The Darkest Hour

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(The Geckles, the Munce, and the ninja except Cole run from the Grief-Bringer, the skeletons, and the Skull Sorcerer.)

Murtessa: That horrible cry! That's Mief-Bringer, the dragon! No mistake.

Nya: You said Grief-Bringer was killed by some great hero!

Murtessa: It was! It's back. Skull Sorcerer must have reanimated it.

Coral: At least we got a heads start. We lost them over the lava. 

Gulch: (Panting and breathing incoherently.) 

Kai: What?! 

Izzy: (On Kai's shoulder.) Speak up! 

Gulch: The—the Strong-Cave. It's our. . . (pants) our only hope! (He points to the cave ahead of him.) 

Kai: Oh, finally, some good news. Guys—

Gulch: (He covers Kai's mouth.) Shh! Don't say it out loud! Do you want the Munce to hear?

Kai: Yeah, that's the point, Gulch! If we leave them out here, they'll get chewed up by that thing! Follow us, everyone! (Gulch sighs.) 

(Meanwhile, the Skull Sorcerer and his skeletons are still on the other side of the lava river.) 

Hazza D'ur: They flee into the mountain.

Skull Sorcerer: Bring it all down! (The Grief-Bringer smashes into the stalactites and creates a bridge across the lava.) After them. All of you! (The skeletons continue their pursuit.) 

(Menwhile, the ninja, Geckles and Munce take refuge in the Geckle Strong-Cave.)

Gulch: Cha. . . (panting) Chancellor Kai. . . you must order the cave sealed!

Kai: I have to actually say that? Okay, seal the cave! Now! (The Geckles turn the crank, slowly sealing the cave. Then the chain comes to a stop. )

Geckle: It's stuck! (The Re-Awakened come closer.) 

Nya: Forget the wheel! Cut the chain! (She, Murtessa, and Murt hit the chains with their weapons but Grief-Bringer and the Re-Awakened are coming too close.) 

Lloyd: They're not gonna get shut in time.

Jay: Then we better buy them some time! (Him, Lloyd, Kai, Zane, and Coral ready their weapons and shields, and go out to fight.) 

Lloyd: You—

Jay: —shall—

Kai: —not—

Zane: —be granted permission to traverse beyond this point. (The other four turn to look at him.)

Coral: Seriously Zane? You were meant to say "pass". 

Zane: Oh. (Grief-Bringer roars and the Re-Awakened charge at the ninja.) 

Lloyd, Jay, Kai, Coral, and Zane: Ninja, go! (They do spinjitzu and take out quite a few warriors.)

Kai: (He boosts Lloyd with his shield and blocks some spears with it.) Haha! 

(They continue to fight on through the warriors but are slowly surrounded.)

Coral: Look out! (They combine their shields to block Grief-Bringer's breath.)

(Meanwhile, Nya, Murt, and Murtessa continue to try to break the chain until a small dent is made. Murtessa leaps into the air and strikes down, breaking the chain, and allowing the rock door to fall.)

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