First day

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Vanessa POV

Dad has assigned Jade, to help me around the office. Jade is a beautiful girl, she is nice to me and is patiently explaining me all the basic notes I need to know.
At the garage of the race course the majority working were males, it was Only me, Jade& one more woman working for the finance team. Jade was a very efficient person and taught me each work that I may have to do in future. She explained me how the betting bills are being generated, printing of such bills and giving it to customers, filing etc. Later I was even given the induction to all departments including some technical work in cars. I would say, it was quite interesting learning the technical part, I enjoyed it but at the end, it would make me cover in car oil..yeww!
Not that I am full on girlish but I at least believe in staying clean.

As the day passed I was made to learn some new things and some inductions, which made my office time easy and relaxing, but I knew this all work was just a start, there is way long way to learn all this properly and not all days would be this relaxing.

Well as it was my first day, dad allowed me to go home early than other employees which I was so thankful of. I was so tired doing small works and learning of different departments that when I left the Race course all I could think about was my bed and me on top of it!
I wanted to rush to my car and take myself home, but had no energy to rush, I was slowing walking towards the parking lot , immersed in my own world that I accidentally bumped into something strong or someone strong !He was in hurry I guess because he didn't even wait to apologize or say anything and just went on his way. All I could see was a well-built Back of a stranger who had the Dark Blue Hoodie which had UCLA written on its back. He was from my university.
Anyways I was tired, I just went to my car and drove home. As soon as I reached home ,Mom greeted me with a proud smile on her face. I was so happy to see that expression on my mom's face, I decided I would complete this punishment for 2 months with my full efforts. Me and my mom Sat and discussed how my day was at work. That's when I found that I had two very weird events today
1) The guy that saved me from falling -the brown eyes guy
2) The guy I Bumped into..-the hoodie guy who was from same university as me or at least I thought he was. In both the cases I was not able to see their faces, But with both of them I felt sparks that I have never felt before! I thought I was just shivering because of the High AC.

I had my dinner and went straight to my room, and as soon as I saw my bed I just ran and jumped on my bed. Sleeping on bed was never so good like it was today.
Maybe because today I actually did work something ,Whatever it is I just smiled ,closed my eyes and sleep took over.

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