Chapter 5

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Akari awoke with a start, her body drenched in sweat. The events of the previous night played on a loop in her mind, a nightmarish reality she couldn’t escape. She sat up in bed, instinctively reaching for her neck.

The mark was still there, a throbbing reminder of her bond with Matsuko. The room was dimly lit by the early morning sun filtering through the curtains.

She glanced around, her heart racing, until her eyes fell on her roommate, Sora, who was busily packing her bag for the day.

“Morning, Akari,” Sora said cheerfully, glancing up from her bag. “You’re up early today.”

Akari managed a weak smile, quickly pulling the blanket up to cover her neck. “Yeah, I guess I couldn’t sleep well.”

Sora’s eyes narrowed slightly as she noticed Akari’s unusual behavior. “You okay? You look a bit off.”

Akari’s hand moved to her neck again, and she realized she couldn’t hide the mark forever, but she had to try. “I’m fine, really,” she said, her voice lacking conviction. She stood up and grabbed a scarf from her dresser, wrapping it around her neck.

Sora raised an eyebrow. “It’s going to be a sunny day. Are you sure you want to wear that?”

Akari forced a smile. “I just feel a bit chilly, that’s all.”

Sora watched her for a moment, concern etched on her face. “Alright. But if something’s bothering you, you know you can talk to me, right? I’m here for you.”

Akari nodded, her throat tight with emotion. “Thanks, Sora. I appreciate it.”

They walked to the college together, Sora chatting about her latest project while Akari remained mostly silent, lost in her thoughts.

The scarf around her neck felt like a noose, but she couldn’t bear the thought of anyone seeing the mark. As they entered the classroom, Akari spotted Matsuko seated in the back, her eyes locking onto Akari’s with an unsettling intensity. Matsuko waved, a gesture that made Akari’s stomach churn.

Akari quickly looked away and took her seat near the front, trying to focus on the lecture. She could feel Matsuko’s gaze burning into her back, a constant reminder of her presence. The class dragged on, each minute feeling like an eternity.

When the lecture finally ended, Sora turned to Akari with a hopeful smile. “Do you want to grab some lunch together?”

Before Akari could respond, Matsuko appeared beside her, slipping effortlessly into their conversation. “I’m going to borrow Akari for a bit,” she said, her tone leaving no room for argument.

Sora’s eyes widened in surprise. “Oh, okay. I didn’t know you two were friends.”

Matsuko smiled, a cold glint in her eyes. “We’ve gotten to know each other quite well recently.”

Sora hesitated, her concern evident. “Alright, but don’t forget what I said, Akari.”

Akari nodded, unable to find her voice. Matsuko took her arm, leading her out of the classroom and down a series of empty corridors. They finally stopped in an empty classroom, the silence oppressive.

Matsuko turned to face Akari, her expression unreadable. “How’s the mark?”

Akari swallowed hard. “It… it hurts.”

Matsuko’s eyes softened slightly, but her tone remained firm. “It’s a necessary pain, Akari. You need to understand the power it gives you. And you need to meet me at my dorm at midnight. There’s something important we need to discuss.”

Akari’s heart sank. “I don’t want to, Matsuko. I don’t want any of this.”

Matsuko’s gaze hardened. “You decide this fate, so take responsibility.”

Akari nodded reluctantly, knowing that refusal would result in more agony. “I’ll be there.”

Matsuko’s demeanor softened again, a small, almost tender smile playing on her lips. “Good girl. Remember, this is for your own good.”

As they left the classroom, Akari felt a shiver run down her spine. Unbeknownst to them, someone had been listening to their conversation from a nearby room. Hidden in the shadows, a figure watched them with keen interest, their mind racing with this new, dark knowledge.

The rest of the day passed in a blur for Akari. She tried to focus on her classes, but her thoughts kept drifting back to the mark and Matsuko’s ominous words. She couldn’t shake the feeling of dread that hung over her like a dark cloud.

At lunch, Sora tried to engage her in conversation, but Akari remained distant, her responses monosyllabic and distracted. Sora’s concern grew, but she respected Akari’s boundaries, hoping that her friend would eventually open up to her.

As the sun set and the day drew to a close, Akari found herself standing outside Matsuko’s dormitory, her heart pounding in her chest. She knocked on the door, and Matsuko opened it, her expression unreadable.

"Come in," Matsuko said, stepping aside to let Akari enter.

As soon as the door closed, Matsuko tossed a bundle of clothes at Akari—a pair of black turtleneck compression t-shirts and a loose white jacket, along with a pair of white pants.

"Why are you giving me this?" Akari asked, holding up the clothes.

Matsuko shrugged. "Well, do you want to run around in those clothes you’re wearing?"

Akari blinked, confused. "Running around? For what?"

Matsuko didn’t answer. Instead, she began changing into her own outfit—another black turtleneck compression t-shirt, but hers was a crop top that accentuated her figure. Akari couldn’t help but notice the shape of her chest and quickly looked away, her cheeks flushing.

"Just put it on," Matsuko urged. "Hurry."

Akari reluctantly changed into the new clothes, feeling the snug fit of the compression shirt and the unfamiliar texture of the white pants. She finished the outfit with a pair of black gloves Matsuko had handed her.

Once they were both dressed, Matsuko moved to the window and opened it. She turned to Akari, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Come on," she said, taking Akari’s hand.

"What are we doing?" Akari asked, panic rising in her chest.

Matsuko didn’t respond. She pulled Akari towards the window and jumped out, dragging Akari with her. Akari screamed in fear as they fell, but their fall was cushioned by an old, abandoned bed on the ground below. Akari sighed in relief, her heart racing from the adrenaline.

Matsuko tried to hold back her laughter. "That was fun, wasn’t it?"

Akari glared at her. "You’re insane!"

Matsuko shrugged and held out her hand to help Akari up. For a moment, Akari hesitated, but then she took Matsuko’s hand, feeling an unexpected warmth. She stood up, still trembling slightly from the fall.

"Let's go," Matsuko said, leading the way.

Akari followed, her mind swirling with confusion and fear. She had no idea what Matsuko had planned, but she knew she had no choice but to go along with it. As they disappeared into the night, neither of them noticed the figure watching from the shadows, watching with unclear intentions.



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