Special Chapter

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A/N: A little filler chapter(cause I'm lazy af) on what Wyatt and Y/N think of each other


First impressions:

When I first saw her, I was taken away by her beauty. When I saw her again, she looked so fiercely protective of her sister. I genuinely wanted to be friends with her but she flipped me which was pretty badass and hot(A/N: Damn Wyatt's down bad huh?). I don't even know why I said that in the library except for the fact that she wasn't afraid of my sister and even stood up for her sister.


She seems so fierce and protective but looks so innocent.(A/N: Okay so there's a TikTok trend[not a trend anymore but a couple months ago maybe late 2023? Idk] and I think it would be like this. Y/N: Looks like a cinnamon roll, could kill you. Wyatt: Looks like they could kill you, is a cinnamon roll. Addison: Looks like a cinnamon roll, is a cinnamon roll. Willa: Looks like they could kill you, would kill you.) She seems like a genuinely sweet person. Maybe she just had a rough background. I could relate to that.


First impressions: When I first saw him, I thought that he was really hot. When I flipped him, my first instinct was to help him. But Bucky is really overprotective of me especially because Addi started dating a zombie. In the library, I was thinking of some not so innocent things when he said that to me.

Personality: He seemed to be the only one able to calm his sister down. That intrigued me. He also seemed to act and look tough when inside he was probably a big softie. Oh and he seems like a major flirt. He seemed to be the type to be fiercely protective of the people he loves.

THE INCIDENTS(cause i'm forgetting my own ideas):


Description: What made Y/N and Addison's parents make them wear wigs full time.

What happened: When Y/N and Addison were four, two zombies thought it would be a good idea to kidnap them. At first, it was because their mom was the mayor of Seabrook but as they started observing them they realized that they had white hair. The twins intrigued them so they decided to take them and dissect them to see what made their hair white. They were kidnapped for a week and their parents told the public that they had a really bad fever. In reality, they were kidnapped and the police had no idea where to go. Luckily, Y/N and Addison's uncle(Bucky's dad) tracked all of the Z-bands and found two Zombies who weren't in their house after curfew. The girls were rescued and while Addison quickly recovered(being the cheerful one) Y/N suffered from nightmares for years. She recovered but occasionally still gets nightmares. Her parents have no idea that this is happening to her.


Description: Why Y/N went back to her career

What happened: When Y/N was 10, she was at a slow part of her career. She was stuck on songs and none of the movie/show ideas appealed to her. She decided to go back to Seabrook and retire. At the time, she wasn't very active on social media so her not posting anything wasn't weird at all. When she went back, she reunited with a childhood friend that she always hung out with whenever she visited. That summer, she was there to stay(or she thought) so she hung out with him practically every day. Before she knew it, she fell in love with him. The day they confessed was forever in her brain. But not for the reason you think. This is what went down that day:


Y/N's POV(when she was 10):

I hummed a song under my breath as I ran over to Max(A/N: cause that's my crush's name). Today was the day I was determined to tell him how I felt about him. Everything about him made me giddy and happy. His tan skin, his smile, the way he frowned when he didn't understand something(A/N: i'm just basing this off of my crush), and just everything. I walked over to the pond where I sat down setting up a picnic.

"Y/N!" he shouted excitedly. He quickly ran over before catching his breath to say, "You weren't waiting long were you?"

I smiled happily and replied, "No. I just got here."

*Time Skip(Cause even with this chapter[that was made cause I'm lazy] I'm too lazy)*

"Max..." I started before my voice trailed off.

My mind was filled with thousands of scenarios. What if he didn't like me back? What if I just ruined this friendship? What if? What if...

"I..." this time, I was interrupted.

"Woah! Kids! Get out of the way!" a zombie yelled.

Wait... A ZOMBIE?

I screamed until Max told me, "Wait! The zombie's not the problem. There's somebody with a gun!(A/N: Guys... I don't even know where this shit is coming from. This sounds so weird I don't know what's going on)"

After that, I couldn't remember much. All of a sudden, Max was on the ground telling me to not cry.

"Don't cry love. It wasn't your fault. I want you to be happy, okay? I love you," he said with his final breath.

I sobbed the entire day. I stayed for 2 more days then left as soon as his funeral was over. I vowed to never step foot in Seabrook ever again. And to never ever fall in love with anyone ever again.

*End of Flashback*

The thing is, Y/N can't remember the details of how Max died. All she knows is that a gun shot him and only because of the autopsy report stating that. A therapist told her that her mind is suppressing those memories because they're too painful to think about. Before this happened, when she visited, she stayed for at least a month. After, she stayed for 1 week at most because everything reminded her of Max. She would spend half of her visit at Max's grave telling him everything that happened to her since the last time she came. And that is why Y/N told herself that she would never love Wyatt. No matter how hot, flirty, and sweet he is.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. I promised someone I was gonna update it and forgot about it while working on school projects and state testing(i wanna boycott state testing so freaking bad) and also working on my Killua book. Until I got a notification today that someone added this to a reading list called "waiting for an update". To those of you reading, leave a comment or smth. I love seeing people interact with my story and it makes me really happy. Love ya'll!


P.S: How the frickity frack is this on 2.3k reads? Thank you so much!!!

My Love (Wyatt Lykensen X Reader) (Z-O-M-B-I-E-S)(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now