broken heart)Ngiyabonga(Thank you)
Aya:Mom are you sure about all of this?
Sindi:Fine Ayabonga ,I see that you won't let this easily slide just like that ,you can accompany us but don't arrive with us at Ditsietseng(Smiled)
Then they left Dumile and Thantaswa there all by themselves.
Dumile:Awubonakali wonwabile ,yintoni s'thandwa sam ,ikhona ingxaki?(You don't seem quite happy ,what's wrong my love ,us there any problem?)
Thanti:Hayi wethu Dumile akhonto(No Dumile it's nothing)
Dumile stood up and sat next to Thantaswa and held her hand
Dumile:Angeke ingabi yinto kodwa udane ngolohlobo udane ngalo ,thetha nam kuqhubeka ntoni?(It can't be nothing meanwhile you look sad ,talk to me what's going on?)
Thanti:Usamthanda?(Do you still love her?)
Thanti:Ewe ,ndinivile xanithetha usitsho ukuba usamthanda ndabe ke ndijika mna ,andifuni Dumile ukuphinde ndithandane nomntu othanda omnye umntu ,ibuhlungu lo nto ,ukuba usamthanda ndixelele ndizokwazi ukukhulula andifuni kaloku ukuvalela ulonwabo lwakho mna(Yes ,I heard you talking and you told her that you still love her too then after hearing that I excused myself ,I don't want to date someone who is in love with another person Dumile ,it hurts when you're in that situation ,if you still love her just tell me so that I can set you free ,I really don't want to block your happiness)
Dumile:Thantaswa?andizukuxokisa ndithi andisamthandi uSindi ,ewe ndiyamthanda kodwa andimfuni ,ndikhetha wena kwaye ululonwabo lwam ,uluncumo lwam Thanti ,nawe ndiyazi ukuba usamthanda uZingisa kwaye andinangxaki nalonto ,uthando luye luphele umntu xa engelobambo lwakho ,uxolo ukuba le nto oyivile ikuvise kabuhlungu kodwa mna ndifuna wena ,andimfuni uSindi ,into endihlanganisa naye nguAyabonga nje kuphela ,ndiyakuthembisa(Thantaswa?I won't try and lie to you and say I don't love Sindiswa ,yes I do love her but I don't want her ,I choose you and you're my happiness ,you're my smile keeper Thanti ,I know that you still love Zingisa too and there's nothing wrong about that ,if someone is not meant for you then the love you had for them decreases  ,sorry if I broke your heart but I want you ,I don't want Sindi ,what binds us together is Ayabonga because she's his mother only ,I promise you)
Thanti:Awuxoki?(You aren't lying right?)
Dumile: Hayi ,ndaphuma kwezozinto zokudlala amantombazana s'thandwa Sam ,ndincamise ke(No ,I'm no longer a play boy my love ,give me a kiss then)
Thanti:(Laughed and kissed him)Ndiyakuthanda Dumile(I love you Dumile)
Dumile:Uthandwa ndim Tolo(I love you too Tolo)
And they enjoyed the rest of the hours laughing and talking till Ayabonga came back

