Hellish literature ✎ᝰleading to a setup

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Hellish Literature.

The classroom starkly contrasted with the rest of the school's grim and foreboding architecture. Its walls were lined with shelves upon shelves of ancient, leather-bound tomes, their spines cracked and worn from centuries of use. Flickering candles cast a dim light over the room, their flames dancing like restless spirits. A large, imposing desk sat at the front of the class, behind which the teacher, Professor Kashootme, slumped in his chair, a half-empty bottle of infernal whiskey clutched in one hand.

Clarity entered the room, her golden eyes taking in the eclectic decor with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. She spotted Pete sitting near the back, his white blazer standing starkly against the dark surroundings. He waved her over with a warm smile, his feathers ruffling slightly as she approached.

"Hey, Clarity," Pete greeted her, soothingly contrasting the eerie ambiance. "Glad you made it."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Clarity replied, sliding into the seat beside him. She set her books on the desk, glancing around at the other students filtering into the room. "So, what's this class like?"

Pete chuckled, leaning in conspiratorially. "Well, Professor Kashootme is brilliant, but he has a drinking problem. Just be ready for some... unorthodox teaching methods."

As if on cue, Professor Kashootme lifted his head, his bloodshot eyes scanning the room. "Alright, class," he slurred, swaying slightly as he stood up. "Welcome to Hellish Literature. Today, we're diving into the works of Dante Abyssus, one of Hell's most esteemed poets. His themes of despair and treachery are... well, let's just say they hit close to home."

Clarity exchanged a glance with Pete, who rolled his eyes good-naturedly. Despite the professor's inebriated state, his voice had undeniable passion as he spoke about the subject matter.

"Now, open your books to 'The Infernal Verses,'" Kashootme instructed, taking a swig from his bottle before setting it down with a heavy thud. "We'll start with his famous sonnet, 'Lament of the Damned.'"

As Clarity flipped through the pages, Pete leaned closer, his voice a whisper. "So, how do you like this school so far? I know it's not exactly the easiest place to fit in."

Clarity smiled, appreciating his concern. "It's definitely... diverse, but I'm managing. It helps to have a friend like you around."

Pete's eyes twinkled with mischief. "Well, I'll always be here to lighten the mood. Besides, having someone who cares about this stuff is nice. Most of the others.. well you know."

As they settled into reading, Clarity became increasingly absorbed in Dante Abyssus' dark and haunting verses. The themes of despair and treachery resonated with her more than she expected, the words painting vivid images of suffering and betrayal.

Professor Kashootme stumbled around the room, occasionally muttering additional insights or rambling about the poet's life. Despite his obvious impairment, his love for the subject was evident, and it was clear that he wanted his students to share in that passion.

"Alright, class," Kashootme called out, his voice unexpectedly sharp. "Pair up and discuss the sonnet. I want you to really dig into the themes and emotions here."

Clarity turned to Pete, who was already grinning. "Looks like we're partners," he said. "So, what do you think about this whole 'Lament of the Damned' thing?"

Clarity pondered for a moment. "It's haunting. The way he describes the endless torment and the sense of hopelessness... it's powerful. I can't help but feel a connection to it, even though it's so dark."

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