I then got going ,I'm scared that Mbali will reject me and why did she get married?!but it's cool she's my wife and I'm going to get her back ,surely she has a lot of questions to ask me and I will make sure that I answer her with honesty only ,that's the least I could do after what I did to her and she really deserves the truth and she will get it.So we arrived at her home and I doubt she's even there ,I don't even know where this Menzi person looks like ,so I called a small boy there who was playing with his friends or whatever and he came running ,I hope he won't freak out that I'm Xhosa because that might get me killed here and I really have some nerve for standing near Gatsheni's house people ,that person knows me but I don't care about that ,I'm here to get my wife nothing more and nothing less ,I hope that Mbali is here people.
Boy:Sawubona muntu omdala(Greetings elderly person)
Zingisa:Molo ,ndicela uye apha kwaNdlovu uyondibizela inkosazana Mbali(Hello to you too ,please go inside the Ndlovu's household and call princess Mbali for me)
Boy:Ngizothi ubizwa wubani?(Who will I say is calling her?)
Zingisa:Ungatsho ukuba ubizwa ngubani kwaye ungandicacisi kwedini ,xa ekubuza uvele umke(Don't tell her that and don't even describe me boy ,if she asks you about me just leave)
Boy:Kulungile ngizokwenza njalo(Okay I'll do just that)
And then he left then after some minutes later he came back.
Zingisa:Uthini?(What did she say?)
Boy:Unkosazana Mbali akekho bathi usemzini wakhe(Princess Mbali is not around ,she's at her in laws household)
Zingisa:Yhoo kukuphi ke ngoku apho?(Yhoo and where is that?)
Boy:Kukwa Mhlongo(At the Mhlongo household)
Zingisa:Khandibonise ke(Show me then)
Boy:Kulungile ,ngilandele(Okay then ,follow me)
We then hit the road till we arrived
Zingisa:Kulapha?(It's here?)
Boy:Yebo kunjalo(Precisely)
Zingisa:Bakhona oonogada kulomzi?(Are there any guards here?)
Zingisa:Kulungile enkosi(Cool thank you)
Boy:Kubonga mina(Same applies to you too)
He then left ,what a sweet kid.So we entered the household and no one was even there ,where's Mbali then?!arghhhh I feel like losing hope at this point people.So I knocked at the house and no one answered and I knocked on all the huts and someone opened up for me ,it was her ,she looks drained but she's still beautiful ,she popped her eyes out and froze ,she's shocked to see me and it's understandable ,she's so pretty people ,I just want to kiss her and just hold her tight and never let go ,I missed her and how she looked ,her light weight and her hair but mostly her eyes.
Mbali:What the hell?!
Zingisa:Yintoni Mbali?(What is it Mbali?)
Mbali:Zingisa ufunani lana?!(Zingisa what are you doing here?!)
Zingisa:Ndingangena?(May I come in?)
Mbali:Cha ,angikufuni lana ,ngicela uhambe ngoba uzongifaka enkingeni nomyeni wam futhi tshela labantu bakho bakumele ngaphandle kwesango(No ,I don't want you here ,please leave because you'll get me into trouble with my husband and please tell your soldiers to wait for you outside the yard)
I nodded and told them that and they did just that.
Zingisa:Nomyeni wakho?!umyeni wakho ndim Mbali ,andikhathali nokuba lamfo ukukhuphele ilobola kodwa wena ungumfazi wam kwaye lo nto ayizujika!(With your husband?!your husband is me Mbali ,I don't care whether this guy paid lobola for you but you're my wife and that won't change)
Mbali:Uyang'hlanyela!(You're sick!)
Zingisa:Ewe ndihlanyiswa nguwe Mbali ,thatha izinto zakho sihambe(Yes I am because of you Mbali ,take your stuff so that we can leave)
Mbali:Zingisa uyasangana ,angisakufuni empilweni yam futhi ngicela uhambe ungaphinde ubuye(Zingisa you're crazy ,I don't want you in my life and please leave and never come back here again)
Zingisa:Nguwe lo ophambeneyo andiyi ndawo mna ngaphandle kwakho ,awuzundixelela ukuba awusandifuni(You're the crazy one I'm not going anywhere without you Mbali ,you can't tell me that you don't want me anymore)
Mbali:Too bad it's the truth ,I love my husband and I'm not leaving him because of you!
Zingisa:Uyamthanda nyani lomyeni wakho Mbali?!(You really do love your so called husband Mbali?!)
Mbali:(Cleared her throat)Yebo ngiyamthanda uMenzi(Yes I do love Menzi)
Mbali:Zingisa awuhambe tu!(Zingisa just leave!)
