Girlfriend ?

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Vanessa POV

I got ready for the fundraiser in a beautiful looking red dress. I am not still sure why I am doing this and I know for sure that it would be awkward and weird, but its for a good cause, that's what I am telling myself.

I stopped my overthinking and just decided to go with the decision. I have already made my all-time Punctual brother late. I know he may not tell me anything, but being late just irritates him.

I quickly applied my Lip gloss looked at mirror one last time, and left my room. As I was going down the stair to my living room, as expected my brother was waiting, moving around from one corner to another which is his habit to calm him down, but the moment he saw me, he has a bright smile as if he was not at all irritated. My brother does love me a lot. So do I, I have lucked out in sibling's department.

" You look so beautiful Van " He smiled at me and we both left for the fundraiser.

Since I was participating on the bidding, I had to go to another room , so my brother left me there and went to the main ballroom. As I was patiently waiting on the backstage, I looked around, and all the girls were so beautiful, I was sure that the charity is going to earn a hell lot of donations. The girls were getting bid for going on dates and as expected, the donations coming were quite a lot.

Soon it was my turn to go on the stage, I regrouped myself and kept saying that I am doing this for charity, and as less awkwardly I can, I went up the stage and smiled. There was so much light coming on the face, that I could hardly see anyone from the crowd. I did my introduction and heard the bids, that's where I felt nervousness at peak. I was not sure who was bidding , who would I end up with, what if its some old creepy billionaire, with all that thoughts going on, I didn't realised the bid was finalised.

"50,000$ going 1,..... going 2,......3 and sold."

"Ms. Vanessa Andy is sold to the most Handsome and Eligible Bachelor tonight Mr. Ryder Smith. Congratulations to Ms. Vanessa, for being the highest bid for this event tonight " MC Announced.

I started to go down from stage, when I saw the most unexpected person, my most recent friend, who had saved me once and considering today, twice he has saved me. To be honest I was relieved to see Ray here, but than the realisation hit me with what MC had announced. He is not just Ray, he is The Ryder Smith , the most eligible bachelor. I was super angry , and I think he saw it on my face.

" why would you lie to me?" I asked

Before he could answer, my brother came and I connected the dots of who he is and also saved him from my brother. Before I can say much, I was pulled in a warm friendly hug by none other than Sebastian. I can recognise his warmth all the time. You can already tell I have a tiny tinny big ass crush on Sebastian, but I was always his best friend only. I never expressed my feelings, I would rather have him as my best friend, than nothing at all.

Suddenly I heard a cough and was pulled back from my favourite warmth by Ray. Oh Ray, yes I have to go on date with him. With Sebastian in the vicinity I tend to forget lot of things.

"Well of course, you have something that I want and I want it back" he said to Ray while looking at me, which were giving me chills down the spine, All I could do was smile at him, I never though Sebastian would claim me like this. I was just too happy to properly hear what Ray said, but I did catch it

"You are not coming near my girlfriend even for a second, you asshole "

"Girlfriend?" I quizzed. When did that happen. Why of all day today, when Sebastian is finally coming close to me that Ray has decided to screw it up for me.

I could see the shocked faced of my brother and Sebastian, though Sebastian looked little angry also. I myself shocked, looked at Ray, who is right beside me having his arm around my waist, if anyone looks at us right now, it would look like we are a couple. When I looked at Ray, I could see anger, confusion, irritation, and a plead for me to continue with the fake story he had just started.

I didn't want to. Especially not in front of Sebastian of all the people.

"Girlfriend? When did you guys come in a relationship? Van why did you not tell me anything? Are you sure he the right one? like look around I am sure you could find someone else "and my brother just randomly pointed at Sebastian while asking me.

"Yes Van, there are many other options, why him, I have heard a lot of his playboy stories, I don't want your heart broken when u fall in love for the first time, come with me Van " Sebastian said.

"What the fuck Noan, you know me for so many years, we are best friends and you don't trust your sister with me but with some stranger?" Ray had completely ignored Sebastian, as if he is not even there.

" Please , Please tell them Vanessa, tell them we are together" Ryder said, but I could see the plead and helplessness in his voice, I know this fake story is going to create a lot of drama in my life, but as I said before, he has saved my life twice, this is the least I can I do for him . I am sure he must have his own reasons, which I would make him speak up, but as of now, I have to stand by my Man. My man, sounds good.

I chuckled thinking that, and quickly hold Rays other hand and announced the people around something I never thought I would even do

"Yes! We are dating each other "

"What ", "why" "how " " she is a bitch " " he got lucky "

When I heard a lot of opinions is when I realised that I was not that subtle and in fact quite loud, that all of Noan and Ryder's friend group were now surrounding us , wanting more gossips.

"Everyone, Ryder is correct, we are in a relationship, he was the one who saved me when we first met and from there on has my heart. Soon after we met again and eventually we did end up in a relationship"

Everyone around us started cheering for us, " Kiss Kiss Kiss Kiss "

I looked at Ray nervously who was looking back at me uncertainly as well. Since I have agreed to all this I might just do it completely, I thought and with that I pulled Ray by his tie and Kissed him on his lips. I don't know where this confidence in me is coming from, maybe the couple few champagnes I had back stage to calm myself, or something else, I could feel Ray was first too shocked to respond to my kiss, he never expected me to do something especially in front of people, but I didn't give him chance to respond or get comfortable, it was a short kiss.

After the Kiss, I look at Ray, He looked Shocked, happy,disappointed. confused, unsatisfied, and for some reason I even saw lust in his eyes wanting more from me, but I am sure that's all in my head. I could feel Ray being much relaxed after my answer. My brother had lot of questions for me, but he kept quite as of now, he may not be happy for he was not sad with the current situation either

Only person who was not happy was Sebastian, he looked confused and hurt, he looked me in the eyes as if I have betrayed him somehow. I did not like that feeling at all. I saw he was leaving and as I was about to go to him , I was pulled into yet another warm hug, which for some reason made me feel secured and good. I looked up and I saw a very happy and smiling Ray looking down at me.

"Thank you " he murmured

" We need to talk " I replied

" We will I promise " and with that he just pulled me into another tight hug.

I have to be honest, I loved Ray's hugs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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