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We arrived at the house Chey rented for us to stay in around eleven at night

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We arrived at the house Chey rented for us to stay in around eleven at night.  We all were ready to go to bed, but I was prepared to kill my brother....... Not really. 

"This is the place," I said, looking at the paper. I wrote down the address that Chey gave me over the phone before we left for the airport.   

"About time! God, I swear we've been in the car for hours!" Ian complained, holding Ivor's hand, I agree with Kip on those two. 

"Oh, calm down, Ian." Kip replied, "You two will have all the time during tonight. You can hump each other like rabbits all you want to."  Lucille smacked him on the back of the head, then looked at Ivor and Ian. "Ivor, what's on your neck?" She asked. Ivor's whole face turned red. 

"What? Nothing. It's nothing!" Ivor blurted out, covering the side of his neck up.  Anselm carried her luggage up the steps to the house.  Lucille, Kip,I, Ivor, and Ian were right behind her. 

I knocked on the door and it opened to Cheyenne. "Kenzo!" He greeted me, hugging me. "So, nice to see you!" 

"Nice to see you too," I replied, Chey invited us into the house. "Where's Stewart?"

"Oh, He came home today around noon. He was blackout drunk by four, been sleeping ever since." Cheyenne informed.  I turned to look at Anselm. "Oh, Chey, I forgot to introduce you to the group." I turned to them. "Guys, this is Cheyenne.  Cheyenne, This is Anselm, Lucille, Kip, Ian, and Ivor." 

"Very nice to meet you all," Cheyenne replied, Lucille came up to him. "Are you German too?"

"Nope! I'm Welsh, Madame."  He turned to look at the rest of the group. "I'll show you guys your rooms." He led us to the bedrooms. "The bedroom with the one bed is for the couple, Kenzo was telling me about." Ian's face lit up. "That's us." He picked Ivor up and carried him to their bedroom.

"If you need us, you know where to find us."  Ian said, "Is it this way, Cheyenne?"

"Please, Ian, call me, Chey." Cheyenne informed, "Down the hallway, your guys' room is right next to mine and Stewart's."  

"Have a ton of sex just to piss Stewart off," I said, then looking at Chey. "Sorry, I'm just mad at Stewart." Chey put a hand on my shoulder. "I am beyond angry with him too."

We turned around to see Anselm, Lucille, and Kip already in the bedrooms, I could look and see Kip already sound asleep in one of the beds.

I guess he got first picked. 

Ian gently placed me on the bed

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Ian gently placed me on the bed. I laughed at him while he took his shirt off then he got on top of me. "Ian," I said, knowing what he wanted to do.  "Yes, Honeybun?" He asked.

"Did you bring condoms?" I replied. Ian glared at me in surprise. "I only grabbed four." He blabbed, "Why?"

"Open one and put it on." I demanded, "Please."  Ian nodded, getting off of the bed and shutting the door. Then he pulled down his pants and boxers.   I blushed at my boyfriend, who was doing what I asked of him.  "Why are you making me do this again?" He asked, looking up at me. 

"Because I don't want to get pregnant on vacation." I informed him, "This trip is important to Anselm and Kenzo, and I don't want to ruin it. We also are getting lube and more condoms." Ian looked up at me. 

"Okay, We can do that, since I forgot our lube at home."

"Damnit, Ian," I said. Ian sat beside me and whispered in my ear. "Your clothes are still on."

"You alright, Anselm?" Lucille asked me

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"You alright, Anselm?" Lucille asked me.  I looked up from the map I had been studying since we got on the plane to come to Germany.  "Yeah, I'm fine." I replied, putting the map on the bedside table. "I'll look at it more tomorrow."  I took my clothes into the bathroom to change.

I knew Lucille was going to be worried sick about me. 

We came over to Germany for two sad reasons: My grandpa dying and Stewart leaving rehab. 

But we all are trying to make the best out of it.

Like, we always do.

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