it's sink or swim, my friend

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Clarity's heels clicked against the polished stone floor as she made her way back to the girls' dormitory, her conversation with Principal Crabapplessnitch still fresh in her mind. She couldn't shake off the feeling of irritation from the principal's condescending tone. The large wooden doors of the common space creaked as she pushed them open, and she was immediately greeted by the sight of Hellsa and Charlie lounging on the plush, crimson couches.

Hellsa Von Eldritch, with her perfectly styled hair and immaculate attire, turned her gaze toward Clarity, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and malice. Charlie Magne, the perky and ever-optimistic daughter of Lucifer, sat beside Hellsa, her expression warm but wary.

Clarity straightened her posture and walked into the room, her golden eyes meeting Hellsa's cold stare. She felt a surge of irritation but forced herself to stay composed. Hellsa had been a thorn in her side since day one, but Clarity was determined not to give her the satisfaction of a reaction.

"Well, look who's back from her little chat with the principal," Hellsa drawled, a false sweetness coating her words. "I heard you caused quite a scene with those Goetic demons."

Charlie looked between the two girls, sensing the tension but unsure how to diffuse it. Clarity took a deep breath and mustered a polite smile.

"Yes, I had a talk with Principal Crabapplessnitch," Clarity said evenly. "And yes, those Goetic demons had it coming. But I'm here now, and I'd like to get along with everyone, including you, Hellsa."

Hellsa's lips curled into a smirk. "Oh, really? How noble of you, Clarity. In fact, I was just thinking about how we might start fresh." She leaned forward, her voice dripping with insincerity. "I'm so sorry for any misunderstandings we've had. Let's bury the hatchet, shall we?"

Clarity felt a surge of suspicion at Hellsa's words. The apology was too smooth, too rehearsed. Something else was going on beneath the surface, but Clarity decided to play along for now.

"Apology accepted," Clarity said, her voice steady but her eyes sharp. "I'm willing to start fresh if you are."

Hellsa's smile widened, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Wonderful. You know, Clarity, you really are quite... unique. It's a shame you had to resort to such brute force with those demons. It almost seems... beneath you."

Clarity clenched her fists but kept her composure. "I do what I have to do to protect myself. If that means getting my hands dirty, so be it."

Charlie's eyes widened, sensing the underlying tension but not wanting to escalate it. "Hey, why don't we all just relax for a bit? We could watch a show together or something."

Hellsa chuckled softly, her eyes never leaving Clarity. "That sounds like a lovely idea, Charlie. But unfortunately, I have other plans." She stood up gracefully, smoothing down her designer dress. "You see, Clarity. I was telling Charlie here about my idea to take over the school."

Clarity raised an eyebrow at her before Hellsa decided to correct herself, walking over to where Clarity was near the entrance of the common space. "I mean, my plan is for us to take over the school."

"What plan?"

"Don't worry, Clary! It's just a little something I came up with." she leaned her arms on the sofa next to them, her dark-manicured nails starkly contrasting to the red cushion, "It's sink or swim, darling. And if you're good at swimming, you've gotta let the losers drown." Clarity didn't seem convinced by her, and it was noted, "Why don't you guys leave the thinking up to me?"


"What? What? What?" Hellsa's one visible eye blinked owlishly at her as she sashayed, closing into Clarity's personal space, "Can't you say anything else?" Clarity's lips formed a straight, tight-lipped grimace, darkening Hellsa's eyes. She circled around Clarity and over to Charlie. "You know what, Charlie, you were right - Clary here is an airhead."

all the good girls go to hell (Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss)Where stories live. Discover now