Over and over..

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IK SO SORRY LAST CUAPTER WAS BASICALLY JUST COPUED SND PASTED FROM THE SHOW BUT IT WAS LONG SO.. (it's not ok😔) I'm bored of copy and pasting from the show so let's just Timeskip a bit🥰 s5 e1 about halfway through.


"When Mr. Kon Said they have everything, I did not think they meant everything!" Sammy excitedly said.

"I know!" Brooklyn replied. "At least he wasn't lying about that." She mumbled, just loud enough for Sammy to hear.

"You think he's a liar?" Sammy asked.

"No— it's not that.. it just.. feels like he isn't 100% telling the truth." Brooklyn explained before continuing. "But Kenji was so happy to see him, I— I hate that I don't trust him but.."

"I get it, the guy runs mantah corp." Sammy replied.


The campers were all hanging out in the (game room? Idk..) when Daniel walked in, seemingly worried.

"Dad! Is—.. everything okay?" Kenji asked.

"Yeah, Just— getting rid of Kash leaves me with quite the mess to clean up." Daniel explained. "I hope you're all settling in okay."

"Why would we have to settle in?" Sammy questioned.

"We're going home, right?" Yasmina asked.

"About that.." Daniel started, "after the Jurassic world incident, the world turned on dinosaurs.. if anyone learns about this island, well.. these dinosaurs, and our family, all of us; could be in a lot of trouble." He explained. "Look.. Kash's way of doing things is over, and he will pay for what he did to Darius.." Darius gave Ben a worried look, Ben looking back at him the same way. "I know it's completely unfair to ask this of you, but if you can just give me a few days," the campers eyes widened. Ben put his hand on Darius' shoulder to comfort him. "I can arrange to get you home, safely but discreetly." Yasmina and Sammy shot eachother a worried glance. "You know, out of the public eye. If not for me, do it for Kenji." He finished. The campers looked at each other, contemplating their decisions.

"Okay.." Darius mumbled.

"Yeah, for Kenji." Sammy murmured. Hesitation was evident in both their voices.

"Ah, thank you so much. If you need anything, the brads can help you now, ready to go son?" Daniel asked as the two of them walked out.

"I just think it's a little weird we can't even call our families." Sammy said.

"I know, but if the world really did turn on dinosaurs, Mr kons right. This place needs to be a secret for their sake." Darius explained.

"What about our sakes?" Yasmina questioned.

"I don't even trust mr. Kon. What happened to what he said before about pierce? He tried to feed him to the dilophosaurus'!" Brooklyn said.

"I agree that was weird.. but he's gonna get us home so as long as pierce is safe now.." Darius said, clearly hesitant.

"You're hesitating, Darius. You know I'm right! He's not telling the—" Brooklyn was interrupted.

"Brooklyn, please calm down. You did this with hap to." Sammy said.

"But I was technically right! Hap may have not been the big bad guy behind it all but I still suspected him, and he was apart of the whole operation." Brooklyn argued.

"I say we ask Mae what she thinks." Ben suggested.


The campers looked around for Mae, but didn't find her. While they were in the medbay, Darius noticed big Eatie refused to eat. Brooklyn and Sammy went to where they were keeping Kash hostage.

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