The end of the beginning

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Brace yourselves guys

Takes place s3 e7


Darius had run from the other campers. They need to get to the boat, he hoped they wouldn't look for him and would just listen to what he said. He ran through the forest till he was out of hearing range from the other campers.

"Ben? Ben!" He yelled, careful to not be to loud so he wouldn't attract the Scorpius. "Ben?!" He started to yell a bit louder. "Ben!" He sighed when he heard a twig snap. He thought he had attracted the Scorpius Rex so he hid behind a tree when he heard a soft roar, the roar of the sinoceratops.(I think) He noticed it was acting weird, it seemed tired. He watched as it collapsed to the floor, swinging its tail around and giving him the perfect view to see the Scorpius' quill in its tail. He let out a sigh of relief and walked over to the dinosaur, crouching down. "Alright, girl. This is gonna hurt." He said as the dinosaur looked back at him. He grabbed the quill and took a deep breathe before pulling it out. He smiled for a second before he heard it roar, again, this time it sounded more angry. He dropped the quill and started running. Unfortunately for Darius, he ran to a cliff. He kept running and looked back, seeing the dinosaur had stopped chasing him. He stopped running and was at the edge He let out another sigh of relief when the cliff broke off. He let out a scream before he felt his wrist was grabbed. He looked up and saw Ben.

"What the heck are you doing?!" Ben said, a look of panic on his face.

"I'm here.. to save your life." Darius said, laughing awkwardly after. shocked that Ben had actually caught him. Ben pulled him up and dragged him back into the jungle before letting go of his wrist. He walked through the jungle, Darius following after him. "Ben, wait up! Ben, come on!" Darius finally caught up to Ben. "Okay, so we'll meet the others at the boat. If we go now, we'll be there by sunrise." Darius explained. Ben ignored him and kept walking. "Uh, Ben! Boats the other way." Ben continued to ignore him. "Ben! Are you even listening?" He sighed, annoyed. "Ben, stop." Ben stopped and turned back to him. "Look, I know you're worried. Bumpy could be anywhere."

"Exactly! She could be where the Scorpius is. I need to find her before it does." Ben said, looking dead serious. He hesitated to say the next thing. "If you wanna go to the boat, then go. Nobody's stopping you." He continued walking. Darius furrowed his eyebrows and followed behind him. After a while Darius started to call out Bumpys name.

"Bumpy? Bumpy!" Darius called out. Ben turned to him, looking pissed. He kneeled next to a berry bush.

"Do you want the Scorpius to hear you?" Ben asked, clearly annoyed. "Bumpys close. You can tell by the—" He was cut off.

"Drool, got it." Darius said, looking slightly disgusted.

"It's her favourite berry patch, it's where we first tried them together. Whenever she finishes here she usually moves on to the patch near the waterfall." Ben explained.

"Okay, then let's go to the waterfall." Darius started before Ben shushed him. Be turned back to see bushes moving and dragged Darius behind a tree. "Scorpios?" Darius asked, clearly concerned.

"No.. it's steps aren't that heavy." Ben stated, peaking out from behind the tree. "I think it's.." a blue ankylosaurus popped out from behind the bush and roared. "Bumpy!" Ben was relieved and went to hug Bumpy. Darius walked over with a smirk.

"I guess yelling her name did work." Darius tried to tease, Ben looked back at him, unamused. "Alright, now let's all get to the boat before—" Darius was cut off.

"Darius.. I uh.." he hesitated as Darius turned back to look at him. "I'm not going with you."

"Fine! Stay mad at me. We don't have to walk together, I'll stay ten paces behind you. Good?" Darius asked. "It doesn't matter how we get there, just that we get there."

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