02. For Patrick, I'll Care

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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀It was the middle of October and Maisie Zweig already wanted to die. Alright, fine, She doesn't actually want to die but if one more inconvenience occurs, she would not hesitate to jump out her dorm window.

Like a fed up child, Maisie tossed her stack of books off her bed as if getting rid of them will soothe her from the stress. Unfortunately, those stupidly heavy novels and textbooks created a loud thud onto the wooden floor. 

And now she hears the footsteps.

"Jesus Christ, Maisie," Her door swung open and before her appeared her seemingly distressed roommate, "If you're angry, scream in your pillow like the rest of us!"

"Sorry, Moni." Maisie began to mumble but then raised an eyebrow when she eyed the girl before her. "What's with the get up?"

Monica was bedazzled. Seriously bedazzled. Her doe eyes were brightened up by the glittery light blue eye shadow she had on which also matched with the colour and sparkles of her dress.  

"Night out, remember?" 

"Oh," Maisie grimmed, "Right."

It would be cliche to say the best friends who live together were complete opposites but that's what they were. Monica is a social and lively spirit while Maisie prioritised her outer peace. The loud personality of Monica's never bothered Maisie, in fact that's what she loved about the girl. "Where's my favourite Smurf going tonight?" 

Immediately after, Maisie lost her breathing for a moment when Monica threw the lone throw pillow from the floor straight to her face. "A bar with some friends, I've been meaning to de-stress."

Her exaggerated sigh followed a scoff from Maisie, "Like how you needed to de-stress by doing that weekend bender a few days ago?"

Monica turned to face Maisie and with feigned innocence, she responded, "Exactly." 

Maisie rolled her eyes but a grin threatened to creep up her lips. Monica giggled as she focused her eyes on her reflection in Maisie's vanity. However, like a detective who found something peculiar, Monica furrowed her eyebrows and stared at Maisie through the mirror.

"Hey, why aren't you getting ready?" 

The tortured English student perked her head up to her roommate's question, "What?"

"You should be up at the hills soon, shouldn't you be? If you rock up late, Patrick will shit on you for it."

And suddenly, Maisie fell silent.

Her eyes travelled to the calender displayed on the shelf. She noticed she's definitely skipped a few days of crossing some dates out, who could blame her? School's been an asshole. Looking through the column, she saw in the very last box: Patrick's Victory Party!

She pressed her lips together before laying back down onto her bed, embracing the throw pillow. 

From the lack of response, Monica was quick to turn and face Maisie, "You're going."


Maisie was immediately interruped, "This one's important, Maisie." Monica stated.

She wasn't wrong, Maisie's told her beforehand. She's already skipped the past two he's invited her to but that's because she's been busy! With school and her job and... not wanting to go to parties. It's not that she hates them, she would just rather small gatherings. Small gatherings that don't include certain people.

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