Fundraisers and Introductions

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Yayyy!! Finally the awaited chapter comes...this chapter is from the Ryder's POV.

Ryder POV

It was late in evening when we landed in NYC, the sunset in NYC was breathtakingly beautiful. I quickly took my car and tried to reach my penthouse soon. But there is nothing quick in New York, because of its traffic. It took me quite some time but finally I reached my apartment. This place is one of my first purchase, it's my home, that I had bought with my own money. Nobody comes to this place except for my family.

I quickly took a hot shower and changed into a Black Tuxedo, with white inner shirt and black bow tie. I had my diamond studded cufflinks, which had my initials on it, with my black shoes and my Rolex Watch. Today's function is an invite only and I am attending as a Heir of the "Smiths& Co." along with my sisters.

I checked the time, I am already running behind, I quickly called my driver and we started from my place and went to my sister's place as I am picking up both my sisters. We all arrived little late, my sisters got out of the car first, taking the media with them, leaving me to get inside the hall in peace and away from the paparazzi. It's all thanks to my sisters that I am able to do this for years now and I am forever grateful to them.

As I reached the fundraiser hall, I was immediately talking to my associates, soon my sisters also joined me. Taking a glass of champagne from the waiter passing by, I flowed through the crowd, mingling with everyone.

Soon I found my friends from School and University.

"Hello guys, it's so good to see you all after so long "I greeted them all. It really had been along time I met all of them together, since we all have busy schedules, we love to meet at such fundraisers where we have little privacy from media.

" Where is the Top lawyer of New York?, I see he is not as punctual as he says he is" I asked about my best friend Noan Andy to the rest of them.

" Asshole, I am right behind you , and I am actually more punctual than someone here who is always late to everything , may it be the parties or meetings " Noan said from behind. I turned and was engulfed in a most love filled hug from Noan, we both have always been like brothers and meeting him after so long feels great, I may have missed him, but we never say that to each other's face, I guess it's just guys thing.

" How are you Mr. Lawless Lawyer? As you as ruthless in court as the rumours have been going on ?"

" Yes, in court I am as ruthless as you may have heard, so you better be on my good side only"

" I know you would never be ruthless towards me, anyways tell me what made the Mr. Perfect in everything Mr. Late today " I laughed

"Don't get me started, it's because my favourite sister is in town and I had to get her to this fundraiser and you know how much time a girl takes In getting ready, especially if she is going to be the part of fundraiser bidding"

" Ohhh yesss, your sister , Ven something right ? how is she ? where is she ? she is participating in the Date bidding ? How in the hell did the Elder brother allow that?"

"It Vanessa Ryder, how do you become a Billionaire and not remember names ? and in my opinion, this is a bad idea, but she is an adult now, and I have realised she needs to have her life and live it and if she wants to be part of this fundraiser, I am not stopping her, but if there is a creep bidding for her, I am going to double that bidding "

I laughed, I can understand his feelings, I have two very head strong elder sisters, but that doesn't let me be relaxed when they are around people who can harm them in anyways, but then I have to also give them the space they want in their personal life, its such a conflicting feeling.

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