The Mofokeng Place

Palesa:Bathong ausi Sindi ,ke ngwana wamang o?(Geez Sindi ,who's baby is that?)
Sindi:Palesa ukuphi uTau?(Palesa where's Tau?)
Tau saw them and approached them ,and kissed Sindiswa on the forehead and they got inside the house ,Palesa joined them as well
Tau:I was worried sick about you ,where were you?and the child?
Sindi:Bengisashaywe wumoya Tau kodwa bengiphephile angisho bengino Lihle lana ,bengingazi ukuthi ngizoteta mina ,kepha nayi ingane yakho Ntate(handed him the baby)(I needed to rewind Tau but I was with Lihle over here ,I didn't know that I was going to give birth ,but here's your child my husband)
Tau:Awww ,omontle ,watshawana lenna ,setse o mofile leina kapa?(Awww ,she's pretty ,she looks exactly like me ,have you given her a name yet?)
Sindi:(Looked at Lihle)Yebo Tau ,wuOwam kepha ngifuna nawe umuphe igama elinye(Yes Tau ,she's Owam but I want you to give her a name too)
Tau:O tlaba Refiloe ,Owam Refiloe Mofokeng(She's going to be Refiloe ,Owam Refiloe Mofokeng)
Sindi:Lihle lelogama s'thandwa sam ,ngiyalithanda(That name is beautiful my love ,I love it)
Tau just smiled at her and the baby
Palesa:Omontle ngwanyana wa rona hle ,kamorata(She's beautiful ,I love her)
Sindi:Ngiyabonga Palesa ,ngisafuna ukuyolala kancane yazi ngikhathele , Lihle ufuna ukubuyela endlini noma?(Thank you Palesa ,I still want to rest a little I'm tired ,Lihle do you want to go back home or?)
Lihle:Cha ,uPalesa uzongikhapha ,angisho Palesa?(No ,Palesa will accompany me ,am I right Palesa?)
Palesa:Bathong wena o dula hole ,mara are tsamaye akena bothata hle ,wena Sindi tsamo robala(Geez you stay far away from here but it's fine let's go I don't have a problem ,Sindi go to bed)
Lihle:I knew I could count on you(Smiled)
Palesa:Waphapha nou ,are tsamaye hle kebatla ho apeya wena(You're being forward now ,let's go I want to cook)
Sindiswa went to her hut with Tau and the baby Owam and he helped her lay on the bed as if she was sick
Tau:Where did you bath because if you gave birth in the woods then I expect you to come home dirty with blood or mud or something ,please don't lie
Sindi:Hayibo Tau ,ngigeze emlanjeni ,kungobani ungangithembi ngayo yonke into engikutshela Yona kanti?(Geez Tau ,I bathed with the river water ,why dont you trust me in everything that I tell you ?)
Tau:Because your stories don't make sense obviously?!!!
Sindi:Don't shout at me ,you'll wake the baby up!
Tau:Is she even my child?!
Sindi:You said it yourself ,she looks like you geez and don't you dare call me a whore!
Tau:What about the first child?!
Sindi:(Cleared her throat and popped her eyes out)What ......what first child?
Tau:Thapelo ,ngwana rona Sindiswa ,o kae?!story sa hao sa hore Thapelo bamotshwere akesereki Sindiswa ,ase ngwanaka Thapelo ankere?!(Thapelo ,our child Sindiswa ,where is he?!I don't buy the story of him being kidnapped Sindiswa ,he wasn't my child isn't ?)
Sindi:What?!Tau listen I don't want to talk about this
Tau:When are we going to talk about it Sindi?!
Sindi:When I'm ready ,may I sleep now?
Tau just stood up and left her there
Sindi:Owam ,ngane yam ngizothini kubaba wakho mina ngobhuti wakho ,angifuni uTau ayazi indaba kaAyabonga ,umshado wethu ungaphela futhi angikufuni loko mina (Owam ,my child what would I say to your father about your brother ,I don't want Tau to know about Ayabonga ,our marriage will be ruined and I don't wish that to happen)
She the kissed Owam on her forehead and slept.Tau decided to go see Mkhokeli ,the love of his life ,his safe space ,as they see each other almost everyday.

As Palesa and Lihle were walking and talking , Lihle noticed something about Palesa
Lihle:(Popped her eyes out)Palesa?!
Palesa: Bathong wena wano rasa ,keng ,kenale eng!?(Geez why would you just shout ,what is it ,what's on me?!)
Lihle:Bowuzongitshela nini Palesa?!(When were you going to tell me?!)
Palesa:Ke ho tshela ini wena matshela?!wan'tshosa bjanong ,keng Nolihle?!(Tell you what?!you're scaring me now ,what is it Nolihle?!)
Lihle:Ukuthi umithi Palesa!(That you're pregnant Palesa!)
Palesa:Ohhh that ,I didn't see a reason to
Lihle:You're so sneaky ,do people know about this?
Palesa:Yes ,my brother suspects but Sindi knows about it
Lihle:Wubani ubaba?(Who's the father?)
Palesa:I'd rather not say ,he's a married man
Lihle just popped her eyes out ,she was shocked to hear this and had many questions to ask Palesa but she didn't want to offend her.


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