Chapter 2

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Akari Kusumi’s heart pounded in her chest as she sprinted down the narrow alleyway, her breath coming in ragged gasps. The sun had long since set, casting the city in an eerie glow.

Shadows seemed to stretch and twist, turning every corner into a potential hiding place for her pursuer. She dared not look back, fearing that even the briefest glance would slow her down and give the debt collector a chance to catch up.

It hadn’t always been like this. A few months ago, Akari had been scraping by, her financial worries a constant but manageable burden. But then her part-time hours were cut, and unexpected medical bills from her parents’ illness had pushed her into desperation.

She had turned to a small-time loan shark, promising herself she’d pay it back quickly. Now, the interest had ballooned beyond her reach, and the debt collector was here to collect in more ways than one.

How had things spiraled out of control so quickly? One moment, she was managing her precarious balance of school and work, and the next, she was running for her life, hunted by a relentless creditor demanding payment she simply couldn’t afford.

She had taken out a small loan to cover some emergency expenses, thinking she could pay it back quickly. But the interest had compounded faster than she could keep up, and now she was trapped in a nightmare.

“Akari! You can’t run forever! We’ll find you!” he shouted, his voice filled with venom.

She turned a sharp corner, nearly slipping on the slick pavement, and ducked behind a dumpster, pressing herself against the cold, damp wall. She could hear the heavy footsteps of the debt collector as he rounded the corner, cursing under his breath. Akari held her breath, willing herself to become invisible.

The footsteps paused, and for a terrifying moment, Akari thought she had been discovered. But then they resumed, moving past her hiding spot and fading into the distance. She waited a few more agonizing minutes before daring to peek out from behind the dumpster. The alleyway was empty.

Akari’s legs felt like jelly as she stumbled out of her hiding place. She needed to find a way out of this mess, but her options were dwindling. Her job at the library paid too little, and she couldn’t risk asking her parents for help—they were already stretched thin.

As she made her way back to her dorm, keeping to the shadows, she couldn’t shake the feeling of impending doom. The debt collector would be back, and next time she might not be so lucky. Desperation clawed at her, making her feel as though she were teetering on the edge of an abyss.

Eventually, she found herself in a small park, the dim glow of streetlights casting long shadows over the deserted playground. She sank onto a bench, her body trembling from exertion.

Tears welled up in her eyes as the reality of her situation crashed down on her. She had nowhere to turn, no one to help her. Her friends had their own problems, and she couldn’t burden them with her mess.

As she sat there, lost in despair, a soft voice broke through the silence. “Akari, is that you?”

Akari looked up, startled, and saw Matsuko Akumushi standing a few feet away. Her elegant figure was illuminated by the streetlights, her dark eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

“Matsuko?” Akari’s voice was barely a whisper, her surprise mingled with a flicker of hope.

Matsuko approached, her steps graceful and deliberate. “What happened? You look like you’ve been running for your life.”

Akari hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. But the kindness in Matsuko’s eyes disarmed her, and the words came tumbling out. She recounted her encounter with the debt collector, the mounting pressures that had driven her to this point.

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