Zingisa:Phendula umbuzo Mbali ,umthanda nyani na?!(Answer the question Mbali ,do you really love him?!)
Mbali:Yebo Zingisa!(Yes Zingisa!)
Zingisa:(Grabbed her waist)Mna ndithanda wena ke(Well too bad I love you)
Mbali:Zingisa ngiyak'cela(Zingisa please)
Zingisa:Ucela ntoni Mbali?(What are you begging for Mbali?)
Zingisa:Hayi ndiyala(No I resist)
I then kissed her and we entered her hut while kissing and closed the door behind us.A baby cry disturbed us ,what the hell?!she have a baby!!So I stopped the kiss and she attended the baby ,and guess what ,she gave birth to 3 babies for crying out loud for that jerk!!really?!
Mbali:Zingisa bengisacela uhambe(Zingisa please leave)
Zingisa:Umithele la kaka Mbali?!ungayenza njani into enje kum!?(That jerk got you pregnant Mbali?!how could you do something like this to me?!)
Mbali:Ungazongidakelwa mina!!awukwazi nokubala injalo nje!(Don't you dare get dirty with me!!you can't even do your math!)
Zingisa:Ingenaphi lo nto?!(How is that even related to this?!)
Mbali:Angeke ufike kwam bese ungithethisela ukuqhubeka ngempilo ,Zingisa ungiphule inhliziyo wahamba wayoshada omunye umuntu kodwa bowungithembisile nam ,enye into waba nomntwana naye loyo muntu loyo!!udlale ngam nangeskhathi sam!(You can't come to my house and just yell at me for moving on with my life ,Zingisa you broke my heart and got married to another girl meanwhile you also promised me that ,worse part you gave her a baby!!you played me and wasted my time!)
Zingisa:Ndandinyanzelwe Mbali ,ndithanda wena mna nawe uyayazi lo nto ,ewe andali ukuba ndikophule intliziyo kodwa naku ndibuyile nje kwaye ngoku ndizokulanda sizotshata utata uyayivuma le nto yethu kuba uyalubona uthando endinalo for wena kwaye ndiyaxolisa ngokukophula intliziyo!(I was forced Mbali ,I love you only and you too know that ,yes I know that I broke your heart but look I'm back now and I'm here to fetch you and marry you because my father finally gave me his blessings because he sees the love that I have for you and I'm so sorry for breaking your heart!)
Mbali:It's too late for that Zingisa ,I don't want you anymore ,I'm sorry
Zingisa:Yikaka le nto undixelela yona Mbali ,ndiyak'thanda(You're telling me bullshit Mbali ,I love you)
Mbali:Nam ngiyak'thanda kepha angeke ngikhone Zingisa(I love you too but I can't Zingisa)
Zingisa:Ndiyak'cela Mbali ,ndizabamnkela abantwana bakho ,masambe(I beg you Mbali ,I'll even accept your kids with the guy ,let's go)
Mbali:Mina noMenzi asinabantwana Zingisa ,abantwana bakho laba ,bobathathu!(I don't have kids with Menzi Zingisa ,those babies are yours ,the three of them!)
What the hell?!she gave me 3 gifts!you see why I love her?she always surprises me!
Zingisa:Uthini?!(What did you just say?!)
Mbali:Yes ,now leave!
Zingisa:Ndiyak'cela Mbali ,ndicela ukubaphath?!(Come on Mbali I beg you ,may I carry them?!)
Mbali:(Rolled her eyes)Kulungile(Fine)
She handed me the chubby one ,my princess she's so pretty ,Asive has a sister
Zingisa:(Smiled and sat down)Mhle Mbali ,enkosi ,ngubani igama lakhe?(She's pretty Mbali ,thank you ,what's her name?)
Mbali:(Sat down)WuZama(She's Zama)
Zingisa:Lihle elogama s'thandwa sam(That's a beautiful name my love)
Mbali:Don't call me that Zingisa
Zingisa:Kodwa usiso nje(But you're my love)
Mbali:Zingisa please otherwise you'll leave
Zingisa:Mbali ndifuna silungise mna nawe ,ndiyakukhumbula kwaye ndiyakuthanda(I want us to fix our relationship Mbali ,I miss you and I love you)
Mbali:You can come see the kids whenever you like ,I'll make up some arrangements with my husband for you to see the children and I'll tell my family about that too
She then took Zama from my hands and handed me another girl.So she's going to ignore everything that I say regarding us?yhooo that's cold*
Zingisa:(Smiled)Mhle naye ,undizalele abantwana abahle Mbali ,enkosi ,ngubani igama lakhe?(She's also pretty ,you have birth to beautiful babies Mbali ,thank you ,what's her name?)
