Not All Good Things Happen in Threes

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As Alex tore up the street, pushing the limits of the old Mustang and swerving through traffic, a certain song came on the retrofitted CD/AUX player he had installed in the car. One he and Freya had both enjoyed when she was still around. 

The old Commander Cody and his Lost Airmen song "Hot Rod Lincoln" fit the mood all too well. After all, he was "Passing cars like they was standing still", just like in the song. He just hoped the part by the end about the cops bagging him wouldn't be quite as accurate to reality. 

He arrived at the convention within 25 minutes of the call from Bonnie and pulled into the garage. Wasting no time, he jumped out of the car when he saw Bonnie hiding in the garage. 

Alex: "Hey Bonnie. You alright?"

Bonnie: "I'm fine, but they're definitely looking for me on breaks. We had to close early things were so bad with the other two."

Alex: "Son of a bitch. I had hoped for some time to search for Foxy without interference from the other two. Anywho, I'm going to go relive Marcus, get him clear of the crossfire, then return here." 

Bonnie: "Alright, be careful."

As if on second thought right before he headed out, he handed Bonnie the keys to his car. "If they find you, lock yourself in the car. If it gets really bad, take off. We don't need a second Anime-Tronic going down."

Bonne looked stunned that he would trust her with the vintage car, and even more so that he would let her drive alone. "You sure?"

Alex's expression was all she needed to see. "If you need to move, meet me out front at 6. I'll more than likely be bringing Foxy with me, as I don't trust them to be left with Foxy possibly still out of commission. I'll talk to Marcus about closing tomorrow to give us time."

Bonnie nodded and watched as Alex removed a pair of items from the trunk of the 429. One was a set of tools, and the other, she couldn't make out.

"Take care of her for me, alright?" Alex said as he paused right before leaving the garage. 

Bonnie gave a stout nod and climbed into the car.

With that, Alex turned and ventured into Marcus's office. 

Marcus: "Hey Alex, you're massively early. It's only 7:30, and your shift starts at 10."

Alex: "I know, but Bonnie told me of an incident and that you had to close early, so I figured all hands on deck."

Marcus: "Good incentive, but we have it handled. But since you're here, if you want to start early, then feel free to. I'll get outta here, lock up, and let you do your thing."

Alex: "That would be appreciated. You may also have to close tomorrow though."

Marcus was obviously confused, so Alex continued: "When Bonnie called me earlier, she said something about Foxy being out of commission, and I'm afraid that if she went out, the others could be on the verge of failing naturally as well. I just need time to run maintenance checks, and make sure they can still perform."

Marcus: "I see. So that's what the note Foxy left meant. Well, call me in the morning, and we can play it from there, ok?"

Alex: "Perfect. See you later then Marcus."

Marcus: "You too Alex."

With that, Alex left Marcus's office and beelined towards Pirate's Cove. When he found the door locked, he used one of the many keys on his hip to unlock the door and step inside. And what he saw was utterly appalling.

The oil looked sickeningly like blood in the slightly red, dim lighting of the cove, and it was everywhere. There was parts strewn all over the stage, where the oil splatters were the densest. There was oil several feet up the props around the stage, and even some on the roof of the cove. It looked like what a slasher movie's gory wet dream would be.

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