Chapter 1

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Akari Kusumi stared at the flickering fluorescent light above her as it cast a sickly, yellow glow over her cramped dorm room. The walls, adorned with posters of motivational quotes and serene landscapes, seemed to mock her with their hollow optimism.

She sat hunched over her desk, piles of textbooks and loose papers spilling over the edges. Her laptop, a battered hand-me-down from a distant cousin, wheezed softly as it struggled to keep up with her frantic typing.

Akari’s life was a constant race against time. Balancing a full course load with her part-time job at the campus library left her perpetually exhausted. Sleep was a luxury she could scarcely afford.

Every waking hour was consumed by a gnawing worry about her finances. Her scholarship barely covered tuition, leaving little for food, books, or the occasional social outing. Her stomach growled, a sharp reminder of the instant ramen she had hastily consumed earlier.

It wasn’t supposed to be like this. She had always been a diligent student, her grades a testament to her hard work and determination.

Yet, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t seem to catch a break. The weight of her responsibilities pressed down on her, suffocating her with its relentless pressure.

As she reviewed her notes for an upcoming exam, her phone buzzed on the desk, the screen lighting up with a notification. It was a text from her mother, a brief message filled with concern and encouragement. Her parents, though supportive, were struggling themselves.

They lived in a small rural town, their modest income stretched thin by rising expenses. Akari felt a pang of guilt every time she thought of them, knowing they sacrificed so much to support her education.

She typed a quick reply, assuring her mother that she was managing fine, even though she felt like she was drowning. She couldn’t bear to add to their worries. With a sigh, she turned back to her notes, forcing herself to focus.

The hours dragged on, the silence of her room broken only by the ticking of a cheap plastic clock on the wall. Akari’s mind wandered, drifting to thoughts of her classmates.

They seemed to glide through life with ease, their biggest concerns revolving around weekend plans and social dramas. She envied their carefree attitudes, their ability to enjoy the present without the constant shadow of financial strain looming over them.

Her eyelids grew heavy, and she rubbed her eyes, trying to stave off the impending fatigue. Just a little longer, she told herself. If she could just get through this semester, maybe things would start to look up. Maybe she’d find a better-paying job or secure another scholarship. She clung to that hope, fragile though it was.

A knock at the door startled her out of her reverie. Akari frowned, glancing at the clock. It was well past midnight. Who could be visiting her at this hour? She stood up, stretching her stiff limbs, and crossed the room to open the door.

To her surprise, it was Sora, her roommate, who had been out of town visiting family for the weekend. Sora’s bright smile and bubbly personality were a stark contrast to Akari’s more reserved demeanor. She bounced into the room, her arms laden with shopping bags.

“Akari! I’m back! And look, I brought snacks!” Sora announced, dropping the bags onto Akari’s bed.

Akari couldn’t help but smile at her friend’s exuberance. “Welcome back, Sora. You didn’t have to do that.”

“Nonsense! I know how hard you’ve been working. You deserve a treat,” Sora replied, rummaging through the bags and pulling out an assortment of snacks. “Come on, let’s take a break. You’ve been studying non-stop.”

Akari hesitated, glancing at her notes, but the allure of a break and Sora’s infectious enthusiasm won her over. She joined her friend on the bed, gratefully accepting a bag of chips.

For a moment, the weight on her shoulders lightened, and she allowed herself to enjoy the simple pleasure of companionship and junk food.

As they chatted and laughed, Akari felt a flicker of hope. Maybe things would get better. Maybe she could find a way to balance her responsibilities and still find moments of joy. She clung to that thought as they talked late into the night, her spirits buoyed by Sora’s unwavering support.

But the respite was fleeting. As dawn approached and Sora finally drifted off to sleep, Akari found herself once again alone with her thoughts.

She lay in bed, staring at the ceiling, her mind racing with worries and what-ifs. The darkness seemed to close in around her, and the familiar sense of dread settled over her like a heavy blanket.

In the weeks that followed, Akari’s life continued its relentless pace. She moved through her days in a daze, fueled by caffeine and sheer determination.

The library job was a small reprieve, the quiet stacks a welcome escape from the chaos of her thoughts. But even there, the constant reminder of her financial struggles loomed large.

One evening, as she was shelving books in a dimly lit corner of the library, she overheard a conversation between two students.

They were talking about a new student, Matsuko Akumushi, who had recently transferred to their university. According to the rumors, Matsuko was incredibly wealthy, stunningly beautiful, and had an air of mystery about her. Some said she was involved in the occult, while others claimed she had a dark past.

Akari dismissed the rumors as idle gossip, but a part of her couldn’t help but be intrigued. What would it be like to have that kind of power and freedom? To not be constantly weighed down by financial worries?

She shook her head, chastising herself for such thoughts. Envy wouldn’t solve her problems. She needed to focus on her studies and her job.

However, fate had other plans. A few days later, as she was hurrying to class, Akari collided with someone in the crowded hallway. Books and papers flew everywhere, and she scrambled to gather her things, muttering apologies.

When she looked up, she found herself staring into the piercing eyes of Matsuko Akumushi.

Matsuko was even more striking in person. Her dark hair framed her face perfectly, and her eyes held a cold, calculating intelligence. She smiled, a predatory glint in her eyes, and extended a hand to help Akari up.

“I’m sorry about that. I should have been more careful,” Matsuko said, her voice smooth and confident.

Akari stammered an apology, feeling a flush of embarrassment. “No, it was my fault. I wasn’t paying attention.”

Matsuko’s smile widened, and she seemed to study Akari for a moment before speaking again. “You’re Akari Kusumi, right? I’ve heard about you. You’re one of the top students here.”

Akari blinked in surprise. “You’ve heard of me?”

“Of course. Your dedication and hard work are impressive,” Matsuko replied. “But I can see you’re struggling. Maybe we could help each other out.”

Akari’s heart skipped a beat. There was something in Matsuko’s tone that made her uneasy, but the promise of help was too tempting to ignore. She nodded slowly, unsure of what she was agreeing to but too desperate to care.

And so, their fates became entwined. Matsuko’s offer of assistance came with a price, one that Akari couldn’t fully comprehend at the time. As the days turned into weeks, she found herself drawn deeper into Matsuko’s world, a place where darkness and desire intertwined, and the line between savior and predator blurred.

Little did she know, she was stepping into a web of control and manipulation from which there would be no easy escape.

Hehe hope you enjoyy

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