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I woke up to an empty bed

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I woke up to an empty bed. I sat up, looking for Ivor then it caught my attention that the shower water was running. "So, that's where he is." I thought to myself, getting up from bed, walking into the bathroom to see Ivor's clothes all over the floor and it looked like his underwear was drenched in blood.

Poor guy, His cycle was always heavy when it came to the second day. I knew he was trying to clean himself up the best he could. I began to take my clothes off and opened the shower curtain to see Ivor standing under the water and staring into nothing.

I touched his arm. "Ivor, Honey?" He about jumped out of his skin when I touched him.

"Jesus, Ian." He gasped out, putting a hand to his chest. "I'm sorry," I replied, not meaning to scare my lover as badly as I did. "At Least, give me a warning next." I wrapped my arms around him. "How are you feeling?"

"My whole body hurts." Ivor sighed, looking at me. "Awh, Sweets, I'm sorry." I replied, "Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?"

Ivor nodded. "Can we have a session?" He asked, "I thought about it, and the cleanest way we can have a session while I'm on my period is to do it in the shower." I blushed a little at Ivor's request. We never had period sex before but we did have shower sex and there is always a time for trying something new.

"Are you sure you want to do this without a condom?" I asked, he took my hand in his. "Ian, We'll get it wet, come on, let's do it."

"I thought you would agree."

"Do you think I was too hard on him?" I heard Kenzo ask me

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"Do you think I was too hard on him?" I heard Kenzo ask me. I turned to look at him. "No, I honestly think you could've been nicer towards him but I understand your anger," I replied, not knowing what to tell him.

"I just didn't like how he hurt Cheyenne," I informed, remembering how bloody Cheyenne's arm looked and how he smelled terrible of beer. "He didn't care how he hurt you, Chey or Raymond." Kenzo sat up. "Raymond and Cheyenne care about him the same amount as I do," Kenzo replied, rubbing his face with his hand. "I can just hear Ray."

I looked up at him. "Who's Ray?" I asked, Kenzo looked at me. "Raymond is Stewart's other friend. That's one of many reasons why Stewart was jealous of me because I had more friends than him." Kenzo replied, "Chey and Ray are the only friends that Stewart has."

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