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Ivor and I were in the middle of packing our things for Germany

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Ivor and I were in the middle of packing our things for Germany...... Well, we were until we found ourselves on our bed, shirts unbuttoned and me working on giving Ivor his fourth hickey this week.  

Now, I can see why Kip always tells us. He's surprised that Ivor's not pregnant yet since we can't keep our hands off each other. 

"Ian." I heard my boyfriend say. I looked up from his neck at him. "Is everything alright, honey?"  I got off of him, and Ivor sat up.

"I was thinking," Ivor informed. He started to pick at the sides of his one finger.  "About?" I asked, taking his hand in mine. "Ivor, if you have something to tell me, I wouldn't judge."

Ivor took a deep breath before beginning. "I want to have a baby, Ian." Ivor replied, "I want to get married and have a family with you. We've been putting it on the back burner for a while now and we're not getting any younger." I knew he was going to say that.  

Before his nineteenth birthday, Ivor had a uterus transplant.  His parents were for it but were initially confused as to why Ivor wanted one in the first place before he explained why he wanted it.

He wanted to have children, but he didn't feel the right nor the need to adopt kids, so he took the upper hand and got the surgery.  

The only problem with the whole ordeal is that Ivor had to deal with what women go through every month and I hated to see him in pain with the cramps. Luckily, Ivor's mother gave him some pads for that time of the month, plus, I always got him some  chocolate, which he was thankful for.

Ivor and I both agreed that we would wait to have children when Ivor had just gotten the surgery and we barely bring it up now. It surprised me that Ivor brought it up.  

"Ivor, we will soon." I replied, "I know that you want kids, but I promise you every word I say, we will have a family."

Ivor nodded. "Promise?"

"I promise."

"I still can't believe he did this to me!" Kenzo said, walking back and forth

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"I still can't believe he did this to me!" Kenzo said, walking back and forth. "Chey and I had to pull teeth to get him to go." 

I looked up from painting Anselm's nails. "How long was he supposed to be in there?" I asked.

Kenzo sat down on the chair that was at the end of the table. "Fourteen days, he was only there for ten." Anselm and I's eyes were wide.

"He's another reason why we didn't have alcohol in the house growing up." Kenzo rubbed his face with his hand in distress. "My mom and dad tried to get Stewart help, but they failed every time." Kenzo informed, "When My dad got sick with cancer, both of my parents decided to drop him for good, but I wasn't going to give up on him too easily." 

"Is it just you and him?" Anselm asked.

"Yeah, Our mother died last year." Kenzo replied, "But her final wish was me getting Stewart help."  He wiped his eyes. "I feel like I failed her." 

"You're trying the best you can, Kenz." I replied, looking at him.
"I know I am, but I try so hard to help him but he just likes to mess the help I get him up."

Anselm started fanning her hands. "Don't give up on him, You have helped him so much already and I know how you are, Kenzo. you don't give up easily." Anselm said.

Kenzo nodded. "True."

"So, when are we going to Germany?"

"This coming Saturday." Kenzo replied, "I had called Cheyenne recently and he said that Stewart has no idea We're coming to Germany plus Stewart get out of rehab this Saturday."

"I have a feeling you're to tell him off."
"For Sure, plus, Chey got us a house, we can rent out during our visit."  Kenzo informed, "Which means the bedrooms will have two beds in each room. "
Anselm pulled me close to her.  "She's my roommate."  Anselm and Kenzo laughed at me.

"I guess Kip and I will be roommates, cause I already know that Ivor and Ian will be roommates no doubt, I know they will be using the room with the one bed in it, so, Stewart and Cheyenne will be in the last two beds bedroom."

We all shared a laugh, knowing that Ivor and Ian were the only couple in the friend group.

"Ivor and Ian both mean well." I said, "But Ian can be a little bit of a smart-ass."

"He treats Ivor good which I'm glad he does or I will show him the german way of kicking someone's ass."

"I do have a thing for the germans." I said, Kenzo's face lit up. "Oh, I hope you don't find me as a threat."

"Oh, not at all, You mean well as much as everyone else I'm friends with."

Kenzo nodded.  "Good to hear." Before getting up. "Now, I must excuse myself, I gotta go and finish packing." He walked out of the kitchen, leaving Anselm and I to our devices.

"I think he likes you, Lucille." Anselm said, I jumped up a little at her words.
"You're crazy."
"How he said I hope you don't find me as a threat when you were saying you had a thing for the germans."
"Anselm, you're crazy." 
"I might be crazy but I honestly think he likes you."
"Anselm, if we are meant to be, we will be."
Anselm got up from the table. "Thank you for  painting my nails."
"You're  welcome, I'll do mine later."  I said, cleaning up the area we were painting our nails at up and thinking about what Anselm said about Kenzo and I.

Maybe we could be a good match.

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