Chapter 1 Introduction (Part1)

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Vanessa POV

Well today was the last day before the summer break starts. All were very much excited, except me since I have to join my dad's Business from next day. I know it sounds tiring, but it cannot be helped, it's a punishment for not scoring good marks in Calculus. I swear, I hate that subject.

Anyways Here I was sitting on my couch watching television and thinking how my first day will go? And what should I wear? how the staff will react on my presence etc. To be honest I think a lot. You can say I am a complete Over thinker. The over thinking is so much that I can make up stories and conversations with anyone in my head, but then I am also Ambivert Person.

For people who don't know what's an ambivert, in simple language it means we are Introverts to Outsider but extroverts to our own close circle. And it takes lot of time for any person to come in my Close circle.

Next day I woke up and I looked at the watch its 7.30 am, and I am already late for my First day if, if I don't get ready in next 30 mins. The best part is, my new boss, my dad Hates people who are not punctual. I ran to my room bathroom and came out being ready in 25 mins. I had 5mins to grab something to eat I took my apple and was about to leave when my mom walked in kitchen she smiled at me and wished me all the best! My Mom is the best. She knows this punishment is necessary, but she takes care of me like a princess. But I would still crib to her that she loves my Brother More.

Yes, I have an elder brother who is 26 years old and also the Star of the family. Straight A student, Basketball Team Captain, got into the best university and now is handling his own Law practice and has his own Law Firm. He stays in New York, hence he is in long distance relation with us being in LA, but we always are talking to him and he visits in holidays.

Well coming back to me, with the late start of the day, All I hope is my that the rest of day goes better.

I thanked my mom and left for my first day at work. I took my Honda Accord, which I love, but my Dream Car is the Porsche 718, 2 seaters, beautiful and slick. Dad was going to Gift me that Car for my 18th Birthday, but I declined, This Car I want to buy on my own.

I don't know anything of what was I supposed to do at the race course, as I am doing a A psychology major from UCLA. And for some reason we have calculus for this semester which I am hating, well I am hoping dad will not be taking my punishment seriously and tell me not to come after 2-3 days. I started, my car and try to reach the Race course quickly, because I have only 10 minutes with me to park and report my dad wait!
or my boss??Whatever it is...!!
I quickly parked my car and was about to enter the Race course office but, there was some machine oil I didn't see before as I was looking at my watch...Stupid me!! uughh!!! And I slipped.

I screamed and was about to fall when two strong arms came to my rescue and saved me. When I opened my eyes, I was looking at the most beautiful pair of dark brown eyes, I was so much mesmerized in those Chocolate eyes that I forgot that I was in the arms of a guy!!

I quickly stood up and checked myself and my clothes to be proper and when I looked up to thank the brown - eye guy, he was nowhere, as if, that guy was never here on the first place...where did he go?? WEIRD!!

Well what a start of a day with almost a fall and saved by a mesmerizing brown eye boy disappearing like a ghost!

I quickly went to my dad's office & knocked, I heard my Dad call me in and I was greeted by my happy father, well after all I am his princess.

Well now I think this job won't be that bad. Well I am hoping it to be good and that I enjoy this time spent with all different people and my dad. I am so ready to embark this new journey from Today.

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