The Real Fall

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(In his throne room, the Skull Sorcerer looks into the Pit.)

Hazza D'ur: Nothing comes without sacrifice.

Skull Sorcerer: My subjects will want to know what happened to their princess. (He transforms back into Vangelis.) Luckily, I have the perfect scapegoat. Or should I say, dragon. (He looks at Chompy, who is unconscious.)  Guards! (Hailmar and two guards come in.) There's been a terrible accident. The Princess fell into the Pit.

Hailmar: How?

Vangelis: It was that - that creature! (He points to Chompy.) It turned on her and attacked her. I want it locked up!

Hailmar: The Princess' dragon? Chompy?

Vangelis: You heard me. I want the beast locked up! Now! (Chompy wakes up to see the guards taking him into custody.) 

(Meanwhile, in the Pit, Cole, Amethyst, and Wu are still falling. Cole screams for a bit before stopping realizing that they haven't hit the ground yet. He looks up to see Amethyst and Wu who are screaming.)

Cole: Master Wu! Amethyst! Are you both okay?

Wu: What?

Cole: I said, are you both okay?

Wu: For the moment, yes!

Cole: Speed up! I can't hear you!

Wu: We're falling as fast as we can! You have to slow down!

Cole: How?

Amethyst: Use your Elemental Powers!

Cole: What?

Wu: Your Elemental Powers! Use your powers to slow down! (He flaps his arms.)

Cole: You really think that would work?

Wu: Yes!

Cole: Okay, here goes nothing. (He flaps his arms. Wu raises an eyebrow.) It's not working!

Vania: (She flies towards them with her wings.) Master Wu! Cole! Amethyst! 

Amethyst: Princess Vania?

Vania: I'm coming! But you have to slow down!

Wu: How?

Vania: Use your arms, like this! (She flaps her arms.)

Wu: (He does so, then stops.) Oh, what am I doing? (To Vania.) It's no use. That won't work!

Cole: (He sees some vines passing by.) I've got an idea. (He grabs a vine, but it breaks and hits Wu.) I need a bigger vine. (He grabs another, but it breaks when he slams into the walls.)

Wu: Cole! Stop playing with those twigs and stay with me and Amethyst! (They join hands.)

Cole: Gotcha.

Vania: Hang on. I'm almost there!

Cole: Are you sure those wings will hold all four of us?

Vania: No, but it's our only chance! Now reach! (Cole, Amethyst, and Wu grab her.) Gotcha! (She opens her wingspan and they start going up. But then the wings break off.) Oh no!

(Now all four of them are falling.) 

Cole: Oh, I was afraid of that!

Vania: What do we do?

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