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Ryder's POV

As per my routine, I was checking up on all my Clubs. Yes, I am a billionaire, but it's something not many people know, and I like to keep it that way. There once was a time where I was Famous, but that time I was very young, and you can say puberty hit me hard, hence not many recognize me now.

I come from a rich family, my dad built his company "Smiths& Co" from the base level and got it to the level where the company is on Forbes 100 companies in USA.I love the business and I am handling the Hotels, clubs, restaurants, the airline and Manufacturing section, whereas others are handled by my elder sisters and father. I have 2 elder sisters, who are elder by 3& 5 years from me. Having elder sisters is like having additional sets of parents who are stricter to you than my actual parents.

Anything I do in my personal life is subject to the permission of my sister, or that's what they say me to do, but me being me, I run away when I see my sisters. Don't get me wrong, I love them to death, and I know they love me like their own child, but I am not a child anymore, I am 25 years old adult. They trust my decisions in business, but for my personal life they feel that I am unable to decide for myself, hence even if I love them the most, I am scared too.

They are not wrong to worry, I had one serious relationship for the past decade, with my high school sweetheart, only for her to be cheating on me for more than half of our relationship span. The day I was going to propose, I surprised her and came to her house, but to my surprise, I saw her with one of my Business Competitor in her bed, sharing their intimate moments.

I could not believe my eyes, but then again, it was reality. Many times my friends kind of gave me hints, but I trusted my girlfriend, but after witnessing myself, I just left her place, broke up with her, which she was happy for. But that incident had left a scar in my heart. I don't believe in love. I have become workaholic for the past year and spending the remaining time drinking so that I could sleep without any bad dreams.

Anyways, I am about to complete my work at "Heaven "one of the famous clubs owned by me, when the manager at the "tryst" Called me, saying that we are in short of Bartender and since its Friday, backup is not possible. I reached "Tryst" and the manager was haywire since shortage of staff

"Peat, don't worry for the bar tender, I will handle that, you help in the other shortage of staff" Peat takes a sigh of relief and thanks me. I went to my office, and quickly changed from my business suit to comfortable bartender uniform. As I reached my station, I could tell the crowd is lot today, I quickly started to take the orders and give the drinks to the customer. I saw 2 women approaching the bar, as they are settling, I went to get their orders, "What can I get you beautiful ladies today?"

The ladies are weird, one just gasped looking at me and other one is just smiling. I know I look good and I have such effect on girls, but I don't like such reactions. The smiling girl quickly said "Well hello Handsome, you can get me a Dirty Martini, and for her, are you free? My friend is single and looking at her, I am sure she is interested what's say?"

I almost laughed at that, she is a good friend I can say. The girl came out of her trance quickly saying" what? Please don't listen to my friend, she is drunk, can I just get a Diet coke please, thank you!"

I just quickly went to get the order, since there are other orders to attend to and gave it to the ladies. As the night was going on, later the weird lady from earlier came again, this time with a nice looking guy, I was happy for her. He may not be as handsome as me, but he was not bad at all.

They placed their order, a she left for washroom I guess, I quickly gave their drinks, and turned to get other orders from peoples, where in my side eyesight, I caught a movement. I turned and saw that the nice guy earlier mixed some tablet into the diet coke of the weird girl that went to washroom. And before I could do anything she came back, looking happy and giving puppy eye face full of love and admiration to guy who mixed her drink. I had already alerted the bouncer for the guy.

She was about to drink her diet coke, when I stopped her and told her I will get her the Virgin Bloody Mary, she agreed at my insistence and I quickly went to make one of my fastest drinks. As I am I coming to give her drink, I realised she had already had half of her diet coke.

I quickly threw away the glass from her hand and that seemed to have angered her, she is yelling at me for something, which I didn't hear, I was very angry and livid. I turned to the Guy and punched him hard that he fell down.

""You better tell her the truth or I surely tell her and show her evidence, we have CCTV everywhere, so Man up and tell her Bastard, tell her what you did?'

The guy was looking scared and angry any me for punching him and spoiling his plan, he quickly stood up and ran in crowd, but the bouncers had taken him in custody and had informed the police about him. As I was going after the guy, Suddenly the girl fell in my arms said "Help me pleaseeee" before she collapsed right in my arms.

I was so confused and didn't knew what to do. I quickly took the girl in my office and laid her down on my office couch and let her sleep there. I instructed everyone to not come to my office and I went out in search of her friend, but after a lot of searching, she was nowhere. I let the girl sleep in my office and I completed my work. Soon it was time to pack up and I quickly went to my office, praying the girl had woken up, but to my dismay, she was still sleeping. Whatever drugs that guy put, it was strong enough even if she had consumed only a little.

I cannot leave here like this in the office it's not safe and she would be scared if found like this in office once she wakes up. After much thinking the only solution was for me to take her to my place. Don't get me wrong, I have no intention of doing anything with her. She is beautiful, no doubt in that. She has great height, long black hairs, beautiful black eyes, completely opposite to my type, I liked blonde girls who are petite. So I did what any responsible man would do, took her in my arms, and went to my car, she didn't even realized the movements, placed her in my car and took her to my place. I had many guest rooms, so I placed her on the bed in the room near to me and went to my room, changed and the exhaustion got me quickly and I went to sleep.

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