Trip to Mt. Weather

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As Blaze was about to head off to follow the rest of the group, she gets pulled back into a hug. "Murphy! What the-" Blaze yelped in shock. "Be careful Starfire," Murphy says, ruffling the girl's hair. Blaze groans in annoyance as his hand riffles through her hair. He let her go after a few seconds, "No promises Trouble Maker!" She yells back before running to join the others.

She catches up to the group, deciding to walk with some kids named Monty and Jasper, as well as one of her best friends, Zoe. Someone gently put something in Blaze's hair. She looks up in confusion as to who or what was touching her, only to see Oz putting a beautiful red flower in her hair. "Ozzy!"Blaze squeaks as she gave him a big hug. "Now, that, my friend, is game," The guy with the goggles whispered to his friend. "Actually, that, my friend, is poison sumac," Monty replies. Almost immediately Blaze squeaks in surprise as she swipes it out of her hair. Oz looks at her with sympathy in his eyes, as if saying he was sorry without saying anything. "Ozzy its fine! You had no clue!" Blaze responds, patting Oz on the arm, comforting him a bit.

"The flowers aren't poisonous. They're medicinal, calming, actually," Monty explains. "Nerd," Blaze mutters, smiling at the young herbalist. Monty laughed at her comment. "His family grows pharmaceuticals back on the Ark," Jasper explained, as if it wasn't obvious already. "Hey guys, would you try to keep up?" Clarke exclaims, getting more and more frustrated. "Come on Clarke, live a little! And let us live ours!" Blaze pleads with Clarke who rolls her eyes before turning back around. "Come on Clarke, how do you block this all out?" Finn asked. "Well, it's simple. I wonder, 'why haven't we seen any animals?' Maybe it's because there are none. Maybe we've already been exposed to enough radiation to kill us. Sure is pretty, though. Come on," Clarke explains, making Blaze, Oz, and Zoe groan in annoyance. "Someone should slip her some poison sumac~" Octavia spat, making all of them laugh.

"I got to know what you four did to get busted," Finn motioned towards Alex, Doug, Monty, and Jasper, who unbenonmed to the others, were extremely close to each other. "Let's just say Sumac is not the only herb in the garden, if you know what I mean," Monty replies, chuckling a bit. "Yea and someone forgot to replace what we took!" Jasper says back before looking directly at Doug. "And that someone has apologized a thousand times!" Doug hissed back.

"How about you, Blaze? What'd they get you for?" The boy with the goggles asked. "Oh you know, I stole some extra food for my friend who was starving," She replies, slowing down her walk. "Oh, well that's a really sweet reason!" Monty retorts, Blaze blushed from embarrassment. "What about you Zoe?" Monty continued. "I stole a guards gun..." She physically cringes at the memory.

    It all happened because of a stupid dare...

FLASHBACK (they were 11)

    "Hey guys let's play Truth or Dare!" Terry, one of Blaze's old friends suggested. All of them at the table agreed to play it. They played a few rounds before Terry picked Zoe to do Truth or Dare. "Hmmmm... I guess I chose dare..?" Zoe replied hesitantly. Terry smirked deviously, Blaze eyed her in suspicion but let it go. "I dare you... To steal that guard's gun over there!" Terry demanded as Zoe looked at her in horror. "B-But wouldn't t-that get me in trouble?!" Zoe complained. "A dare is a dare! You gotta do it, unless you want kicked from our table!" Lidia, one of Terry's lapdogs exclaims. Blaze put her hand on Zoe's arm, as if to say, 'you don't have to.'

    But Zoe wanted to be apart of this group of girls so badly that she thought she had to. "Zoe wait! You don't have to!" Blaze yelled at the girl as she was getting up from her seat. "Blaze I have to.." Zoe whispered to the young blonde next to her."You'll be sent to the SkyBox!" Blaze pleaded but Zoe still removed the other girls hand from her arm and walked over to the guard. Zoe swiftly stole the gun from the guy's holster around his waste, before putting it into the air to show the other girls at her table. The girls at the table started snickering to each other while Blaze looked horrified. Everything around her began to stop as she watched the guard turn around and snatch the gun from the young girls hands before forcing handcuffs on her.

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