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Meet me behind the mall.

Maven stared at his phone, a smile creeping past his facade of indifference. Mare had proven to be more than the absence of a cat, the best kind of rascal and partner in crime. One woven of graffiti cans and stolen bottles of wine, flashlights in the woods and laughter in the branches.

His heart fluttered as he drew it to his chest. She could've kissed him last night. They were so close, cheek to cheek, her head on his shoulder as they watched the sunset. She'd been tired, so tired she didn't think anything of it. Had her heart pounded as his did? It must've.

Another text. Bring the camera.

Maven sat upright, knocking over the books in his wake. Most were borrowed from Julian with no intent on giving them back. Maybe he could pawn them off to her.

He stuffed them in his bag, slinging it over his shoulder. Behind the mall was a small saltwater lake, studded with sand and shells of all kinds. Warm in the winter, cool in the summer, the perfect romantic backdrop to conduct a grand affair. What could be more, if Cal got out of the picture.

The sand crunched beneath his feet as he shrugged the camera from his bag. Old fashioned, bulky, far too conspicuous to carry unseen. He liked it that way. Made him feel special. Just as Mare did, with her laughter and brushes of their shoulders.

Speaking of . . .

A pebble landed at his feet, and he whirred around. Mare brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Catch."

He grinned. "Careful. You could break a bone."

"I'd call that a bonus." She tossed him some film. "Get myself some street cred."

Maven clicked the camera as Mare laughed, a flash of something more as he tucked the result in his bag. The lake glimmered with clouds, rippling once he tossed the pebble. It sank to the bottom, quick as a mirage, and he thought of diving after it. To hold onto the gift he so casually tossed.

Instead, he slid an arm around her waist. "And to think, you weren't queen already."

Mare blushed. "Of this lake, maybe."

He paused. "Would that make me your king?"

"Oh, stop that." She shoved him, giggling. "You're an indulgent prince at most."

He bowed. "Shall we rule the lake?"

She grinned.

Maven tossed the books on the sand for the crabs to munch on, slipping his shoes off and wading into the water. His stomach turned as the lake lapped at his feet. Stupid. Five years later, and he still couldn't get over the time he almost drowned.

A shell twinkled from beneath the waves, pearly white and iridescent. He plucked it despite his fear, turning it between his fingers so the sun caught on the ridges. A toss, and it lay on the books, sand smoothed and sun scorched, sullying the pages below it in a most delightful way. More shells followed, piling up, toppling over within the hour. He drew back, studying his work. Julian was going to lose it.

Mare popped her head over his shoulder and his heart did a somersault. "May I have some?"

"Take them all." He pressed a conch into her hand. "Consider it tribute."

She laughed. "Making me carry them, huh?"

"Only if you want them."

Her hand caressed his shoulder, lingering. "Take a swim with me."

He stiffened. "I can't."

"Why not?" She cocked her head. "Did you never learn?"

"I tried, once." Maven swallowed. "Nearly drowned."

Mareven Oneshots (Explicit)Where stories live. Discover now