Chapter 3

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Akari adjusted to her new life with Matsuko with surprising ease. The weight of her debt had been lifted, and for the first time in months, she could focus on her studies without the constant cloud of financial stress hanging over her.

Matsuko was true to her word, providing Akari with everything she needed: new clothes, a better laptop, even funds to help her parents. It was as if a benevolent, if slightly intimidating, guardian had stepped into her life.

Matsuko's influence extended beyond material comforts. She took an active interest in Akari's academic progress, offering guidance and sometimes veiled threats to ensure she stayed on top of her work.

Under Matsuko’s watchful eye, Akari's grades improved, and she began to regain some of her lost confidence.

Yet, despite the apparent stability, a shadow lurked in the back of Akari's mind. She was acutely aware of the contract she had signed, the power Matsuko held over her.

Every kind gesture, every favor came with an unspoken reminder: she belonged to Matsuko. The enigmatic woman’s control was always present, a subtle but undeniable force shaping Akari’s every move.

One night, after a particularly grueling study session, Akari decided to head back to her dormitory. The campus was quiet, the usual hustle and bustle of students replaced by the serene stillness of late evening. Akari walked briskly, the cool night air refreshing against her skin.

As she approached a secluded pathway leading to her dorm, a group of men suddenly emerged from the shadows, blocking her path. Her heart raced as she recognized their predatory gazes. There were four of them, their rough appearances and sinister smirks sending a jolt of fear through her.

"Hey there, Akari," the leader, a burly man with a scar across his cheek, sneered. "We heard you're close with some rich lady. Figured you'd have some cash on you."

Akari's throat tightened. She tried to step back, but two of the men grabbed her arms, their grips painfully tight. "Please, I don't have any money. Just let me go," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

The scarred man chuckled darkly. "Oh, we know you’ve got something. Or at least you can tell your rich friend to pay up. Hand over whatever you have, and maybe we’ll let you go."

Akari struggled, panic surging through her. She didn't have much cash on her, just a few bills for emergencies. She tried to reach for her bag, hoping to appease them, but they tightened their hold, their intentions clear.

The leader stepped closer, his eyes glinting with malice. "Maybe we’ll take something else instead."

Before Akari could react, a blur of motion caught her eye. The next instant, the leader’s head detached from his body, blood spurting from the severed neck as his body crumpled to the ground. Akari screamed, her voice piercing the night.

Matsuko emerged from the shadows, her expression a mask of fury. Her hand flicked, and a handful of sharp, diamond-shaped pieces flew through the air, embedding themselves in the remaining men.

They collapsed, their bodies lifeless on the ground, their faces frozen in expressions of shock and terror.

Akari stood frozen, her mind struggling to process the sudden violence. The sight of the corpses, the blood, and Matsuko’s deadly precision was too much. Her legs gave way, and she sank to the ground, shaking uncontrollably.

Matsuko approached her, her expression softening slightly as she knelt beside Akari. "Are you hurt?" she asked, her voice surprisingly gentle.

Akari could only shake her head, tears streaming down her face. The horror of what she had witnessed mingled with the relief of being saved, creating a maelstrom of emotions that threatened to overwhelm her.

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