Chapter 2

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*I'm late! Oh my days! First day of training and I'm already so late. You literally sprint out of the elevator the moment the doors open. You barely even have time to get change this morning. You're wearing tight black pants, a burgundy tunic and some really comfortable leather shoes. The number '1' is imprinted on the back of your top. You push open the door to find everyone already at different stations. Where should I go? You tie up your hair (If your hair is short then leave it as it is) into a ponytail. Ah, there's Marvel! You can see him training with a spear. Maybe I should go to the edible plants area, it's good to know what's edible and what isn't. You approach the area to see a girl already working there. Her shirt says '5'. Nope! You turn around and head for archery. There's nobody here yet. Good. You pick up a bow and some arrows. Aiming is the difficult part. You hold up the bow and aim. You pull back the string and release the arrow. The arrow tip lodges itself straight into the heart of the dummy. Awesome! You try again and again, each time moving further away and every time you hit bullseye. You feel ridiculous wanting to try this but you pick up three arrows at the same time and aim.*

Voice: Hey!

y/n: *You jump and release the arrows. You turn to see who the person is and it's 'that boy'. The one who you threw your headdress at* Hey..

Boy: Good aim *He gesture to the dummy and you turn to realise that one arrow is in the dummy's head, one had sunken into its heart and the other one's at its stomach* Your accuracy is even better than Clove

y/n: Clove?

Boy: My district partner

y/n: I see..

Boy: I'm Cato. Welcome to the Careers

y/n: Did Marvel already talk to you?

Cato: You mean him? *He points at Marvel and you nod* Oh, so that's his name. Yes he have spoken to me

y/n: Oh cool *Your eyes are staring into his icy blue ones. None of you say anything, nobody break the silence. It's like a staring contest almost but with something deeper. You can't quite describe it but you know you don't want to look away and neither does he. You don't dare blink as you just continue whatever this is.*

Clove: HEY! *A girl, a little shorter than you approach. Cato snap out of it first and give her a look before introducing you*

Cato: This is y/n. She's gonna be in our alliance along with Marvel

Clove: Your skills? *She cross her arms, looking at you with an 'So you think you're better than me' expression*

Cato: She has dead-on accuracy with a bow

Clove: Let her speak for herself *She stare intensely at you* What happened? Can't talk?

y/n: *Your eyes bores into hers* I simply can't be bothered to talk to you

Clove: Excuse me?

y/n: You heard me or should I repeat it again, a little louder just for you *You mock her*

Clove: So you think can just waltz into here, thinking you're better than everyone?

y/n: You must be hallucinating, have you taken your meds this morning?

Clove: Do you know what I will take? *She smirk a little* Your life *She state it clearly and slowly*

y/n: I like to see you try

Cato: Oi, stop! We're supposed to be allies. *He gets in between both of you* Why I'm I having to play the good guy here? Now shake hands and be nice

y/n: I'm going to be the bigger person since you're such a child *You glare at Clove* Allies? *You hold out your hand*

Clove: Temporary allies *She shakes it*

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