Dreaming about Unicorns

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The next morning the others went to breakfast and brought me something to eat too. After a while I decited to ask them where my Unicorn was. They said they had to find it first. Skandar explained that there is a fifth element called Spirit and that that was his allied element. That was also why Scoundrel had a white blaze. He also told me what the element is and what it does, why it was banned and how he found me. 

He said he was a Mender. They dream with their Unicorns and find the destined wild Unicorn for a person. That dream is dangerous and easily deadly. That is why there should always be another person watching over them. After finding the Unicorn he could see the bond between human and Unicorn and strengthen it. The wild, decaying Unicorn is turned mortal and no longer dying and living at the same time. It looks like and is a bonded Unicorn. The wounds heal, the horn is not transparent anymore and it is less bloodthirsty.

Skandar, Michell and I went to the stable. There had to be at least one person to watch over the Mender. He could be lost in the wild Unicorn's sadness and grief of being alone. Mitchell and I stayed outside of the stable. It was midday and Skandar took a 'nap'. I was not fond of the possibillity of Skandar dying in the process. He convinced me that as long as we were there, nothing could happen. It took about twenty minutes for them to fall asleep. Skandar started twitching. I asked Michtell at what point we should step in. He answered by saying that I would notice.

Skandar's POV

I started dreaming. I felt the presence of Scoundrel in the dream. He was there. I imagined Aurora, her flowy golden hair, her lively eyes, her pretty smile and her personality. Sarcastic, independent, artistic and goal-driven.

I saw her.

Aurora's POV

"He's doing something. It's like he tied a rope around my heart and is trying to find the other end of it. I feel it somehow", I told Mitchell. He seemed fascinated of the whole process.

Skandar's POV

I saw her in front of the stable. I felt like I was a drone, not walking or running but flying like in a video game. I travelled to the wilderness. This was the teffifying part. I saw a herd. Within the herd I found it. I knew where it was.  A Silver that had 'lost' its shine. Or rather never had it. Wait. A Silver? Spirit wielders cannot have a silver Unicorn. They are rivals - always have been. There had never been any Silver Spirits. Did they just think she was a Spirit wielder but she actually wasn't but didn't take chances? The Unicorn could have been beautiful. Delecate features. But dying alive. A big wound on the shoulder and visible bone on the front right hoof.

A stinging and blinding pain. Sadness. Anger. Revenge. Loneliness. Bloodlust. Get me out of here. Please. I started getting angry at everything. Like when I had been posessed by Scoundrel that one time.

Aurora's POV

He started shaking violently. Like he was in pain. Like a lot of pain. Mitchell said we should wake him up. I agreed. We opened the door to the stable. I went in first. Scoundrel didn't seem too peaceful either. I crouched down and started shaking Skandar. Nothing. Mitchell got water. I shook Skandar harder and harder. Nothing. I took the water bucket and poored it all over him. He bolted, soaking wet and cold. Scoundrel too. 

"You ok?" I asked him.

"No" he answered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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