Oh Look, The Totally Harmless Plan

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The Bold writing stands for what I insert / comment on. Cursive stands for what a character thinks. Have fun reading! 😉

After the final Joust of the second year, the new Fledglings had some time off. Skandar and the rest of his quartet were in their treehouse. Bobby made her usual emergency sandwich, Michell went trough Slandar's cards with the stats, comparing the wingbeats per minute of all the Chaos Cup winners over the years. Flo recieved another book from her mother, a librarian, about wild unicorns spitting out random facts. 

Skandar had his book open, which would replace the book of Spirit. Kenna had recited the entirety of the book she memorized during her confinement. Now it was finally complete once again plus new added details that Skandar discovered and those of the old man he had visited some time ago.

Skanar's thoughts wandered off to the prison, to Agatha and how he had lost the original one time. From there his thoughts carried on to the Silver Circle that guarded the prison and remembered what he had found in their library - the names of the spirit wielders that were rejected and prohibited from open the Hatchery door. He recalled that he wanted to mend all of them to their destined horses, like he had done with Kenna (in my story). And he was determined to do so. 

But how? He would first have to get to the books from inside the Silver Stronghold. Flo. Flo could do it. But would she? 

It had been a close call before, the fist time they snuck him and Scoundrel in. She would have to do it alone. It would be too risky to go in himself. Skandar brought up the topic and Mitchell declared an emergancy meeting right away to which you could hear multiple groans. Mitchell liked his order. He set up the blackboard.

"Okay, let's vote on what we'll do. Try to mend riders with their destined unicorns and take the risks of Skandar dying in the process, Flo getting cought if she decides to accept or all of us getting killed and cought since it is very illegal, I suppose, or we leave it and enjoy our time off in peace.", Mitchell started "starting with the first option, go through with it. Raise your hand, if you want to go with that." 

Flo, Bobby and Skandar immediately their hands, Mitchell made a kind of indecisive hand motion. 

"So it is decited!", remarked Bobby. Mitchell continued by asking "Flo, do you choose to except to get the copies of the books from 2021 to 2024, so four books during your next meeting which is the day after tomorrow while excusing yourself to go to the bathroom, risking you getting in big troble and facing the consequences that do not have to be brought up?" 

"I guesss so. I'll do my best" "Good. You've gotten used to going against the rules, I see! Anyway. Back to the point. According to my calculations, you have approximately 9 to 10 minutes before anyone becomming suspicious of you being in the bathroom for a long time. Because if 5 minutes is the average time a person spends in the bathroom and the mormal walking time from the training area to the bathroom and back, which adds about 4 minutes." 

Mitchel carries on by saying "but from the training area to the library it takes 8 minutes in total, there and back. Now that is only if you run and maintain an average speed of  10 kilomiters per hour or about 7 miles per hour. But running is suspicious. So if anyone asks, just say that you're in a hurry. But if you are able to get there without having to hide from anyone or are not being slowed down at all which would be very surprising, you have 2 minutes to find and hide the books in a bag or something. But if you get delayed, well, you'll have to give them an excuse as to why it took so long, should they ask." 

Bobby voiced her concerns saying "That's all fine but do you even have the authority to enter the library after last time, Flo?" Flo looked like she was regretting her decision already by the time she answered "I'm pretty sure, but it's not like I could ask or something like that". 

Aurora Dawson, The Unicorn RiderWhere stories live. Discover now