Hunting Season

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In Blaze's Tent/Next Morning

The morning sunrise shined brightly through the thin cloth cover of the tent. Blaze groaned in annoyance at being woken up by it. She attempted to pull up the makeshift blanket she had made from the parachute from the drop ship over her head but it still didn't work so she decided to just flip over on her stomach.

      Zoe was still sound asleep from what she could see as she was not face towards her. After a while Blaze realized she couldn't go back to sleep so she decided to go outside to walk around the camp since she was too scared to walk outside the camp.

Suddenly, Blaze could hear someone screaming, "NO- NO!" It sounded like a little girl's voice, maybe 12 or 13? 'What did this kid have to do to get down here..?' Blaze thought to herself. Blaze was curious so she made her way to where the strange sound originated from. When she got to the source she saw a sleeping girl who was having a nightmare. "Hey girly..." Blaze gently shook the girl awake, trying not to scare the poor child. The girl awoke with tears in her eyes as she looked at Blaze. "Hey.." the girl replied shyly. "You're Charlotte, right? I'm Blaze! It's okay to be scared. Do you want to talk about it?" Blaze tried to sound as supportive as she could be. That's when Clarke walked up to them, "Hey I heard screaming, is she ok?" Clarke asked, looking between Blaze and Charlotte. "You know what, your better at this stuff Clarke. You handle this girl and her nightmares!" Blaze says, shoving the little girl slightly in the direction of Clarke before walking off to go back in her tent to try to sleep again.

Not even an hour later and someone was awakening Blaze and Zoe from their cozy slumber. "RISE AND SHINE, FUCKERS!" The shrill voice of none other than Jaiden himself rang through the ears of the two girls in the tent. "JAIDEN GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!" Blaze yelled at him before proceeding to pick up a random rock she found on the ground and threw it at him. "OW! YOU BITCH!" Jaiden groaned upon impact of the rock hitting his face. "Headshot! Ding ding ding ding!" Zoe cheered sleepily. "Anyways, we are going hunting, you coming' or nah?" Jaiden said after composing himself.

"Oh hell yes!" Blaze cheered at that. Zoe chuckled before replying to the boy who was blocking the entrance. "Yea, I think I'll pass... someone's gotta keep this place in order," she giggled, elbowing Blaze a bit. Blaze glared slightly at the girl before getting up to shoo Jaiden off so she could get dressed. After she had gotten dressed, Blaze grabbed her and Murphy's shared knife.

      She took a minute to admire the engraved initials of Murphy and her's initials. JM and BL. (Blaze's last name is Loomis.)

    After she was done admiring the engravings, she strode out of the tent only to see a knife fly past her head. "WOAH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" Blaze gasped out. "Oh shit! I'm so sorry!" A raspy voice came from behind her. She turned to look at the direction of the voice, it was Murphy. "You've got one helluva shitty aim," Blaze chimed back at him, before turning to grab a makeshift spear that one of the boys had made especially for her. "Your going out?" Murphy questioned with a worried look. "Be careful Murphy, it almost sounds like you care!" Blaze teased back at him, shoving him in the shoulder with her hand that wasn't holding the spear.

        "You know I care about you, you little minx!" Murphy shoved her shoulder back. She laughed at him before tossing him their shared knife. "Maybe this knife could work better hotshot," Blaze says before patting the boy's shoulder and walking off. Bellamy was waiting by the gate to the camp, waiting for his followers. "Oh your coming Blaze?" Bellamy asked her, raising one of his eyebrows. "You betcha!" Blaze cheered, throwing her spear in the air before catching it smoothly. "Shit Blaze, be fucking careful!" Bellamy warned, giving her a look that told her that she better not get hurt, Blaze nodded in response. "Wait is Murphy going?" Blaze asked him, knitting her eyebrows together in confusion. "Nah, he's gotta take care of the camp," he replied. Blaze was a bit disappointed but quickly got over it as she saw the others were already leaving.

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