Chapter 4

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Akari stumbled into Matsuko's dormitory, her mind reeling from the night's events. Her hands trembled as she closed the door behind her, the sight and smell of blood still fresh in her memory.

She felt nauseous, a churning dread settling in her stomach. Every fiber of her being screamed to get away from Matsuko, but she knew there was no escape.

Matsuko moved through the apartment with unnerving calmness, her demeanor casual as if the night's horrors were nothing out of the ordinary. She walked into the kitchen, the piece of human flesh she had taken from the loan shark now lying on the counter.

Akari watched in horrified fascination as Matsuko set about preparing the meat with the same ease as if she were cooking a simple dinner.

"Why don't you sit down and relax, Akari?" Matsuko said, her tone almost soothing. "Dinner will be ready soon."

Akari's stomach twisted at the thought. She sank into a chair at the kitchen table, her eyes never leaving Matsuko as she worked.

The sound of the knife slicing through flesh, the sizzle of meat hitting the pan, and the aroma of cooking filled the small space, making Akari's nausea intensify.

Minutes stretched into what felt like hours. Akari's mind raced with thoughts of escape, but she knew Matsuko's power over her was absolute. She had seen what Matsuko was capable of, and she feared the consequences of disobedience.

Finally, Matsuko placed a plate on the table in front of Akari. A perfectly cooked steak sat in the center, its appearance deceptively normal. Matsuko took a seat across from her, her eyes fixed on Akari with an expectant look.

"Eat," Matsuko commanded, her voice firm.

Akari recoiled, shaking her head vehemently. "No... I can't. This is insane, Matsuko. I'm not a cannibal."

Matsuko's eyes narrowed, a dangerous glint flashing in them. "You don't have a choice, Akari. Eat the meat."

Akari's refusal only seemed to fuel Matsuko's anger. In an instant, Matsuko's hand shot out, grabbing Akari by the throat.

Akari gasped, the pain in her throat intense and unyielding, as if needles were being driven into her flesh. She struggled against Matsuko's grip, but it was like iron.

"You will do as I say," Matsuko hissed, her voice cold and merciless.

The pain intensified, and Akari's vision blurred with tears. She could feel something happening to her neck, a searing heat spreading across her skin. Matsuko released her, and Akari fell back into her chair, clutching her throat.

"Look," Matsuko ordered, pointing to a small mirror on the table.

Akari stared at her reflection, her eyes widening in horror. A tattoo-like mark had appeared on her neck, a series of diamond-shaped symbols encircling her throat. The skin around the mark throbbed painfully, a constant reminder of Matsuko's control.

 The skin around the mark throbbed painfully, a constant reminder of Matsuko's control

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