Are You Constipated?

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*Morning, after breakfast two days later, at the stables*

After grooming and feeding the Unicorns Skandar walked over to Flo's stall. "What time are you going to the stronghold with Blade?"

"From 10 am to 1 pm, then I will be with you guys for lunch and will go there again from 2:30 pm to 4 pm. So I'll leave in 5"

"Right. You like to be early... So is it ok for you if you hand me the books at lunch?"

"Will do. But isn't that obvious?" Flo was only sweating slightly. "What will you do today while I'm gone?"

"Worrying about you, of course" Mitchell answered unfazed.

"Oh C'mon. It's not that big of a deal. She'll be fine!" Bobby apparently didn't understand the concept of Sarcasm yet. Or she just didn't care. We'll never know.

Upon arriving Blade took Flo to the main training area, since he knew the way. Their policy was that riders would walk next to their Unicorns within the Stronghold, unless they were guarding, training or instructing. After training for a few hours she had to go bathroom, so she asked her trainer of the day. He however replied by saying that she should not 'interrupt the flow'. 

A little while later she asked him again. This time he reluctantly allowed her to go. "You have five minutes. Go. Leave Blade here." 

"Five minutes?!  But it takes four just to walk there!"

"Not my problem. Pee faster then"

Change of plan.  Flo thought to herself while walking away quickly. Now I really need to go bathroom! It would take way too long to do both. 

She checked the time after getting out of the bathroom. 45 seconds?! Sh!t he's going to kill me! She was perfectly fine because she was only "15 seconds late, Shekoni. Do better"

"Why are you like this? Can't you just leave her be?" That was the only person who could talk back to him. They were cousins. Also 15, a Fledgeling.

*at lunch*


"What's wrong, Flo? You looked like someone died"

"Do you have the books?"

"No, I don't. I asked, he only gave me five minutes and I had to go bathroom for real. I'm sorry"

"No I'm sorry. I shouldn't have put so much preassure on you" Skandar sounded sincere

"It's fine, really. Besides, I can try again. You always get a new instructor so that your skillset developes with a lot of variety. Everyone has their own specialty that they teach you."

"That" Skandar always liked learning new things about her training "is a quite nice system, actually"

After another two hours had passed after training she decited to go for it. 

"Sure, Flo. You can go" "Me too, Miss?" "Fine."

Now I have to go to the bathroom first and then the library. Ughh

Since the other person was a boy, she didn't actually have to go inside. It was just a small detour.

She half jogged, half sprinted. She did not care what he would think. She opened the door to the girl's bathroom and made sure it slammed shut. Just in case. 9 minutes left. At the library door. "A Silver. Name?"

"Florence Shekoni. Rider of Silver Blade" she answered to the guard, trying her best not to pant.

Yess I'm inside! Ok. 8  minutes left. Skar said  the shelve was all the way in the back and... on the left I think...?

Aurora Dawson, The Unicorn RiderWhere stories live. Discover now