Never again.

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I Like dinosaurs (Gore warning guys it's gonna be detailed so if ur uncomfortable skip the part I say to)


Darius woke up on the cold floor of his old room, he immediately sat up and felt his heart sink. Was it all a Dream? Was he really saved or was he just dreaming? He stood up and looked up at the Brad-X. In his 'Dream', Ben was able to talk to him through the Brad-X. Maybe he can still talk to him now.

"Ben?" He asked, quietly so Kash couldn't hear if he was outside his room. The robot looked down at Darius.

"You're awake." The Robot stated before continuing. "Are you okay."

"Yeah, I'm good." Darius responded, he knew that was definitely Ben.

"Don't worry, we'll get you out. For good this time." The robot said. Darius nodded. He didn't really know what to do now so he started fidgeting and talking to himself, hoping Ben might've been listening to him. Soon, the door opened.

"Who are you talking to?" Kash asked, walking in and glaring down at Darius.

"Myself." Darius responded. He didn't feel safe around Kash, he never did. Especially not now. He was honestly really scared but he tried his best not to show it.

"You're gonna regret thinking you could ever escape." Kash said, stepping towards Darius, the door shutting behind him. Darius felt his heart sink.

(Gore starts here)

Kash grabbed Darius' arm tightly, Darius winced and tried to pull away as he was dragged up and onto his feet. Kash threw him back down onto the ground, half his body hit the floor and half his body hit the squeaky mattress with springs poking out. His arm hit one of the springs which lodged itself into his arm, he let out a small scream and felt tears rush to his eyes. Kash had grabbed his shirt, roughly pulling Darius up. Darius screamed as he felt the spring rip through his flesh.

"W-wait! Please, it hurts!" Darius begged for Kash to stop, which only fuelled Kash's desire to abuse him more, just to get a reaction.

"You should've thought about that before locking me in Mae's cave, you fucking brat." Kash threw him against the wall, he hit the wall with a thud. Blood now stained the wall, both due to his arm and due to how he now had a new injury on his head from being thrown on the wall so harshly.

"P-please stop— I-I'm sorry! I won't do it a-again I swear!" Darius cried out as he tried to stop the blood, everything hurt. He felt so scared and so uncomfortable. Kash ignored his pleas and walked over to him again when the Brad-X started talking.

(Gore end)

"Power out in medbay. Power out in medbay. Power out in medbay." The Robot kept repeating. Kash groaned and turned around to leave.

"This isn't the end of this, kid." Kash left the room, the door closing behind him. Soon, the robot started talking again.

"I'm so sorry." The robot stated, "I couldn't protect you. Brooklynn hacked the system so the medbay would have no power. We're trying to buy you time, i'm coming."

"Wait— what? Ben you can't—" Darius was interrupted by the robot.

"This isn't up for discussion. I'm coming. I'm not gonna let that bitch touch you again." The robot stated. Darius tried to talk Ben out of it but the robot had stopped responding. He cursed to himself, he knew Ben was stubborn. He just hoped he could've stopped him.


After about 30 minutes, Kash returned.

(Not much blood But Ben beats the shit out of Kash)

"Alright, I'm back You Little shit. Now let's finish what we've begu—" Kash was Cut Off by a loud thud as he was hit in the back by a golf ball club. He doubled forward in pain, holding his stomach. Darius heard the golf club drop to the ground as Ben, who was standing behind Kash started to repeatedly hit Kash with his fists, when Kash tried to protest, Ben punched him in the face as hard as he could, breaking his jaw. Kash fell to the ground in pain and Ben climbed onto him and started stomping on the pained man.


"Oh my God, Ben stop!" Darius pleaded as he got up and lightly grabbed Ben's arm. "You're gonna kill him!"

"That's the plan." Ben said as he picked up the Golfball club and got ready to hit Kash as hard as he could.

"Ben! Don't. Please." Darius continued to plead with Ben, making him stop. (Unfortunately)

"Fine." Ben said as he stepped off of Kash's unconscious body. "But I still think we should starve him to death."

"We're not killing anyone, Ben."

"You're no fun." Ben said before he noticed the blood streaming down Darius' arm. He grabbed Darius' arm and looked closer at the wound. Darius winced when he grabbed close to the wound but didn't pull away. Ben soon noticed the blood dripping down his neck and found the second wound on his head. Ben turned around and was about to stomp on Kash one last time when Darius grabbed his arm and pulled him back.


"Sorry, sorry!" The Tone Darius had said his name in reminded him of his moms tone when he was in trouble. "What do we do with him then?"

"Lock him where he kept the baby dinosaurs." (Idk if I wrote they saved them yet but let's pretend they did)

"Sure, but how do we get him there? I'm sure as hell not carrying him down there or dragging him down there." Ben said as he looked down at the unconscious man.

"Yes you are." Darius said as he bent over and grabbed one of Kash's legs and started to drag him very slowly out of the room. Ben sighed and grabbed Kash's other leg, making the two boys move much faster.


By the time they were halfway to the elevator Ben told Darius to stop dragging Kash since he was hurt, so Ben had dragged him towards the elevator and all the way to one of the dinosaurs enclosures all by himself. (Simp)

"What if he gets out again?" Darius asked as Ben shoved Kash into an enclosure and shut the door.

"The dinosaurs didn't get out, don't think he's getting out either. I'll get Brooklynn set an alarm incase he does get out." Ben stated as he turned around. There was now an awkward silence between the two.

"Soo.. we should probably go ba—" Darius was cut off when Ben kissed him, completely out of the blue. When Darius got over his shock he kissed back, Ben wrapping his arms around Darius' waist. (Guys I can't write kiss scenes🙁 ྀིྀི) They pulled away from the kiss, Darius still in Ben's arms.

"Let's go." Ben said as he pulled away from Darius and walked away. Darius was slightly shocked. They literally just kissed and he's acting like nothing happened? Darius snapped out of his thoughts when Ben turned back to him and spoke again. "You good?"

"Yeah, i'm Fine." Darius said, running up to walk beside Ben.


I was really tempted to make Ben hold Darius' waist at the end as they walked or hold his hand🙁🙁

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