03. Already A Burning Party

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Ur kidding me, how could
you NOT like tennis? not even
a little bit?

Tbh, it's boring. When Patrick
babbles about it, he bores
me to death.

Ever played it?

To be honest, no. I steered away
from it

Play with me one day and you'll
learn to like the sport

Alr I'll hold you 2 that 


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀"Maisie." His statement came off as hesitant and Maisie just returned him an ingenuine smile.


The house music blasting from the speakers that seemed to have been stationed in every room were able to drown out the lingering discomfort, or at least hide it from Patrick who grinned. 

"Holy shit, it's been so long since you guys saw each other, hasn't it!?" 

Not too long. 

A silence passed before Maisie answered, "Yeah, a while now."

She glanced at her brother before looking back at Art, taking note of how his eyebrow raised ever so slightly. 

Patrick didn't realise how little he knew of the bigger picture at this very moment and it was clear he had no knowledge of Art's phone containing Maisie's number. 

"So...." Art began before trailing off. 

Maisie tried to continue the conversation, "Uh.. how've you been?"

Art stuttered, "Well- good." 

Her gaze hardened on him and his trembled gulp couldn't have been more obvious. To her at least, Partrick is as dense as a rock. The smile on her face only grew colder as she eyed the blonde. 

She wanted to scoff, roll her eyes, do any action that shows even a hint of attitude but she didn't know what it would've been towards. Was she in disbelief of the coward Art truly seemed to be or was she slightly disappointed in herself for being so offended? Even though her exterior remained cold and seemingly superior, she couldn't help but feel a sense of humiliation. Humiliation that she was actually offended over Art Donaldson ghosting her. 

It wasn't as if its never happened before, she can't play victim either since she's done the same thing to different boys. She was just... she didn't even know why she felt so affected. 

"Good to see you again, Maisie." Art mumbled before taking a sharp inhale.

His tensed posture revealed every expression Art was feeling, was he even trying to hide it? Once again, an awkward silence dragged on for too long. Then finally, Maisie turned her head back to Patrick.

"So you wanted me to meet Tashi, right?" She asked her brother but even in her peripheral vision, she could see Art's jaw clenching. 

Patrick looked at Art as he grinned like the devil. His gaze then went back to Maisie, "Come on, she's outside." 

And with that, the two made their way to the backyard and Maisie could only hope that she would lose Art in the crowd.


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