Mbali:She's Zamahle
Zingisa:(Smiled)Umthiye ngegama esaza nalo ,intle lo nto kwaye iyatsho ukuba usandithanda ,enkosi ngokuba umthiye ngegama esaza nalo sobabini(You named her after that forest we named ,that's so beautiful and cute and it shows that you still love me ,thank you for naming her by that name we came up with together)
Mbali:Don't flatter yourself ,I don't want anything to do with you Zingisa excluding the kids ,from now onwards we will only talk about the kids nothing more and nothing less ,we will co-parent
Zingisa:Kulungile Mbali ,ndiyakuva kwaye ndiyasihlonipha isigqibo sakho(It's fine Mbali ,I hear you and I respect your decision)
She nodded and handed me a boy ,people I have a son and it feels great ,he's the future king when I'm gone ,Mbali really gave me gifts people but I want her back ,I miss her and I love her ,living without her was so painful and I don't want to be there anymore but I have to respect her decision afterall.
Mbali:Nayi inkosana yakho ,igama lakhe wuZamani(Here's your prince ,his name is Zamani)
Zingisa:Mhle naye ,enkosi ngokundizalela unyana Mbali(He's handsome ,thank you for giving me a son Mbali)
Mbali:Kubonga mina ngalezipho Zingisa ,kungcono ikhona into enhle oke wangenzela yona(I'm the thankful one for the gifts Zingisa ,atleast there's something heartwarming that you did for me)
Zingisa:Ewe ndiyabona(Yes I see that)
Mbali:Yiskhathi sokuthi uhambe lesi Zingisa(I think it's time for you to leave Zingisa)
Zingisa:Kulungile Mbali ,ndizakubona mhla ndizobona abantwana(It's okay Mbali ,I'll see you when I come visit the babies)
Mbali:Kulungile ,uhambe Kahle(Cool ,safe travels)
I just walked straight to the door ,I'm so heart broken people ,I won't be able to live without this girl ,she's the love of my life.So I stopped and went to her again
Mbali:(Gave me a puzzled face)Yini?(What is it?)
Zingisa:Ndiyaxolisa kodwa andizukwazi Mbali ,akuphileki ngaphandle kwakho ,Enhle ndiyak'thanda kwaye ndifuna ukukunika izulu nomhlaba eli endakuthembisa lona ,ndicela usiphe ithuba kwakhona ,angeke uzisole(I'm sorry but I can't do this Mbali ,I can't live without you ,I love you and I want to give you the world and heavens that I promised to give you ,please give us a second chance again ,you won't regret it)
Mbali:Zingisa ngiyak'cela ,angisafuni ukukhuluma ngam nawe(Zingisa please ,I really don't want to talk about us anymore)
Zingisa:Mna ndiyafuna Mbali ,awumthandi lomyeni wakho ,ubuyele kuye kuba ufuna ukupholisa amanxeba endikushiye nawo kwaye lo manxeba awakapholi kuba ndim okwazi ukuwapholisa Mbali ,ndim ugqirha wakho bhabha ,ndicela usiphe elinye ithuba ,ndiyakucela ,andisafuni kuphila ngaphandle kwakho ,bunzima ubomi xa ungekho ecaleni kwam s'thandwa sam(But I want to Mbali ,you don't love this husband of yours ,you went back to him because you wanted to heal the scars I left you with but I'm the only one who can heal them Mbali ,I am your doctor baby ,please ,I don't want to live if living is without you ,life is hard without you by my side my love)
Mbali:(Tears escaped her eyes)Zingisa angeke ngikhone ,uzongiphinda ungiphule inhliziyo futhi ,uMenzi wuye kphela indoda engithandayo Zingisa futhi uyanginakekela , uMenzi yindoda eqotho futhi angeke nje ngikhone ukumphula inhliziyo futhi ngenxa yakho(Zingisa I can't ,you'll break my heart again ,Menzi us the only man that loves me Zingisa and he takes good care of me ,Menzi is a good man and I can't break his heart again because of you)
Zingisa:Angeke ndikophule intliziyo Mbali ,angeke ndikonzakalise ngabom Mbali nawe uyayazi lo nto ,ewe andali uyakuthanda kodwa nam ndiyakuthanda Mbali kwaye nawe uziva njalo ngam(I won't break your heart Mbali ,I won't hurt you on purpose Mbali and you know that too ,yes I admit that he loves you but I love you too Mbali and you also feel the same way too)
Mbali:Zingisa please.....just leave
Zingisa:I'm not leaving without my wife and kids
Mbali:Zingisa just go.... please
Zingisa:No .........no....I won't(Went closer to her)
I then kissed her passionately ,I miss this person everyday and I can't torture myself anymore ,I then grabbed her waist ,I missed this people and I'm glad she responded to the kiss ,it shows that she still loves me people.I then stopped the kiss ,I can't fuck her in another man's house people geez that's disrespectful and I have morals.
