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(In the rice fields, the Crystal Temple floats high in the sky. Atop the Crystal Temple, Harumi is looking down below when the Overlord floats down from his throne and floats right next to her.)

Overlord: So, the ninja yet live. And now the Magenta Ninja has escaped.

Harumi: Forgive me, my lord.

Overlord: You should have destroyed her when you had the chance. But I see now, that you still connect with her and feel sorry for her on a deeper level. 

Harumi: That's not true! I hate—

Overlord: Silence! (Harumi turns away from him.) Nevertheless, this presents an opportunity. I was trying to destroy the ninja, but that would only unleash their powers, which, in time, might find new champions, such as the Master of Balance. But if I corrupted them instead, like I did with the Magenta Ninja's powers, then the rest of the powers of creation would be mine! And then the prophecy and the Master of Balance will never come to be.

Harumi: Then I must find a way to bring the ninja to you.

Overlord: No. I will handle that.

Harumi: How?

Overlord: I will strike at their precious city. They will do what they always do. They will come to me.

(Harumi silently sighs and has a slight bit of guilt in her. The Crystal Island floats towards the rice farm and the villagers stop everything they're doing and look up to see it.)

Villager #1: No way.

Villager #2: Look at the size of that thing.

(Meanwhile Kai, Cole, and Jay arrive at the rice fields riding in their vehicles.)

Cole: What exactly are we looking for?

Kai: I don't know. Master Wu didn't give us much of a description.

Jay: Sure he did. He said we couldn't miss it. He said it would be obvious.

Cole: Right, but obvious to him might not be obvious to ... (He then spots the Crystal Island and sharply stops his vehicle causing the others to sharply stops their vehicles too.)

Kai: Cole!

Jay: Yeah, what's ... (He and Kai look up to see the Crystal Island floating directly above them.) 

Cole: Master Wu was right. It's obvious.

(The Crystal Island's mouth opens and starts firing what seems to be boulders or cannonballs at the villagers.)

Jay: Are those boulders?

Kai: I don't think so. (The "boulders" suddenly transform into Vengestone Warriors which march after the villagers.) What are we waiting for? Let's roll.

Ninja: Ninja, go!

(As the villagers run away, Cole runs over several Vengestone Warriors and fires a blast from his vehicle's gun and blasts some Warriors away from two villagers while running over the rest.) 

Cole: That was close! Everyone okay? (He gasps as the Vengestone Warriors get back up.) Look out! Let's try this again. (He fires again at the approaching Vengestone Warriors.) Hey! Run! Get out of here!

(The citizens thank him and flee. Meanwhile Jay rides on his bike dodging the Vengestone army raining down. He fires electricity from his bike at the Vengestone Warriors, but it has no effect on them.)

☯☼🏮Ninjago: The Master of Crystal💎🏹✳Where stories live. Discover now