It Is What It Is

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A couple months flew by quickly, Dally never regained his memories of me so far, we fight everyday, and I cry myself almost every night to bed. School is going fairly well and Olivia and I have been getting closer which is one out of two things going well in my life. The other thing going well is the other boys in the gang. Their friendly and lovely hospitality makes me feel belinged and safe. They're all like brothers to me and wonderful in their own ways.

"Ugh Ollie, why is she here again?" Dally groaned in annoyance as he joined me and her home.

"Dal-" she whined, "Isa is one of my best friends and you complain to much!" she scolded him. I could tell she wasn't afraid to stand up to her, that's one of her best traits. The one thing I lack.

"It's fine Ollie, I'll just take the long way home," I mumbled seperating myself from them and giving Dally a glare.

As I was walking away, I could hear Ollie telling Dal to take back his words and him whining like a newborn baby. These months have been harder without him. The old him.

He doesn't like being in my presence, and I just give him the same attitude in return. Yes his words hurt, yes it kills me not having  my bestfriend anymore, but I tell myself it's better this way. If it werent, things would be  a disaster.

"ISABELLA!" a New York voice shouted out. I turned around and saw him motion me over to him and Ollie as he wrapped an arm around her. I walked slowly back to them and was in my own world as they talked and laughed. I hated being the third wheel.

Later that night:

I sat on the porch reading my book, enjoying nature until I smelt a burning smell. To my left, I saw Dally leaning on tve door frame smoking a cigarette.

"Watcha want?" I questioned and put my book down.

"Wanted to annoy ta that's all," he smirked and chuckled at his own joke. I rolled my eyes and set them on the sunset ahead of us.

"Hey," he said catching my attention. The sun hitting his oh so handsome face creating a beautiful hue on him. His brown eyes lit up as the yellow-orange colors reflected on them.


"I remembered something about you."

Holy shit. Is he for real? Was it good or bad?

"Oh really? What do ya remember?" I replied trying to play it cool.

He smirked....


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