I Almost Crash-landed

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Landing was not as easy as I thought. We had to fly in from the top (like an eagle hunting) and hope we don't crash land. Kind of. 

Let me explain. The so-called Mirror Cliffs were inaccesable (because of the wind and quards) and we couldn't fly in from the wilderness on the other side because we would have flown above everyone and they would have seen us. So we flew really high up (to the point where breathing was getting difficult) to reduce the chances of being seen and flying down like a leaf falling, landing in fourpoint. It was terrifying. I almost threw up. But who cares? We made it!

Skandar hot off Scoundrel and walked to the tree. He then placed his hand on the bark. Shining white lines fillled in the cracks and dents. A hole appeared that was just big enough to fit a Unicorn. 

"What does white mean?", I asked. "I thought there was only yellow for air, blue for water, red for fire and green for earth...?"

"We'll tell you later.", Skandar replied, getting back on Scoundrel.

I was dissapointed. There was a lot they were not telling me and I hate knowing about secrets but not knowing what they are.

On the other side we started flying again. I could tell Blade was very tired and exausted. The view was magnificent. Treehouses everywhere, shops in the main street, and plants of every color. I wondered what it looked like during the day, filled with people.

We landed again at the stables. There were no guards. I got off and waited for them outside. They fed and brushed their horses.

"Let's go to the treehouse, c'mon. But be quiet", Bobby told me.

Five minutes later we were in the treehouse. The walls were painted in elemental colors. They see ed to be alive somehow. "What's that symbol with the rings over there on the blue wall?", I asked them.

"I drew it there. It's special", Skandar replied.

He was clearly evading my question but I didn't push. Not yet. "Ok. So what elements are you all alied to?"

Mitchell answered. "I'm Fire, Bobby's Air, Flo is Earth, and Skandar is supposed to be Water"

Supposed? What does he mean by that?  I thought to myself.

Bobby changed the subject by saying "We set up a bead for you in Flo and I's room."

Something was going on. But I was too tired then so I followed them.

My bed was a sofa that could be folded out into a decently sized bed and it was really comfortable and soft. They gave me two drawers from their closet to put my stuff. 

"I hope this is ok for you.", Flo voiced her concerns "We just don't have that much space here"

"No, this is awesome! I expected much less, honestly. Thank you." I replied and took out my toothbrush. I got to use the sink first.

Bobby snores, Flo talkes and moves around a lot. That is the only complaint I had, but I still got a little bit of sleep.

Aurora Dawson, The Unicorn RiderWhere stories live. Discover now