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The Bala place

Ayabonga has been sick and the person who has been herding Radebe's sheeps is Lloyiso.So Thantaswa woke up and went to check up on Ayabonga.
Thanti:Aya?(Sat beside him)Unjani namhlanje?(Aya?*how are you feeling today?)
Aya:Andiphilanga tu sis'Thantaswa ,ndiyagodola(I'm not feeling well at all Thantaswa ,I'm even feeling cold)
Thanti:(Felt his forehead)Yhoo uyatshisa nkwenkwe ,inoba yintoni ingxaki?(Yhoo your temperature is high boy ,I wonder what's the problem with you)
Aya:Inoba ndinomkhuhlani(Maybe I caught a fever)
Thanti:It can't be a fever ,you've been sick for 2 weeks Ayabonga
Aya:Hayi kuyenzeka ,umama nimxelele ngalomba?(It's possible though ,did you guys tell mom about this?)
She just cleared her throat
Thanti:Utata wakho akafuni simxelele umama wakho ukuba uyagula(Your father doesn't want us to tell your mother that you're sick)
Aya:Hayibo ngoba kutheni?(Geez why?)
Thanti:Akafuni ukumkhathaza ngalento wethu ,uyamazi nawe unyoko ukuba unjani(He doesn't want to worry her about this ,you know how your mother is)
Aya:But she deserves to know ,I'm her son you know
Thanti:Ndiyazi Ayabonga hle ndimxelele uDumile qha uyamazi nawe utata wakho akeva(I know Ayabonga and I told Dumile that but you know how your father is ,he's stubborn)
Aya:Ndivela amaqhakuva(I'm developing pimples and rash)
Thanti:Hayibo wena ,phi?(Geez ,where?)
He then showed her his chest which was filled with pimples and rash ,it was also red.Thantaswa covered her mouth in shock as she was shocked at seeing this
Thanti:Hayibo Ayabonga!!(Geez Ayabonga!!)
Aya: Ibuhlungu(It's painful)
Thanti:Yhoo yhoo yhoo ,khathi ndibize uDumile(Yho yho yho ,let me call Dumile)
She then left him there and called Dumile to see that ,he did so and became worried about his son
Dumile:Ikuvele nini lento Bonga?(When did this happen Bonga?)
Aya:Izolo emini(Yesterday in the afternoon)
Thanti:Dumile kufuneka eyazile uSindi le nto ,kwaye ayikho into esingayizamanga ukwenzela uAyabonga aphile(Dumile you need to tell Sindi about this ,and there's nothing that we didn't try to heal Ayabonga)
Dumile:(Brushed his head)Ndiyazi kodwa andifuni ukumkhathaza(I know but I don't want to worry her?)
Thanti:Ndiyazi kodwa kufuneka eyazile lento ,unelungelo(I know but she needs to know about this ,she has the right to)
Dumile:Sizamxelela kusasa ,okwangoku kufuneka sibize uZondiwe ,ayikho into enje kaloku(We will tell her tomorrow as for now let's call Zondiwe ,there's no such thing as this one)
Thanti:Dumile kodwa ,kutheni uphozisa amaseko ngayo yonke lento?(But Dumile ,why are you wasting time in this?)
Dumile:S'thandwa sam ndiyakucela(My love please)
Thanti:Kulungile ,ndizambiza ugog'Zondiwe(Fine ,I'll call Zondiwe)
Dumile:Enkosi(Thank you)
Aya:Ndicela nibe nindishiya ndifuna ukulala(Please may you guys give me sometime alone ,I want to take a nap)
Dumile:Kulungile nyana(That's okay son)
Aya:Ndicela ukutya kodwa(May you make some food for me first though)
Thantaswa brought food for him and went to call Zondiwe.Dumile did some soup for his son
Dumile:Inoba yintoni ingxaki ngoBonga?(I wonder what's wrong with Bonga)
He then handed it to him
Aya:Enkosi tata kodwa andinawo umdla(Thank you dad but I don't have an appetite)
Dumile:Inoba yintoni ingxaki ngawe?(I wonder what's the matter with you I'm worried)
Aya:Andazi nam tata kodwa suxhalaba ndizakuphila kungekudala(I don't know too dad but don't worry I'll be okay soon)
Dumile:Ndizamxelela unyoko uyeva?(I'll tell your mother about this ,okay?)
Aya:Ndiyakuthemba tata(I trust you dad)
Dumile:(Smiled) Enkosi nyana(Thank you son)
After some few hours Thantaswa came back with Zondiwe.
Dumile:Kunini umkile(You've been out for a while)
Thanti:She's a busy lady baby
Zondi:Molweni kwaBala ,uphi lo ugulayo(Greetings Bala family ,who's sick?)
Thanti:Nanku phaya ebhedini ,kodwa ngaphambi kokuba wenze into oze ngayo apha ,awuyifuni into yokutya mhlawumbi?(There he is in the bed ,but before you start don't you want something to eat first?)
Zondi:Hayi enkosi sana lwam ndihluthi mna(No thank you my child ,I'm stuffed)
She then sat beside Ayabonga and checked his temperature and the rash that he had.
Zondi:Uphi umama walomntwana?(Where is the mother of this child?)
Dumile:Ukwakhe(At her house)
Zondi: Ukwakhe phi?(Where?)
Dumile:Hayibo ingenaphi lo nto?(Geez why do you want to know?)
Zondi:Phendula umbuzo Dumile(Just answer the question you're being asked Dumile)
Dumile:(Looked at Thanti)EDitsietseng(At Ditsietseng)
Zondi:Andizukwazi ukunixelela ingxaki engekho unina wakhe ,inkulu le nto kwaye ifuna abe khona(I can't tell you what is wrong with your son without her mother being here ,this is huge and it needs her to he here)
Dumile:Hayibo ngoba kutheni?(Geez why?)
Zondi:Uyafuna ukuba aphile unyana wakho okanye hayi?(Do you want your son to be okay or not?)
Thanti:Kunyanzelekile ukuba uyenze le nto Dumile(You have to do this Dumile)
Dumile:Kulungile ,ndizoya eDitsietseng ngoku(Fine ,I'll go to Ditsietseng now)
Thanti:Singathuma uLloyiso Dumile(We can ask Lloyiso to do so Dumile)
Dumile: Hayi ndizakuya ngokwam(No ,I'll go myself)
Thanti:Uqinisekile ngalonto?(Are you sure?)
He then kissed her cheek and left.
Zondi:Nalu ke olubambo lwakho bendik'xelela ngalo hayi lamfo wakwa Radebe(Now there's your soulmate I've been telling you about not that Radebe boy)
Thanti:(Smiled) Ndiyayibona lo nto gogo(I see that grandma)
Zondi:Kushiyeke uNonkululeko ngoku(Nonkululeko has to realise that too now)
Thanti:Eish yeah ,she will when the time is right
Aya:Ndicela amanzi ,ndinentloko eb'hlungu ngoku(May you please get me water ,I have a headache now)
Thantaswa went to get him water that he needed then they all talked while Ayabonga took a nap waiting for his father to come back.

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