Chapter Three

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My run of sobriety, and being better lasted for three days. That is until, tuesday. Jacob and I, as we did every tuesday went to lunch with each other. Sitting across from him, I'd never felt so far away from him. He took a bite of his BLT.

"I have to tell you something." He said, folding his hands in his lap. I set my fork down in my salad. I looked to him.

"You were my first love, I love you, and I've always loved you, I always will love you. But, I think we should stop seeing each other." I choked on my lettuce.

"Why?" I snapped. He sighed, averting his eyes.

"Millie." I said, answering my own question. Millie, the reason I'd slept with Will, Millie, the reason we'd been fighting that night. Millie, who had known Jacob longer than me. Millie, who dressed to show off her body. Millie, one of Jacob's best friends. And Millie, who I overlooked, so I could pretend I wasn't losing him. Jacob sighed. He didn't give me an answer. I stood up, looking at him one last time.

"Aaliyah, I..." He started, I shook my head.


That is when my run of sobriety, ran out. I slammed the door behind me of the sandwich shop. I broke into a run, my sneakers slapping the pavement. I'd ran for two blocks, I collapsed onto a bench. I pulled my phone from my pocket, I knew I was supposed to be going to cheer practice after school, I was supposed to be driving back to school in five minutes. But I wasn't going to do either of those things. I wrenched the case off my phone. The sticky note fell out. I punched the numbers into my phone, and it rang once, twice, three times. Before there was an answer.

"Hello?" His voice, was breathy. As if he'd run up stairs to answer the phone.

"Is it still my choice?" I asked, hoping he'd know what I was getting at.

"Yes." He replied, not pausing a second.

"Well, I lied, never is a pretty final word, but.. you know." I trailed off, blushing. I had no idea how to ask, what I was asking. I heard him sigh.

"Is this your round about way of asking me to fuck you again?" He asked. I nodded, then felt like an idiot. He couldn't see me, so I just replied:


"Come over." He said, and the line clicked. I blushed. I realized, I was more of an idiot than I felt like. I had driven my own car, to meet Jacob. But now I had ran two blocks from it. Luckily, running laps every tuesday for an hour, made me into a track star. I ran back, faster than the time before. Running too something, instead of away from something.


Will, still lived with his parents. Meaning, he still lived with Jacob. But I had just seen Jacob, and I knew his parents were normally gone until later at night. As much as Sarah and Don loved me, they would hate me if they knew what I was about to do. Unlike my family, Sarah and Don did not have security cameras. So I knocked on the door, blatantly. Will answered it within seconds.

"I saw your car." He said, as way of greeting. He was wearing no shirt, and only gray sweatpants. I raised my eyebrow.

"Did you just wake up?" I asked him, my form of greeting. He nodded.

"Your call, woke me up." He said.

"You were breathing heavy though." I said. He smirked.

"I may or may not have been doing something to wake myself up." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes, understanding dawning on me two minutes later.

"Jesus, your innocent." He said, when my eyes widened. I blushed, tell me something I didn't know while your at it.

I found it surprisingly hard to know what to do, once were in his room. I suppose, the last time I had the benefit of alcohol, and too much kissing and touching to help me. We're sitting next to each other on his bed.

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