Mbali:(Breathing heavily)Zingisa
Mbali:Ngiyak'thanda mina ,ngicela ungasangiphuli intliziyo ,ngiqabule(I love you ,please don't break my heart again ,kiss me)
Zingisa:Uthandwa ndim(I love you too)
I kissed her again ,the kiss was full of hunger and emotions ,deep emotions and sexual lust.
Zingisa:Masambe(Let's go)
Zingisa:Uthetha ukuthini xa usithi cha?(What do you mean no?)
Mbali:Yebo ngiyak'thanda futhi kulungile singalungisa kepha ngifuna senze ngendlela elungile manje ,sizomela amaviki amabili mina nawe(Yes I do love you and it okay we can fix our relationship but I want us to do everything the right way now ,we will wait for 2 weeks)
Zingisa:(Popped my eyes out)Iiveki ezimbini?!ngoba?!(2 weeks?why?!)
Mbali:UMenzi uphumile futhi uzobuya emuva kwamaviki amabili bese ngiyamtshela ke ,konke loku kuzoba nzima kepha kwamele ngikwenze ,bese ngikhiphe izinkomo zakhe ,uyangilobola bese ke ngizohlala nawe(Menzi is gone and he will be back after 2 weeks then I will tell him ,it's going to be hard but I have to ,then I return his cows back to his kraal ,you lobola me and then we live together)
Zingisa:Zizothatha ixesha ezozinto(This will consume a lot of time)
Mbali:I know that but you don't have a choice ,or do you?(Smirked)
Naughty ,naughty girl!.
Zingisa:But it's worth the wait ,I just want my wife and my babies to be Radebe ,that's what matters and thank you for giving us a second chance ,I love you
Mbali:(Smiled and peck kissed me)Kulungile ,uthandwa yim Zikode(Cool ,I love you too Zikode)
I then hugged her and left before her so called in laws suspect anything or just catch us ,I really don't want Mbali to be bad mouthed again because of me.Everything is going according to plan ,I just can't wait to marry her ,that's what matters ,I have triplets people ,it's amazing ,I'm just so excited and I just can't wait to tell them back at home.So I got home when they were about to eat dinner and joined them and they seemed very shocked people.
Nozi:Zingisa nguwe lo ozotya nathi okanye ndiyaphupha?(Zingisa is this really you joining us for dinner or I am just dreaming?)
Zingisa:(Laughed)Ndim mama ,mna notata silungisile(It's me mom ,me and dad fixed our relationship)
Nozi:Zindaba ezimnandi ezo nyana(turned to Radebe)ndiyabulela ngokuba uhluze lo ngqondo yakho(That's good news son*thank you for coming back to your senses)
Radebe:Oko bokungeke kwenzeke ngaphandle koncedo lwakho Sno(That wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for you Sno)
Zingisa:Ndiyakholwa ngeke usemnka(I guess you won't be leaving us anytime soon)
Nozi:(Laughed)Hayi andisahambi nyana ,yintoni le endingayihambela?(No I'm no longer leaving son ,what would possibly make me leave?)
We then laughed a little till Palesa interrupted
Palesa:Kea thaba waitsi hore o tloja dijo le rona kajeko(I'm glad that you're joining us for dinner today)
Zingisa:(Smiled)Kuvuya mna(I'm also glad)
Radebe:Uyenzile lanto nyana?(Did you do that thing son?)
Zimkhitha:Hayibo senenzelana nezinto hayi icacile ukuba oko nivana nina qha nenza thina izibhanxa(You even help each other out now wow it seems like you fixed your relationship a long time ago just that you didn't want to let us know)
They all laughed
Nonku:Ungaphinde utsho Khitha(You can say that again Khitha)
Zingisa:Hayi marn Zimkhitha ayikho njalo(No man Zimkhitha it's not like that)
Zimkhitha:Injani ke?(How is it like then?)
