1. "I need to escape from here!"

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Stephen carefully scanned his surroundings, scrutinizing every detail with his eyes. He had fulfilled Catherine's requests diligently, double-checking everything. Finally, he prepared to leave for work under the pretext of going to the field for a few hours of labor. Simultaneously, he knew he had to keep an eye on his younger sister, Annabel.

Turning to Stephen with a disgruntled expression, Catherine asked, "Why did you do Annabel's chores?" Furrowing his brows, he uneasily settled into the chair. As he straightened his skirt, he reached for the red and white fan on the nearby side table, slowly fanning himself. The air was so hot that Catherine was sweating even without exerting herself. She waited for his response.

Stephen looked into Catherine's eyes and said, "Annabel is still too young. She can't handle these tasks." Catherine responded with a mocking smile, "She's a girl, she should do women's work. You're a man, you should do the heavy lifting."

Stephen, resolutely, said, "Annabel is only 8 years old. Can't you do it?"

Catherine, angrily retorted, "She will marry one day, serve her husband. She needs to learn these skills. And look at me. Look at my clothes. Do I look like a woman who would do work?"

Stephen knew his family's financial situation wasn't great, but Catherine would go on a big shopping spree every few months, splurging on jewelry, expensive clothes, and accessories.

Where does she get all that money from? Stephen wondered.

Not wanting to argue further, Stephen decided to close the discussion and concede to Catherine. "No, you don't. But I had one more request from you. It's not a job request, though," he said, knowing it wouldn't be accepted.

"What is this request?"

"I want to receive magic training, Miss Catherine, to protect myself and my loved ones."

Catherine scrutinized him with contemptuous eyes. "I don't think you'll be successful in magic."

"I'll work very hard, I'll make the most of the money you spend. Please..."

Catherine looked at Stephen mockingly. "I don't understand why Jason cares about you so much. You're not even his child. We don't even know whose child you are. Maybe you're some whore's child."

Stephen trembled with anger at Catherine's insult. He clenched his fist and shouted with rage, "How dare you call my mother a whore?!"

Raising his voice, his eyes blazing with fire, his body tensed.

Catherine replied with a threatening smile, "And how do you dare to speak to me like this? Look at me, kid. Get out of here, go to your room. Or you'll have to taste my fire." As she spoke, a sphere of fire suddenly appeared in her hand and she waved it menacingly in the air, "Seems like you've got some guts today."

Though filled with anger, Stephen restrained himself because he didn't fully know how to do magic. He didn't want to die just yet. The small hope within him gave him the will to live. He quickly formed a plan in his mind.

Since he entered adolescence, he knew he was adopted. He didn't resemble his father or his deceased mother. His father had hazel eyes and light brown hair, while Stephen had blonde hair and deep blue eyes. His father had a Roman nose and thick eyebrows, while Stephen was the opposite. There was no resemblance between him and his sister Annabel either.

He took a deep breath before speaking again, knowing he couldn't change Catherine's mind no matter what he did. He quickly walked away and went to his room. His sister Annabel was there, sewing Catherine's torn clothes.

"Welcome back, brother," she said with a smile. Her eyes sparkled with happiness when she saw her brother.

Stephen smiled tiredly and said, "Thank you. I've done the other tasks Catherine gave you, Annabel. You don't have to strain yourself." Seeing his sister's happiness gave him some energy.

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