Chapter 7

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Akari's eyes widened in horror as Sora came running toward them, her face a mixture of panic and determination. Sora grabbed Akari's arms, pulling her away from Matsuko.

"Akari, are you okay? I heard everything," she panted, her eyes flashing with anger and fear. She turned her glare to Matsuko. "Stay away from her, you murderer!"

Matsuko smiled eerily, the cigarette dangling from her lips. "I knew someone was following us," she said, exhaling a cloud of smoke. She turned her attention to Akari, her voice calm but commanding. "Come back to me, Akari."

Akari looked torn, her heart pounding in her chest. Sora's grip tightened on her arm. "Don't listen to her, Akari. She's dangerous."

Matsuko’s eyes gleamed with amusement as she saw the hesitation in Akari's eyes. "Did you know, Sora, that Akari also kills people and eats them?" she said smoothly.

Sora’s eyes widened in shock. "You're lying! Akari would never do that."

Matsuko's smile widened. She reached out and yanked down the turtleneck covering Akari’s neck, revealing the mark. "Anyone with this mark is part of a secret organization that involves murder," she said, showing her own neck to prove her point.

Sora stared at the mark, shaking slightly. She looked at Akari, her expression a mix of disbelief and horror. Slowly, she let go of Akari's arm. "Akari, tell me this isn't true..."

Akari tried to explain, her voice trembling. "Sora, please, I didn't want this. I was forced—"

But Sora stepped back, her face pale. "I can't believe this... i-is that why you act so weird yesterday morning..?! W-why would you.."

Matsuko grabbed Akari’s jacket and pulled her back towards her. Leaning in, she whispered in Akari’s ear, "She won't believe you anymore. She'll report us to the police. You know what you have to do."

Akari felt a wave of terror wash over her. The thought of being caught, disappointing her parents, and becoming a pariah made her breath come in shaky gasps.

She looked at Sora, who was already dialing her phone to contact the police. Suddenly, a white halo appeared around Sora's chest, and Akari's hands trembled uncontrollably.

"I’m so sorry, Sora," Akari whispered, tears streaming down her face. She clasped her hands together, and with a trembling breath, she unleashed the halo.

Sora's eyes widened in shock and pain as the halo crushed her chest, and she fell to the ground, lifeless.

Akari dropped to the floor beside her friend, her breathing shaky and uneven as she bawled her eyes out, guilt heaving inside her. Matsuko looked down at the scene, dismissing it with a wave of her hand. "Now, eat her."

Akari recoiled instantly. "No, I can’t…"

Matsuko sighed, and Akari felt the familiar, excruciating pain in her neck. This time, it was more intense, a white diamond suit-shaped halo around the mark growing brighter with each refusal.

The pain grew unbearable, and Akari finally gripped Matsuko's pants, panting and gasping for breath

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The pain grew unbearable, and Akari finally gripped Matsuko's pants, panting and gasping for breath.

Matsuko stopped the pain, smirking. "Go ahead, eat your little friend."

Akari, with her eyes red and tears pouring down her cheeks, crawled towards Sora's body. The smell of blood made her gag, but the fear of the pain and Matsuko's command drove her forward.

She ripped a piece of flesh from Sora's body, her stomach churning.

The hours passed in a blur of horror. When it was finally over, only Sora's bones remained. Akari sat back, her bloody gloved hand over her mouth, gagging.

Matsuko looked at her with approval. "Well done." She grabbed Akari's face, forcing her to look up. Matsuko saw the tear-stained cheeks and traumatized expression and felt a rush of tingling pleasure.

She smiled widely, her eyes gleaming with a crazed light, before kissing Akari's bloody lips deeply. When she pulled away, she licked her own lips, savoring the taste of blood, her eyes half-closed in a disturbing expression of ecstasy.

Akari's heart pounded as she saw Matsuko's transformation from calm and collected to something unhinged and terrifying. The lingering taste of blood on her lips made her feel sick, but she was too scared to move or protest.

The scene shifted to Akari’s dorm room. She lay in bed, exhausted and haunted by what she had done. Matsuko sat beside her, on the phone with someone. "Take care of the bones and blood back there," she said, her voice calm and business-like. She hung up and looked at Akari, her expression softening slightly.

Akari’s mind swirled with guilt and confusion. The mark on her neck seemed to burn, a constant reminder of her new, horrific reality. As she drifted into a fitful sleep, Matsuko lay beside her, a satisfied smile on her lips.

In the darkness of the room, Akari’s tears continued to fall, the weight of her actions pressing down on her like a suffocating blanket. The bond between her and Matsuko had grown stronger, but at the cost of her innocence and sanity.
Sorry again for a short chapterr 🙏

And matsuko is literally a black flag

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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