Mkhokeli:Hayi Zimkhitha ubuza gqithi khawuyeke uZingisa lo(You ask a lot of questions Zimkhitha ,leave Zingisa alone)
Zingisa:Enkosi Mkhokeli(Thank you Mkhokeli)
Mkhokeli:Kodwa nam ndifuna ukukubuza ,ubuphi imini le yonke ndizile egumbini lakho kwaye ubungekho(But I also want to ask ,where were you the whole afternoon because I did come to your hut and you weren't there)
Zingisa:(Cleared my throat)Yinto bendifuna ukuyithetha kanye leyo(That's what I was about to explain)
Nozi:Thetha nyana(Talk son)
Zingisa:Bendiye kwaZulu ndiyokhangela uMbali kwaye ndamfumana(I went to the Zulu kingdom searching for Mbali and luckily I found her)
Palesa:(Had a puzzled face on)Mbali ke mang?!(Who's Mbali?)
Zimkhitha and Mkhokeli cleared their throats too
Nonku:Ngubani uMbali Zingisa kwaye kutheni uzade uye elalini yotshaba lwenu?(Who is Mbali Zingisa and why would you go to a kingdom of an enemy?)
Zingisa:Ima ndinicacisele kaloku Nonkululeko(Wait and let me explain Nonkululeko)
Nonku:Cacisa simamele(Explain then ,we are listening)
I then looked at my father and he just gave me a straight face and nodded
Zingisa:(Sighed heavily)Mbali nguye lomntu ebendenza ndibuye ngobusuku Nonkululeko kwaye ndiyaxolisa ngokukudelela ngolohlobo ,enkosi ngokuhlala nam iminyaka engaka ndikophula inhliziyo yonke imihla ,enkosi ngokuba ube ngumfazi olungileyo nokuba ujonge ikhaya lakwaRadebe kwaye ndiyaxolisa ngokuba ndingakuphi abantwana Nonkululeko......(Mbali is the only person that made me come home late at night Nonkululeko and I'm so sorry for disrespecting you like that ,thank you for being with me this whole time and years meanwhile I've been taking you for granted ,thank you for being a good wife and taking good care of my home and I'm sorry for not giving you a child Nonkululeko)
Nonku:Iyaphi le ncoko Zingisa?(Where is this going Zingisa?)
Zingisa:Ndicela nje undimamele(Just listen to me please)
Nonku:Thetha ke(Talk then)
Zingisa:Nonkululeko uthando andinalo for wena namanye amakhosikazi wam la andilahlile , lwaphela ngokuya ndiqala ukumbona uMbali ,uxolo kodwa yindlela endiziva ngayo leyo , uMbali ndizomtshata kwaye ndicela nje nisihloniphe isigqibo sam ,ndiyakukhulula Nonku(Nonkululeko I no longer love you and my other wives that left me ,the love that I had for you guys died when I first laid my eyes on Mbali ,I'm sorry but that's how I feel ,I'll marry Mbali and please respect my decision and choice ,I'm setting you free Nonkululeko)
Nonku:(Crying)Emva kweminyaka emingaka Zingisa ,yindlela ondibulela ngayo le?!kunini ndihleli nawe Zingisa!!(After so many years Zingisa ,this is how you thank me?I've been with you for years Zingisa!!)
Zingisa:Ndiyazi kwaye ndicela uxolo(I know and I'm sorry)
Nonku:Ungayenza njani into enje kum Zingisa?!sisuka kude mna nawe kwaye Oko ndinawe ebunzimeni nasezintlungwini ogqithe kuzo kodwa wena undibulela ngesimba!(How could you do something like this to me Zingisa?!we've come a long way together and I've been down for you ever since we dated and married but you thank me with a piece of shit!!)
Zingisa:Uxolo kodwa.......(I'm sorry but.....)
She just flashed out of the house when I was about to finish my sentence ,I really feel bad for her ,we've been together since I was 15 years old people and she has always been down for me but our journey must end ,I hope she forgives me after this.Zimkhitha attempted to follow her
Zingisa:Myeke Zimkhitha abethwe ngumoya ,ndizakuya kuye xa ndigqiba ukuthetha le nto endifuna ukuyithetha(Leave her alone Zimkhitha ,she needs some time alone ,I'll go talk to her when we finish eating dinner)
Zimkhitha:Kulungile bhuti(Okay bro)
Zingisa:Palesa ke wena azange ndakhe ndakuthanda kwaye ndiyacebisa ukuba ulungise ubudlelwane bakho noNthabiseng ,ayikho into ebaluleke njengosapho apha emhlabeni ,enkosi ngokundizalela intombazana enhle kwaye andinayo tu ingxaki nawe kuba ungumama olungileyo kuye uAsive ,Palesa usemncinci kwaye umhle uzamfumana ozakuthanda kodwa lomntu loyo ayondim ,uxolo(Palesa I never loved you to begin with and I advise you to fix your relationship with Nthabiseng ,nothing's more important than family in this world ,thank you for giving birth to a beautiful girl and I really don't have a problem with you Palesa because you're a good mother to Asive ,Palesa you're still young and beautiful ,you'll find a boy who will love you way better than I did ,I'm sorry)
Palesa:(Tears escaped her eyes)Ngwana yena?(What about the child?)
