We're Not Alone...

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When Blaze woke up the next day Clarke and Finn were back and Octavia and Jasper was already awake. She takes her time getting up, knowing if she got up she would wake the other two up. Once she finally got up she stretched her limbs out as well as her back. "God dammit, the ground does not feel nice to sleep on," She groans in pain as she continued stretching. "Good morning to you too, Blix," Zoe dragged out as she rubbed her eyes of the tiredness.

Once everyone was up and ready they continued their way to Mt. Weather. They made their way back to the river, making a hanging rope from vines and sturdy/bendable sticks. Blaze of course was extremely hesitant about being near the water again but she pushed through her fear in order to help the others back at camp, friends and strangers alike.

     Jasper was the first to swing his way over to the other side of the river. The group cheered as he celebrated on his side. "YOU DID IT! WOOOOOO!" Monty yelled, putting his hands up in a cheer. Clarke was chose next to go, but before she could, Jasper found an old sign that read "MOUNT WEATHER UP AHEAD." Blaze looked on in amazement and relief. Jasper cheered loudly. Everything felt right.

    That was until a spear came from beyond the trees and making its home in Jasper's chest. "J-JASPER?!" Monty stuttered in utter shock and horror at his best friends blood stained body. Blaze, Zoe, and Oz looked on in horror at the boy they had just been starting to be close with. "Jasper...?!" Blaze screamed before Clarke pulled her back into the dense forest. "We're not alone.." Clarke gathered, as if it wasn't clear already. "Ya think?!" Blaze retorts back at the girl, still panicked. That's when they heard a loud scream. Jasper.. He was still alive! It didn't go through his heart! Clarke immediately ran back to where they previously were, with Finn trying to pull her back. When they got to


As all of them gathered back at camp, everyone surrounded them. Murphy quickly made his way to Blaze, realizing she was injured. "What happened out there?" Bellamy asked Clarke, who had a distressed look on her face. "We were attacked.." Clarke replied, everyone around them looked at them in shock and horror. "Attacked?! By what?!" The chancellor's son responded. "Not what... who..." Blaze replied to the boy. "It turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last Grounder," Finn explains more in detail. "It's true. Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us." Clarke rambled. "Yeah, the bad news is the Grounders will," Blaze added, huffing as she sat down to put pressure off her leg.

"Where's the kid with the goggles?" Wells asked, panicked. "He was hit Wells, isn't that a bit obvious?" Blaze snapped back, she was in pain and didn't need this right now. "Come on Blaze, let's get you to the drop ship to get your wound cleaned, then we are going to go back to get Jasper," Clarke demanded, Blaze quickly complied, limping to the drop ship with the help of Murphy and Oz. "You were incredibly lucky Blaze," Clarke remarked, grabbing a better bandage than a piece of cloth from Oz's shirt.

"You can say that again," Blaze responded, sarcasm dripping from her voice. Murphy smirked at her sarcastic reply, even when she was in pain, she still had her usual sarcastic tone. Clarke just rolled her eyes at the injured girl in front of her as she bandages her up.

After Clarke was finished bandaging the girl she immediately began to gather a group to search for and rescue Jasper. "Wait of your going, could I go?" Blaze asked Clarke. "No you'll just slow us down," Clarke replied, rudely at that. Blaze looked at her offendedly, before walking away, but not before flipping the girl off.

"What a bitch!" Blaze muttered to herself, kicking over a seat taken from the drop ship. "Do you mind not kicking the only seats we have?" A familiar voice came from behind her; Jaiden. "Oh hey JJ!" Blaze limped over to the childhood friend, giving him a big hug. "Not a big hugger, remember?" Jaiden strained at the contact of the hug. Blaze reluctantly pulled away from him. "Oh, right, sorry!" She replied.

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