Invading McDonald's.

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This is Sekidos POV !!


We decided to go to McDonald's after their house exploded into flames, because SOMEONE decided to throw a literal BOMB at it. I don't know what the FUCK he was thinking, but on the way there I was yelling at him and he was just giving me the side eye. When we got there someone held the door open for us and Zohakuten gave him the side eye, like he gave me. We went inside and I saw Aizetsu looking at a sign, he then turned to me, "SEKIDO! THEY COLLABORATED WITH JJK!! BUY ME A HAPPY MEAL!" I paused and shook my head. Does this kid seriously want me to buy him a happy meal?I'm not rich. "I'm not buying you a happy meal." Aizetsus face dropped, "Please...? I'll tell you where I got JJK in Spanish from!" I immediately nod and run over to the desk, but then turn to Aizetsu, "What do you want in it?" I ask. He pauses for a second to think and then responds with the most complex order ever, "A cheeseburger with letus, but not too much, less than normal. Burn the patty, and extra sesame seeds. Oh and add ketchup, a little below the patty and a little under the patty." I turn to the worker, dumb founded, he nodded, good thing he got it, cause I didn't. I then turn back to Aizetsu, "And for a drink?" I ask him, "Apple juice." Plain and simple, got it. The worker nods to me and turns to go do whatever McDonald's workers do... What a strange species. Before he walks away I say, "You better not mess this up, Roger... I need to know where he got JJK in Spanish from... Cause... You know... Avocados from Mexico!" Roger looked scared and nodded again, "Yes sir!" He said, before running back screaming, "MAX, I WAS JUST FUCKING THREATENED AGAIN, TWO SIX IN ONE DAY! I BROKE YOUR RECORD!" I stared, dumbfounded, then turned to see Manami and Karaku ordering big macs, and Zohakuten and Urogi ordering some random complex burger. Emiko looked overwhelmed by them all ordering at the same time. She wrote down all their orders and then walked to the back. I walked over to Aizetsu, "Wait, where's Urami?" He asked me, I responded with a shrug. Right then someone fell through the roof, followed by a big explosion. Urami jumped up, "Uhm... There's a bird man up there and a big rock just-" He paused, "Well, are we still ordering McDonald's?" Emiko and Roger came back to give us our food and we sat where the explosion hit and ate our food. Somehow there wasn't any fire, which doesn't make sense, but this is a stupid fan fiction, so who cares? After that we went back to our house and forget it exploded so we invaded the McDonalds workers house, I don't know where Karaku got the address from, but he went up on the roof after we were done eating... So, I guess he got it from someone up there? Also, Aizetsu got a Gojo figurine.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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