Zingisa:Wena noAsive ningahlala apha okanye nize nizondwendwela khona kodwa ukuba nikhetha ukuhlala apha ndicela uhloniphe umfazi wam(You and Asive are welcome to stay here or come pay me visits but if you choose to live here then please respect my wife)
She also stood up and left.And then I continued eating my food ,I'll check up on them when I go to sleep ,as for now let me enjoy my time with my family then I'll worry about everything later.
Radebe:Enkosi ngokubaxelela oku ngokuzithoba kwaye ngokubachazela indlela oziva ngayo(Thank you for telling them this in a polite way and explaining to them about how you feel)
Zingisa:Enkosi Tata(Thank you dad)
Zimkhitha:Tata ubuyazi yonke le nto kwaye uyayivuma?(You knew about this dad and you don't have a problem with it?)
Radebe:Ewe Khitha(Yes Khitha)
Mkhokeli:Hayi utshintshile Radebe(No you really have changed Radebe)
Nozi:For the better though ,so when is she coming here?
Zingisa:Kukho izinto akafuna ukuzilungisa kuqala kokwabo ,kodwa emva kweveki ezimbalwa uzabe elapha nabantwana bethu abahle(There are some things that she have to fix at home ,but after a week or so she will be here with our beautiful babies)
They all popped their eyes out
Zimkhitha:Uzama ukuthini xa usithi abantwana?(What are you trying to say when you say babies?)
Zingisa:Bendingazi ukuba umithi ngokuya ndihlukana naye nditshata uPalesa ,ndifumanise namhlanje xa ndiyomkhangela ,ngamawele amathathu , amantombazana amabini nenkwenkwe(I didn't know she was pregnant when I broke up with her ,when I got married to Palesa ,I found that out today when I was looking for her ,they are triplets ,two girls and one boy)
Radebe:Nenkwenkwe?(And a boy?)
Zingisa:Undive kungekho moya Radebe(You heard me loud and clear Radebe)
Radebe:Hayi kodwa uyawazala amantombazana mfondini(But you have many girls)
We then laughed it off.
Nozi:Hayibo kengoku sizobabona nini?(So when are we going to see them?)
Zingisa:Andazi kodwa sizakulakha icebo mna naye(I don't know but me and Mbali will make a plan)
Zimkhitha:Yhoo abantwana abaninzi kangaka ,ke ngoku wena Zingisa unabantwana abane?(Yhoo you have too many babies now ,so now you have 4 babies?)
Zingisa:Uyaphapha ngoku(You're being forward now)
They all laughed and so did I then I continued to eat
Radebe:Amagama kaloku tyhini(Their names then?)
Nozi:Yinto bendifuna ukuyitsho leyo nam(That is what I was about to ask too)
Zingisa:Lo oyinkwenkwe nguZamani ,oyintombazana nguZamahle kube kho uZama naye yintombazana kodwa yena unomzimba omkhulu(The boy is Zamani ,the girls are Zama and Zamahle but Zama is chubby)
Radebe:Abazukulwana bakwaRadebe ,sendifuna ukubabona mna ngoku(The Radebe grandchildren ,I want to see them)
Zingisa:Ndizakwenza icebo lokuba ubabone tata(I'll make a plan for you to see them dad)
Zimkhitha:Ke ngoku uMbali uzakuvuma ukuza apha emva kwayo yonke into enzekile phakathi kwakhe notata?(So you think Mbali will agree into coming here after what happened between her and dad?)
Zingisa:Andazi ,ndizaqale ndimbuze(I don't know ,I'll ask her first)
Radebe:Ndizoxolisa kuye(I'll apologise to her)
Radebe:Ewe ,masityeni sizoyolala(Yes ,let's eat so that we can go rest our bodies)
Nozi:Masityeni nyani ,ukutya kwam kuqala ukubanda ngoku(Let's eat then ,my food is getting cold now)
We ate in silence and went to sleep ,but I decided to go to Nonkululeko's hut and knocked and after the third knock she opened up for me ,she looks miserable people.
Nonku:Uzondigqibezela?(You're back for round 2?)
