Rage of the Courier

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(Original post on 5/27/2024)
(Edited on 9/10/2024)

The News in Vacuo spread quickly as this "Courier" began hunting down the people who have wronged him.

The Great Khans were wiped off existence a tribal group who used drugs or Chems as they were called. Benny and his bodyguards at the Toos casino were assassinated with a .44 magnum and the Mk. 2 frag grenades, and the Courier killed Benny before he had a chance to react.Soon the courier or the Hand of God was on the rampage. Soon the white fang on Vacuo were running away some Faunus huntsman joined the terrorist group and became terrified when he appeared with his M4A1 carbine rifle and started smoking their asses faster than the dust rounds really effect his Elite Riot Armor. When killed every single terrorist he would only one survivor to tell the tale to the cops and the sheriff.



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When his rampage ended when he found out where Cinder Fall was hiding, as a single W.F grunts were guarding the only door he grabbed his knife and when in for the stealth sneak attack. As he slowly got behind the guard who didn't notice him before a hand covered the Guards mouth before forcing pulling stabbing the combat knife into the back of his skull and twisted it killing the W.F grunt even through his aura that was "protecting" him. Otto searched the body before he found what he was looking for a key to the abandoned wearhouse, unlocks the door before going in...

Inside Otto takes off his helmet to not be too suspicious of himself, and quietly climes the stairs to the second level which was a cat walk and slowly walks to the small control room, which was only about 10 feet in width and 20 feet in length and with the height of someone being around 6 feet tall. It had a shelf filled with rusted metal on it and broken gears as Otto hid himself behind the shelf and slowly inched forward towards the a who fang commander looking over some old electrical system which apparently held the security cameras.

Before the W.F commander could speak a hands grabbed him and... *snap*


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The w.f commander fell dead and lifeless before he shut the cameras off and planted a C4 explosive on it ready to explode at any moment.
Soon he heard talking and placed his helmet back on and waited...

When Cinder Fall revealed her along with Mercury black and Enerald Sustrai arrived and were about revealed their plans to destroy the capital from the inside out. Something snapped in Otto, he's blue eyes turned amber orange under his riot helmet ... Before Mercury could react a katana pieced right through Mercury's chest right where his heart was originally at, as the katana was pulled out causing Mercury's corpse letting it fall to the floor as blood poured out forming a pool of blood, as a single glowing red eye glowed in the darkness...

 Before Mercury could react a katana pieced right through Mercury's chest right where his heart was originally at, as the katana was pulled out causing Mercury's corpse letting it fall to the floor as blood poured out forming a pool of blood, as a...

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Emerald backed up as her eyes widened in complete horror and terror. Courier holding the Katana sliced with precision that emerald head's fell clean off falling onto the ground with a thud, as her stump for a neck poured a fountain of blood before the headless corpse collapsed; a pool of blood poured down...

As Cinder summoned her obsidian blades and avoided the violent assault as she turned around he was already upon her ready to end her. Cinder dodged the katana swings and attacked him from the back which staggered him momentarily as the two dance in this deathly violent and brutal confrontation between fighters as the wearhouse shook violently, as Otto picked her up by the throat and threw her 20 feet away as he lifted his katana over his head, cinder smiled letting her full fall Maiden powers out.

When Otto brought his sword down as Cinder blocked the blade at the last minute and to Cinder horror as her eyes widened before a sickening crack appeared In her blades made by Salem's best blacksmith. Cinder backed away dropped the broken twin swords, and summoned her obsidian blades, as Otto came at her again this time with an aura of pure rage and one that screams of Death. Cinder noticed several barrels of dust that are high explosive, and without thinking the consequences she launched a fireball at causing the entire warehouse to explode.

After the explosion ended, Cinder had scraps, scars and bruised bloody mouth and slowly got up and looked around the destruction, and noticed that her opponent was probably dead and started laughing, but she forgot about her surroundings and a loud *shink-* as cinder suddenly spit blood from her mouth as her eyes widened as she looked down too see a Katana was plunged through her stomach as she looked up to the soulless eyes of the Riot Armor lens  as he pulled the blade out of the stomach as blood came pouring out as cinder fell gasping for air as she layed dying on the ground.

The last thing she saw was a combat boots as  leg lifting and a heavy stomp came towards her head and everything went black...

"sickening Crunch" (head exploding into brain matter and bone fragments splattering everywhere.)

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