Chapter 4

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*You never run so fast in your entire life, it's a blur really. You don't focus on anything else, your eyes and focus are fixed on the bow. When you reach it, you grab the bow quickly and swing the arrow quiver on your back. You turn around and rush into the actual Cornucopia. There are all sort of weapon in here, fancy looking spears on the rack, a massive tent, some weird weapons and backpacks. You can hear yelling and screaming outside of the Cornucopia but you ignore it. You grab a sheathed dagger and tie it to your hip. All of the sudden, you turn around to find a boy lunging at you with his sword drawn. You dodge out of the way. He try to attack you again but stops in his track and collapse to the floor. He have a spear and a sword in his back. You look up and find both Marvel and Cato towering over his body. They both reach down to retrieve their weapons, sneering at each other. What the heck?*

Cato: You okay?

y/n: I'm fine, thanks

Marvel: Actually, I killed him first

Cato: Yeah right *he say sarcastically* My sword hit his back first

Marvel: No, I spotted him first and threw my spear before you even react

y/n: Duck *You draw an arrow and fire, a girl crumble to the ground, dead.* Tried to sneak attack you two. Now stop arguing

Cato: Thanks y/n

Marvel: Shut up

*No one tries to attack you after that, they're either dead or gone. You walk out of the Cornucopia to find a field of dead children, laying at your feet. You've only had one kill, that's good right? It doesn't make you evil neither does it make you look weak.*

Clove: *Approaching you* Hey

y/n: Hey

Cato: Pick your weapon, let's head into the wood

Clove: How many arrows do you have y/n? *You look at her, a little suspicious of why she wants to know*

y/n: *You count them* Around thirty? *You lie, actually, you have around forty or forty-five*

Marvel: Let's go, I think I see someone

*You all rush into the woods, Marvel leading. It's hard running in the woods. There's odd branches that stick out, random rocks and lump on the ground that you can easily trip on.*

Marvel: *Stops running* I think we lost them

Clove: This is why you don't lead

*For the rest of the afternoon, the Careers (you and the others) tries to find more tributes but was unsuccessful. Soon, the sky is dark, making it even harder find anyone.*

Marvel: This is pointless, can we make a camp?

Clove: Look! Smoke *You turn to see smoke coming from somewhere behind you, whoever that is, is a real idiot*

*You follow Clove as she race off towards the smoke. As you approach a little closer, you can see a silhouette of a girl. The fire is crackling and looks well made. You're actually impress since you have no clue on how to even create a little spark, let alone fire. The girl turn around, terrified, as she realise there's someone behind her. Cato is standing right by her, drawing out his sword. You think you might've seen her before, she's from District eight if you remember correctly.*

Girl: *Moving away from Cato* P-Please don't kill me

Clove: You think we're here to have a little tea party with you? *Clove turns to Cato* Let me have the kill

*The girl seems so scared and helpless, you kind of want to help her but you know you shouldn't.. you can't.*

Marvel: I don't think she deserve the kill

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