Zingisa:Suyibeka njalo ,ufanelwe yingcazelo kengoko ke ndizokupha yona(Don't put it that way ,you deserve an explanation so I'm here to give it to you)
Nonku:Undicacisele yonke into Zingisa ,ndikuvile(You told me everything Zingisa ,I heard you)
Zingisa:Hayi ayikho njalo ,awusazi isizathu(No it's not like that ,you don't know the reason)
Nonku:Kulungile ngena(Fine come in)
She seems like she has been crying ,it breaks my heart to see her crying like that people ,I've been breaking her heart for years but this one takes the cup people ,her eyes are swollen people and it's not even funny ,it's so heartbreaking.So I got inside the hut and sat down and she did so too
Zingisa:Uxolo Nonkululeko kwaye enkosi ngokuba undinike uthando emva kwayo yonke into endakwenza yona(I'm sorry Nonkululeko and thank you for giving me and showing me love after everything that I did to you)
Nonku:Zingisa undichithele ixesha ,undivise ubuhlungu kwaye yiyo indlela ondibulela ngayo le?!huh?!akekho umntu okunyamezele njengam Zingisa kwaye soze abekho ,yazi Zingisa ndikunikile uthando ndikucenga ukuba undiphe umntwana ke kodwa wena wayonika ikrexe lakho usana kodwa noba kunjalo ndakuxolela ndahlala ,awuna mbulelo wena!(Zingisa you wasted my time ,you broke my heart and this is how you thank me?!huh?!no one's going to be patience with you like I was Zingisa ,no one ,you know Zingisa I gave you love and I begged you to give me a baby but no you gave your whore a baby but still I forgave you ,you are so ungrateful!)
Zingisa:Ndiyazi kwaye unyanisile andinawo umbulelo kodwa ufuna ndithini Nonkululeko?ufuna ndihlale kulomtshato ongenathando? kwakunini ngoko ndikuncamisa ,ndiyolala kuwe ,ndiyokubona ,ndiyokugona ndikuxelela amagama amnandi ,kwakunini ngoko ndisithi ndiyakuthanda Nonkululeko?ndicela ungayenzi nzima yonke le nto ndiyakucela ,ndiyamthanda uMbali qha qwaba ,ndiyazi le nto ndiyithethayo iyakrakra kodwa yinyani ,uxolo ngokungakuniki bantwana kodwa ezinye izinto kufuneka zenzekile(I know and you're right I'm ungrateful but what did you expect me to do Nonkululeko?you wanted me to stay in this marriage with a person I no longer love?when was the last time I kissed you?slept with you in your hut?visiting you?checking up on you?cuddled with you and told you sweet words?when was the last time I told you that I love you?please don't make this difficult than it already is please ,I love Mbali and that's it ,I know what I'm saying is heart breaking but it's the truth ,I'm sorry for not giving you babies but some things are meant to be)
Nonku:Yinto endandingena ndaba nayo leyo kuba ndandivuyela ukuba usengumyeni wam ndicinga ukuba ufuna nje ixesha lokuba ukhe ucinge izinto(That didn't even bother me because I was still happy that you are my husband still ,thinking you just wanted some time to figure things out)
Zingisa:Uthetha inyani apho ,ewe izinto ndizicingile kwaye andisawufuni lomtshato Nonkululeko(You're right there ,yes I figured things out and I don't want to be with you anymore Nonkululeko)
Nonku:(Tears escaped her eyes)Kodwa yonke le nto singayilungisa Zingisa ,andizukwazi ukulahlekelwa nguwe(But we can fix this Zingisa ,I don't want to lose you)
Zingisa:Nonkululeko ndiyakucela suyenza nzima yonke le nto ,ayikho into esazolunga phakathi kwethu ,uthando luphelile(Nonkululeko please don't make this difficult than it already is ,nothing can be fixed between us anymore ,our love is gone)
Nonku:Ngubani owaqale wathandana naye wakufundisa ukuba ukuthanda umntu kunjani?ngubani owakuxolela emva kokuba uleli noNomathemba usazi kakuhle ukuba ngumhlobo wam?ngubani owakuxolela emveni kokuba uleli nawo wonke umntu obhinqileyo apha kule lali?ngubani owakuxolela emva kokuba ucule ngoSinesipho ,ikrexe lakho ngokuya uzithoga?ngubani owamkela umfazi wakho uThantaswa kulomzi?ngubani owamkela uNthabiseng kulomzi?ngubani owamkela uPalesa nosana lwakho kulomzi?ngubani owayekubeka esifubeni sakhe xa udanile?(Who was your first lover and taught you how to love a person?who forgave you when you slept with my friend Nomathemba?who forgave you when you were busy sleeping with every girl in the village?who forgave you when you sang about Sinesipho your whore?who accepted Thantaswa as your wife in this house?who accepted Nthabiseng as your wife in this house?who accepted Palesa and the baby as your wife and kid in this house?who comforted you when your days were darker?)
