We're Going Where?

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I sat in my tightly sealed room, drawing anything I could think of to keep my ADHD at bay for now. That's when I hear the door to my jail cell swing open, revealing two to three guards. "Jeez am I really that much of a threat?" I mutter, annoyed by the fact I could easily be overpowered by the three men.

"Prisoner 156 face the wall with your hands up!" One of the guards yelled at me, to which I just sat there and stared at him as if asking, 'and why would I listen to you?'. The guard groans in annoyance at my resistance before heading towards me. "Hey! Wait! I thought I was going to get my evaluation in 5 months?! Why are you-" I was cut off as I was slammed against the cold, metal wall of my prison cell. "Ow, what the fuck?!" I yelp as I start to feel a headache forming from the force of the slam.

The guard outstretched his other hand that wasn't holding me down to another guard, to which the other other guard placed something in his hands; a bracelet looking thing? "Wait what the fuck?! What are you- STOP!" I screamed as the guard pushed the bracelet's sharp spikes into my wrist skin. "OW! YOU PRICK!" I yelled as he pulled me from the wall before shoving me out the door.

There I was greeted with the view of the other delinquents being forced out of their cells. My eyes search for any of my friends. My eyes catch sight of Murphy and Jaiden, who were being lead out from solitary confinement.

My eyes met Murphy's, he was just as scared as I were. Jaiden was trying to fight back against the guard who held him in their strong grip. The next two people to draw your attention to were Oz and Ben. They were known as the good two-shoes of our friend group. And then there was Clarke. "Ugh that bitch.." I mumble under my breath. I'm quickly shoved along to follow a few other inmates. That's when we can see you were in fact not at the floating area, but what looked like a small ship? Or a pod?

"Hey, wait! What's going on?!" I hear a scream come from behind me. I look behind me to see Marcus getting shoved towards where I was. "Shut your damn mouth kid!" The guard snapped at the younger boy. The boy was one of the youngest in my friend group. I almost wanted to brake free from the guards hold to go comfort the poor boy. Luckily he was possibly going to be sitting next to me...

I was quickly shoved into the ship-like structure. "Move it! Come on, we don't got all day kid!" The guard holding me demanded, I roll my eyes at his rudeness. He shoves me in a seat before he buckled me in, tight enough to where it was digging into my thighs. "Hey, lucky me, I get to sit next to the beautiful girl," a voice came from my right, it was Murphy, his face contorted in his usual smirk.

I roll my eyes at his words, "Oh don't start that shit," I grumble as he chuckles slightly. To my left sat Oz and Ben. When they say me they waved at me in excitement. "Blaze! It's good to see you again! It's been so long!" Ben say's excitedly. I wave back at them as the last of the delinquents board the ship.

That's when the ship started to shake as it was ejected from its previous area. My eyes widen as my stomach felt like I was on a rollercoaster. Then the monitor at the front of our level of the ship turned on revealing Chancler Jaha. I groaned even at the thought about what he had done to me and my family. My mom was floated for trying to steal baby food for me when I was two, while my dad was killed by one of the Guards.

"Hello delinquents, today you are going to be sent down to Earth to see if it is in-fact survivable. Your probably wondering why we chose you be sent down. Well, your crimes have made you more expendable than others on the ark," the voice of Jaha echoed through the entire ship. I scoffed at that. All I did was try to get more food at school for my friend! "What an asshole!" I yelled, wishing I had something to throw at the screen to shut his ass up.

    "When you land you must make your way to Mount Weather, a underground bunker where there should be enough food for the 100 of you. I wish you the best of luck my children, make us proud," he said before the tv shut off completely.

     "About damn time the bitch shut the hell up!" A voice behind me yelled; Jaiden. "Yea! And maybe you should too idiot!" Another voice yelled at the boy behind me. It was Zoe, one of my first friends in the Skybox. Our eyes locked and we gave each other wide grins, knowing we were going to be together.


       We all jolted in our seats as the ship crashed into the ground, thankfully we were ok! Just then there was a loud clicking noise and then our seat belts released us. "Freedom!" I yell, rushing to the ladder to get down to the bottom level. There I was greeted with the body's of three boys who were stupid enough to unbuckle themselves while in space. This also included the so called "Spacewalker" also know as Finn Collins.

     "You stupid dumbasses," I remark, rolling my eyes. Luckily Finn was not killed like the other three boys. Now we only have 97 delinquents, wonderful! That's when I spot a single guard standing at the closed entrance of the drop ship. "Hey, Just back it up guys," The guard demanded. "Hey wait! I thought they didn't send any guards down with us?!" I yell as I make my way to the front of the large crowd.

     The man stares at me for a second but before he can respond, another voice chimes in. "Stop! The air could be toxic!" Clarke, one of the privileged kids on the Arc. "If the air is toxic, we're all dead, anyway," the boy snapped back. That's when Zoe joined me at my side, wanting to know what the commotion was about. Before Clarke can even respond, a girls voice breaks the conversation. "Bellamy..?" The girl says, clearly shocked. "My god, look at how big you are," the guy smiled at the girl with admiration. "What the hell are you doing in a guards outfit?" The girl asks, slightly offended he would even have the nerve to put the uniform on his body.

     "I borrowed it to get on the drop ship. Someone has got to keep an eye on you. Ha ha!" Bellamy replied.

    Of course Clarke had to ruin it by saying, "Where's your wrist band?!" I roll my eyes at her. "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year," Octavia snapped back at the blonde girl. "No one has a brother!" One of the male delinquents yells. "That's Octavia Blake, the girl they found hidden in the floor!" This time it was a female delinquent who said it. That's when Octavia tried to go attack the person. "Octavia, Octavia, no. Let's give them something else to remember you by," Bellamy grabbed the girl by her arm in order to stop her. I look at him in confusion, what does he mean by that?

    "Yeah? Like what?" The brown haired girl sassed to her brother. "Like  being the first person on the ground in  a hundred years.." the boy smiled brightly as Octavia's face grew into an excited grin. That's when the boy pressed the button to open the door of the drop ship. The girl stepped out, we all watched her to see if she was affected by the radiation. She suddenly lifts her arms into the arm and screams, "WE'RE BACK BITCHES!" Bellamy chuckles as we all flood out of the ship. "WOOOOOOOO" I screamed as I stepped out of the stupid ship. The ground felt so good underneath my feet.

     None off us had ever touched real grass before. Zoe was by my side as she swung her arm around my shoulder. "It's nice to finally be able to get some fresh air ya know," she remarks as we look at the surroundings. "Most definitely, I feel great!" I squealed in excitement. She laughs at my outburst before heading off on her own to look around. I decide to walk up to Jaiden and Murphy. These two have been apart of my friend group for longer than I can remember. "So guys, what do you think of the ground so far?"

      Murphy smirked at me as I walked over, "Hey Starfire, what's up?" "Nothing much, what's up with you, Arsonist?" I reply, smiling as I punch him in his arm. Just then Clarke's voice made everyone turn and look at her. "We were dropped on the wrong damn mountain! We need a group to get food and supplies from it. It's gonna be a long walk, days long even. Who wants to go?" She shouts, knowing she had everyones attention.

     Zoe, being the curious one that she is, raised her hand. A few others from my friend group raise their hands as well. Those being Alex, Doug, and Oz. The others who raised their hands I had no clue who they were. Well, if Zoe and Oz are going then I might as well go too. I raised my hand hesitantly. So that made I think... ten people? That should be enough. One person from the "Mt. Weather Crew" was none other than Octavia Blake, The 'fake' guard's sister.

                                                                 "Alright then, lets get going, princesa"

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