Let's go party !!!

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Vanessa POV

It has been one long Month for me coming to my dad's office working, and it was made sure by my dad that I enjoy the work but also remember that it was a punishment. I had to do the office admin work and even the technical work but after doing it for sometimes, my interest in cars and machines have increased now. Cars are so fun and sexy and I love the way the car machines work together. This Month passed by smoothly than my expectations. With Jade becoming my new best friend at office, I have been introduced to almost every person working here but there are still few people who I have not met yet, I wonder where they are? My life cycle has become Office- Home-Sleep-Repeat. Starting first week was Exhausting but now I have started getting the hang of what's going on in the office.

Since it was a weekend, we all decided to go party my first Month completion and to go clubbing on Friday night. I am so excited; it has been a long time that I have gone clubbing. Maybe 2 or 3 years, since my best friends moved to different states, Ughhh!! I miss them so much. Anyways as It was my joining party, I wanted to look extra good and sexy and hence I rushed home to get ready and I raided my closet and started searching something nice to wear. I have plenty of dresses but I did not like for the party. I called my best friends Kacy and asked her opinion for what to wear, I know we are typical girl best friends. At the end we decided on the LBD, as all girls say, a little black dress never goes wrong, and luckily I had exactly the dress I wanted.

Dad and Mom were already there waiting for me, "you look beautiful honey" my dad said, Mom agreed. "Thank you Mom - Dad, I love you guys so much "I hugged them. While I was about to leave, dad called me "Vanessa I forgot to tell you, next week you are going to New York and you are handling the office there for next Month or two."

I just blankly stared at him not understanding, "Dad I just joined office for a month, how am I supposed to Handle New York office, it's one of the largest office after the one we have here in LA. Also what about my studies, my classes start next Month?"

" Don't worry Vanessa, everything is handled, I have my best man there ready to guide you into business and as for your studies we have spoken with your teachers and they agreed for the recorded online Classes for you which you can attend everyday"
"But Dad, why am I going to New York ? You know I am studying Psychology and not Business, and where will I stay there? You want me to spent on the Hotel charges for months? "

" Vanessa, Dad must have thought something , if he is sending you to New York right? Also you will be staying with your brother, did u forget your brother owns his house in New York?" My mom said.

I was Happy to learn that I will get to stay with my Brother and hence I simply agreed to Dad's Decision." Okay Dad, if you want, I will go, but for now I am getting late for the party, Bye guys love you!" and with that I went outside, took my Car and went or pick up Jade.

"You look Hot Babe, you sure you don't want to drink and be the designated driver? After all the party is for you right?" Jade asked as we drove towards the club. We decide to party at the club called "Tryst" it's one of the best clubs in LA.

"Thank you, but look at you, look you sexy Babe, and yes I am sure I won't be drinking, and don't worry I am crazy without alcohol also "We reached the club not long after, of course we had reserved the VIP Rooms and hence no standing in any queues. As we entered our room, many of the office people had already arrived and had started drinking. The club I was amazing, classy decors, amazing music and one of the best dance stages I have seen.

"You going down for the dance Van? seeing how happy you look right now, it's like a kid in a candy store, just go down there, dance your way, I know how much you love to dance" Jade said

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