You see people ,this person has been patient with me and it's so heart breaking ,I really broke her heart ,I didn't deserve her to begin with.
Zingisa:Nguwe Nonkululeko kwaye ndiyaxolisa ngokukophula intliziyo yakho kaninzi kangaka(It's you Nonkululeko and I'm sorry for breaking your heart so many times)
Nonku:Zingisa phuma ,ayisekho into endingayithetha kuwe ,ndanele nguwe kodwa akekho umntu oyophinde akuthande njengam kweli lizwe(Zingisa get out ,there's nothing more I can say to you ,I'm just done talking but no one's going to love you like I did in this world)
Zingisa:And you never deserved me ,I'm sorry if I reopened your wounds but mine will continue to bleed if I stay here with you knowing exactly that my heart is where my true lover is
Nonku:Phuma(Get out)
Zingisa:Ube nobusuku obuhle njengawe maGcina(Have a beautiful night like you MaGcina)
I then got out , immediately when I stepped outside ,I heard her screaming ,I really broke her heart but things like these happen ,I didn't think our love will end like this ,I thought she was my forever but I was wrong ,she forgave me for everything and I still broke her heart ,I wasted her time and I feel like a jerk for doing so.I will have to go see Mbali tomorrow and tell her this and I really need to be in her arms ,her titties are my pillows of sorrow and emptiness ,I need them and to see my babies.I have 4 kids now ,wow great ,3 girls and 1 boy ,imbalance!.So I went to Palesa's hut and she opened up for me.
Zingisa:Molo ,ndingangena?(Hey ,may I come in?)
Palesa:(Wiped her tears)Tsena(Come in)
So I got inside ,I don't even understand why she's crying ,I mean I've told her a multiple times that I don't have any feelings for her.Enough about that ,so I got inside the hut and sat next to her and she handed me Asive ,she has grown and she even crawls now ,it's amazing people ,she really looks like Palesa heyyyy.
Palesa:O tlo bona Lebo kapa?(Are you here to see Lebo or?)
Zingisa:Ndizobona wena(I'm here to see you)
Zingisa:Uyazi ukuba ngoba kutheni Palesa tyhini ,ndifuna sithethe(You know why Palesa geez ,I want us to talk)
Palesa:(Sighed)Ka eng?haona letho ekebatla hole bua le wena hle ,onrobile pelo holekane(About what?there's nothing I want to talk with you about ,you broke my heart it's enough)
Zingisa:Kulungile uzakumamela mna ke njengoba ungafuni ukuthetha Wena kuba mna ndifuna ukuyibhodla le nto(It's. fine you'll listen to me and I'll talk because you don't want to talk and i really want to get this off my chest)
Palesa:Ho lokile thetha Zingisa(Fine Zingisa talk)
I just laughed a little ,she sucks at isiXhosa and she sounds funny.
Palesa:Tlogela ho tshega ono bua fela bathong ,onsenyetsa nako(Stop laughing and just talk geez ,you're wasting my time)
Zingisa:Yhoo ,fine I'll talk geez ,I'm sorry about how things turned out to be but you knew that someday something similar to this will happen because I never wanted to get married to you including having any type of feelings for you.I really don't want to be with you anymore and I never wanted to ,but I want us to be good parents to Asive and co-parent and just respect each other everytime and communicate but only about the baby ,she's my princess and I want what's best for her and same applies to you ,you can still live here just for Asive but only if you'll respect my wife and her babies too ,and for as long as you want till you also meet the apple of your eye.
Palesa:Okay now you can leave
Zingisa:Awuzuthetha Tu?(So you're not going to say anything?)
Palesa:Eya ,hake batle ho bua Zingisa(Yes ,I don't want to talk Zingisa)
Zingisa:Ngoba kutheni?(But why?)
Palesa:Because it won't change your mind(Sighed)it's cool I'll continue living here and I'll fix my relationship with my sister ,now please get out ,I need some time alone
Zingisa:Kulungile ke(It's fine then)
She then gave me a nasty look and slammed the door in my face ,okay I deserved that.So I went to my hut and slept ,now I can't wait for my wedding day with Mbali ,my queen.I'll forever be grateful for the babies ,I love them.I CANT TELL WHEN I WILL PUBLISH AGAIN❤️
Uthando olungavumelekanga: Forbidden love
RomanceMy name is Esona Ngogodo ,this is just a love story between people who are from different tribes .She has always been a violent yet strong woman ,a woman who fell in love at a very young age with her enemy ,an enemy to her kingdom .She always been a...