A darker turn.

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Everything that happens after that scene happens in the book so time skip to when Darius got kidnapped (last chapter end note was foreshadowing btw<3 take that how u like)

TW: Abuse

(I'm so so so sorry for this but judging on the constant death threats to Darius in the actual show, if it wasn't for kids he probably would be abusive and I'm SO SO SO SORRY AGAIN FOR ANYONE WHOS HEAVILY DISTURBED BY THIS TOPIC)


3rd person Darius POV(if that makes sense)

Darius was in Kashes office trying to call his brother for help. Thankfully, he picked up.

"Brandon—" He started before he was cut off by someone grabbing the phone.

"Who the fuck are you?" The voice yelled as IT grabbed Darius' arm and turned him to face IT. "Start talking, kid."

"I-I'm—" Darius glanced at the phone and looked back at the ugly ahh man in-front of him. (I love kash slander) "the luckiest person alive! Finally, I'm saved!" He said, as he hugged the creature that had just took the phone from him, and DAMN DID HE STINK. (Okay I'm sorry I'll get serious now😔)

"Uhm.. what? That doesn't answer my question." He said, pushing Darius off forcefully, making Darius fall back against the desk again.

"I'm—" He hesitated for a moment. "I'm Darius Bowman. I come from Isla Nubla—"

"Do you seriously expect me to buy that? Isla Nublar was evacuated 6 months ago. You can't expect me to believe you survived that long, especially alone." Kash snapped.

"I wasn't alone.. I was with my dad—.. but he.." He put on his best act and started crying, the tears were real since he was thinking about his dads death, which wasn't on the island but Kash didn't need to know that. "He didn't make it.." He said, his voice cracking.

"Uh huh. I'm assuming you expect me to believe you destroyed a whole warehouse of Brads to." Kash said, unamused. Darius wiped his tears before speaking again,

"Those crazy robots who kept trying to kill me? Yeah, of course I destroyed them. Got 'em with one of those snow ATV's!" Darius replied.

"And why shouldn't I just kill you right now? You know to much." Kash said.

"I— know dinosaur behaviours and emotions. I could help you around here! I'm sure it's hard running a dinosaur island and keeping them in containment." Darius said.

"I already have someone for dinosaur emotions." Kash stated, skeptical.

"But.. do you have someone who knows dinosaur behaviours? Who knows why dinosaurs do stuff, their proper habitats? Who could also double as help?" Darius listed, trying to not get himself killed.

"I guess you could be useful.. More useful then those stupid unstable, easy to break brads." Kash said, glaring at Darius who nervously laughed. Kash walked past Darius and walked to the screen and window. Darius walked up beside him.

"You must have a lot of dinosaurs." Darius said, watching the fight go down. He felt guilty and nervous as he watched them.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Kash asked.

"Well, if you lose one every fight, you either have a whole lot of them or a ton of dough." Darius said, as a last chance attempt to save Pierce. Kash considered it for a moment.

"I guess you're right. Making these dinosaurs are pretty expensive." Kash said, reforming the drones to seperate the two dinosaurs. He sent Brads to knock them out on platforms that go to the medbay. Darius quietly let out a breathe he didn't know he was holding.  "The names Kash. You, come with me." He said, walking out of the room. Darius followed behind him. Kash stopped at a door and opened it, the room empty. "I'll drag a mattress for you later, if I'm feeling generous. You stay here until then." Kash said shoving Darius into the room and locking it behind him. Darius fell onto his knees as he was shoved into the room before standing up.

"Asshole," he mumbled under his breathe. He stood up and turned the light on, the room was small and completely empty. He wondered what this room could be used for anyways, and how was he supposed to help his friends now. Darius hoped that his friends wouldn't wait for him to come out and go back to Mae, if they're caught they might get in trouble to.

3rd person Ben POV

Darius has been in there for way to long. Why is no one else worried? He also changed the drones formations and they went back to their original formation. Why is nobody else noticing that? What if that monster is in there with him?

"Uhm, guys?" Ben asked, nobody paid attention to him. "Guys." Ben pushed, but nobody responded. The drones suddenly moved and separated the two dinosaurs.

"That's weird. Why would Kash stop them now?" He heard Brooklyn question.

"That means that Kash is in there with Darius!" Sammy said, a hint of panic in her voice.

"Fuck." Ben mumbled. "We can't just leave him in there!"

"We don't have a plan, Darius.. He's a strong kid. He can handle himself for now.. hopefully." Kenji said, trying to be reassuring and failing.

"We have to tell Mae. She'll know what to do." Brooklyn said, not even sure if that statement was true.

3rd person Darius POV

Darius was sitting in the corner of the room, bored. The door opened and Kash stood there, two Brads dragging a small mattress in.

"There, a mattress. Tomorrow, you're helping me out with some stuff." Kash stated as he shut the door, the Brads walking out with him.

"What have I gotten myself into.." Darius whispered to himself as he dragged the mattress into the corner he was sitting in. He sat down on the mattress and a spring poked him. "Shitty quality too. How can you afford to make dinosaurs and not afford a good mattress? The bed I had at Isla Nublar was better then this haystack." Darius mumbled, clearly annoyed at the shitty quality of the mattress. He decided he'd rather sleep on the floor, and so he did.


Not much abuse (thankfully) just him getting pushed and shoved a little bit next chapters gonna be a 😓 kinda chapter

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